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Unreviewed Einzviel [Custom Planet]


OOC Writer Account

  • Intent: To create a unique world in the mid-rim of the galaxy, to serve as a cool location for a species I plan on submitting. Also to add something to the wider Chaos lore.
  • Image Credit: Image Source
  • Canon: This is not a canon planet
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A atm
  • Planet Name: Einzviel
  • Demonym: Einzviens
  • Region: Mid-Rim
  • System Name: Illya
  • System Features:
    -The Wraith nebula constantly blocks all sunlight to Einzviel, instead showering it in a beautiful blue and purple cosmic glow.
    -The smaller ringed celestial body known as Von acts as Einzviel's satellite. Von is a barren world shrouded in darkness.
    -Asteroids orbit around Einzviel in an unusual manner. Its theorized that there used to be two other planets in this system but were destroyed in some calamity.
  • Location: In the Mid-Rim, in the hex that is southwest of the planet Sedesia's hex
  • Major Imports:
    -Force Sensitive Individuals
    -Force Magic Practitioners
    -Droids/Droid parts
    -Agriculture Products
    -Jedi and Sith relics/holocrons
    -Medical supplies
  • Major Exports: No major exports to the wider galaxy at this very moment. All things produced on this world is used to maintain and expand out the prisons.
  • Unexploited Resources:
    -Durasteel Ore
    -Common ores (iron, zinc, pyrite, gold, silver, etc.)
  • Gravity: Standard
  • Climate: Temperate
  • Primary Terrain: Mountains, Canyons, Jungles, Oceans
  • Atmosphere: Type 1
  • Capital City:
    -Installation Medea: A combination of an advanced prison facility and a small city, Installation Medea serves as the closest to what would be considered a capital. It is built into a mountain range, surrounded by dense jungles on one side and the dark oceans on the other. Though one would find that there isn't much to do within the city as its entirely been designed and tooled to be used to house the guards, maintain and expand the prison, and to receive new prisoners from off world. The city is covered with defense turrets and patrols from the guards. There is some recreational activities for the guards but mainly only training centers to hone in on the skills of the guards. The only signs of civilization outside of Installation Medea is the various cortosis mines scattered nearby operated by mining droids.
  • Planetary Features:
    A world shrouded in darkness much like Umbara, Einzviel is what many would consider to be a hostile world. Various deadly bioluminsicent flora and fauna constantly hunt each other or escaped prisoners outside of Installation Medea. Half of Einzviel is made up of two large oceans, colloquially called the Umbral Depths. It is unknown how half the planet became two oceans, but the violent storms that constantly happeen along the Umbral Depths suggest something castrophic happened in the planet's history. Lightning storms always seem to be a constant throughout the planet.
  • Major Locations:
    -Vornskr Pens: The Pens are a section of Installation Medea where Vornskr are bred and trained. Due to the nature of the prisoners that Installation Medea has, it is paramount that the Vornskr Pens are never sabotaged.
    -The Vault: A heavily fortified underground storage level. It houses all of the Jedi and Sith relics that have been acquired from around the galaxy, including holocrons of both sides of the force. They are all housed for safekeeping unless there is a secure way of destroying them.
    -The Mausoleum: A place where the dead guards are buried with all honors. This is consider a sacred site for the guards as a reminder of the eternal battle with Force users.

  • Native Species: No native sentient species. However there is alot of uncatalogued fauna and flora on this world.
  • Immigrated Species:
    Miscellanous Species
  • Population: Moderate
  • Demographics:
    95% Einzvien
    3% Kaminoan
    1% Echani
    1% Miscellanous Species

  • Primary Languages: Galactic Basic, Kaminoan
  • Culture: A highly martial/militarized culture. Despite the lack of any shipyards or heavy vehicle industry, the Einzvien train alongside their Echani instructors. Every day is mostly spent training on their combat skills, with only few hours in the day spent on personal recreational activities. A common sport amongst the Einzvein is to have duels with their fists in a designated ring. There isn't much of a culture in terms of the arts or aesthetics. The buildings are all clean and sterile, mainly thanks to the Kaminoan technology and aesthetic, which give any sort of building a sort of unwelcoming feeling to outsiders. Overall the planet gives off an oppressive, strict, and uniformed aura, as if to demand that no one strays away from thier path.
  • Government: Oligarchy
  • Affiliation: N/A
  • Wealth: Medium
    Installation Medea generates a modest amount of credits, mainly due to the side projects the Kaminoans have done. Most of their financial funds and such comes from like minded Kaminoans back on their homeworld, who send a portion of their revenue to help keep things running.

  • Stability: High.
    The planet has its populace indoctrinated into obeying the rules of its society. Not to mention that the vast prison that is on the planet is constantly patrolled and guarded. Though there have been some escape attempts, it wasn't significant to cause true unrest in the city.
  • Freedom & Oppression:
    Society is highly regulated and rigid. Everyone is expected to follow the same rules and guidelines. The prisoners kept here are the most oppressed, with them all being locked away in the prison complex to ensure that they will never escape from this planet. Outsiders if any dare come, are often turned away or driven away.
  • Military:
    Installation Medea is fortified, outfitted with bunkers, check points, and dozens of guard towers. The Einzens patrol the grounds either on foot or on top of speeders. The planet also boasts some LAAT's for some aerial patrols of the planet. Defense turrets litter the entire city, with some of the larger ones being able to shoot down starfighters if necessary. There is no permanent militarized space fleet guarding the planet, instead it relies on the obscurity of its location to maintain possible enemy fleets away.
  • Technology: Galactic Standard

Much like the world of Umbara, Einzviel was a world shrouded in darkness. The nebula it was apart of, the Wraith Nebula had caused the planet along with other barren celestial bodies to be isolated from the rest of the galaxy. For much of its history, the planet was not touched by the outside of galaxy. Occasssionally a probe from a possible exploration group would enter the Wraith Nebula to try and see if there were any planets within, only for the probe to malfunction due to the heavy cosmic radiation in the Nebula, or the probe gets hit by a rogue aestroid. Naturally curiousity of the Wraith Nebula waned as the other efforts were priortized elsewhere. Galactic history would go on. For thousands of years, the Wraith Nebula was never explored, with many mostly writing it off as a galactic anomaly that held no value.

The world wouldn't be discovered until 860 ABY, by a lone scout ship. Only the insane would have thought anything would be of value here. But by chance the man who discovered the planet was indeed insane. The man named the world Einzviel, in remembrance of his best friend whom he killed all those years ago. Soon the man moved his project onto the planet's surface, along with all of the personnel and equipment. Years would go by as Installation Medea was built, and more select outsiders were given the coordinates of this planet to come in and assist.

The shrouded world of Einzviel soon became the base of operations for a Kaminoan genetic research facility, and also a prison complex meant for Force Users as that was the man's crazed project. Installation Medea became an amalgamation of a large advanced prison, a research colony and a military base. They were even able to secure some old Galactic Empire Imperial Prison Transports to begin their operations as well. Einzviel was starting to expose itself to the wider galaxy and soon its mysterious nature wont be a secret for long. Especially if people started to connecting the dots where all of those missing Force users went.

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