
NAME: Einon
FACTION: Commenor Systems Alliance
RANK: Security Officer
AGE: 35
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 180lbs
EYES: Grey
HAIR: Light Brown
SKIN: Fair
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Loyal - Einon has and always will be loyal to Commenor, regardless of who leads the government . If the best interests of Commenor are being served, he'll stand by it.
+Blends With the Crowd: Einon doesn't like to stand out. He prefers to be barely noticed. He doesn't need to intimidate to do his job well.
+Good Shot: Einon has had plenty of practice with his blasters. Target practice is just one of the ways that he lets off steam.
+Hand to Hand: Einon excells in hand to hand and close combat. He uses the element of surprise to his advantage.
-Non-Force User: In the current times, not being a Force User puts one at a slight disadvantage.
- Anti-Social: Einon is used to watching as opposed to interacting. So his social skills with most are sorely lacking.
- Loner: Although he can be a team player, most of the time he prefers to work alone which makes him less predictable to his employers.
Einon looks slightly younger than he is, but he carries himself well. Most often, one sees him in plain clothes, blending in in almost every environment as he observes those around him. Some might mistake him for a spy, yet his real passion is in security of high priority targets. Einon is tall and built, but he rarely uses that to intimidate others. His hair is usually slightly unkempt and more often than not, he has a short beard. It's a rare thing to see Einon clean shaven. He usually carries an expression of neutrality, making his mood or thoughts difficult to read. He likes to squint his eyes while he observes someone, a habit of his developed from years of being in lowlit bars.
Einon was born on Commenor in the very heart of Chasin City. His mother Kara died when he was very young, so his memories of her are next to nothing. His father Eric worked for the President's security team, working long hours. Yet instead of Einon resenting him for not being around, Einon instead learned everything that he could from him. He idolized Eric, using the skills learned on his father's days off to watch over the neighbourhood kids, progressing upwards through the years to working directly under Eric until the man retired.
Then [member="Lady Kay"] came along. When she was elected President, Einon headed her security team and while [member="Veiere"] Arenais was away, he was her personal bodyguard. When Kay was abducted by Prazutis, Einon took it as the utmost of failures. He helped in the search for her for months, following one dead end to another until she returned. But then the Elders died. Kay was elevated to Monarch in a way that he did not agree with. Everything was changing and not for the better, which was something else that Einon blamed himself for. So he left the world that he loved.
Odd jobs was the life that Einon led soon after, working on smuggling runs as security, bodyguard-for-hire and assassin. Still, his eyes were on Commenor as was his heart. The atmosphere had gotten better there according to the holonet, so Einon soon found himself going back home.
Instead of security, he took up work as a ships officer, learning the ins and outs of working and living on a starship. It took him all over Commenor Systems Alliance space. Yet still it wasn't enough for him. He couldn't keep distant any longer. Einon then went back Commenor, back to Chasin City and back into the employ of the once-President-turned-High Queen.
Old Reliable
None yet.
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