Leona Salto
Miss Claws

LOCATION: Abregado
Core World
Abregado was in the deep core of the galaxy, and it was full of smugglers and brigands. The place was lawless, and many of those with bounties and a mark on their head would seek refuge there. Walking in the space port was Girl wearing her shades, her gray and black cat suite, with exposed belly and lower back was moving as if she was on a vacation resort. The onlookers would notice that she carried herself with a solemness that seemed at odds with her looks. She came to the Cantina, which was infamous for its rowdies, shoot outs, and well, entertainments. If her target was inclined to be anywhere, it would be there. The door was guarded by two rough types who with vibroaxes crossed the metal handles to stop her, and she lowering her glasses a bit which made one of them suddenly choke and draw back, and the other she winked at and suddenly they were thrown on her face, her boot heel stepping on the fallen one's head as she went inside.
Inside the place was loud with music, and people of all sorts getting drinks, the floors had blue carpets with gilded designs in shape of roads, and there were cushions that people sat on. She with great grace bent down into a lotus position, crossing her legs as she sat on a cushion, and tender came with a datapad saying,
"Can I take your order?"
He looked like a child, which was preferable to a droid, too many jobs went to machines. She gave a slight smile and said,
"Tarine Tea. nothing else."
The Child smiled as she gave him some credits, an extra tip which did illicit it. Sitting there, Leona began to take a look around the cantina, trying to see if her Target was there. The place was busting at the seams with egos, all of them threatening to settle this with fisticuffs. The only thing worse was those trying to pick up ladies, and it was then when her tea which was brought steaming on a tray and carefully laid on the carpet center that one of those bumbling idiots came. He had the gate of many drinks, which had given him courage to approach her.
"Hey there.. you are just my size."
She looking up at him with her deep jade green eyes, she made no reply as he continued his advance,
"Wanna go someplace else?"
She took her tea in the saucer shaped cup and began to drink, he was now on his knees, pleading,
"Come on.. we could have some fun."
She turning to look at him as he reaching out to grab at her, she caught his hand with hers which he took a sign she was into him, until, suddenly two blade tore through his knuckles, streams of red shooting up, and he cried out, she then pulled him towards her and as she stepped on her boot, the heel pressing down, two more blades came out and she dug them into her ankle making him cry out in agony,
"Oh god! Help me! This one has claws!"
She then rising controlled him as marionette and said,
"May this be a lesson to you to never touch a girl without consent.."
She The retracted her claws and kicked him with boot, making him fly into air and land on another rug, knocking over vessels, and a Spice hookah that fell over. She taking her cup of tea downed it, and rose to her feet, tossing some credits over to the Bartender for the damages, and to pay for those who's fun had been disturbed. Heading back outside, the two guards this time withdrew and did not make eye contact, she made her way to a hostel, where she got a room. Going up some white stone steps, she came to the blue door of cobalt, and went inside. A window with mosaic titles of glass in yellows and whites captured the light outside. She dropped on to the bed and laid there a moment, determined to wait till nightfall and try the cantina again...
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