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Unreviewed Einzvien Haemonculi


OOC Writer Account


  • Intent: To create genetic engineered version of Echani. I am also hoping to make a character from this species as well.
  • Image Credit: Image Source
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A

  • Name: Einzvien Haemonculi
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Officially the planet Einzviel. Unofficially, a kaminoan genetic labratory.
  • Average Lifespan: Three hundred years
  • Estimated Population: Planetary
  • Description: Looking very much like the Echani, they are near human sentient beings. Perhaps the most striking things about the Einzvien Haemonculi is their unnaturally pale skin, white hair and red eyes. Often times they appear to have an emotionless expression to the point of making some other sentient beings uncomfortable. Their skin seems flawless, no blemishes, bruises or any sort of skin oddity exists on them.

  • Breathes: Type 1
  • Average Height of Adults: 180cm
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Pale white skin
  • Hair color: White
  • Distinctions: Perhaps the most notable distinction about this species is the piercing red eyes that they have. More other distinctions can be noticed with a trained eye. The movements the Einzviens make seems to be always graceful and fluid, as if they were trained in mimicking a sentient being rather than letting it come naturally. Many other sentient species often remark how "doll" like the Einzviens are if they happen to meet one in the wild, often referring to the expressionless almost robotic expressions on their faces when they aren't speaking. Their species are all female as well.
  • Races: N/A
  • Force Sensitivity: Force Dead

  • Force Dead: Being infused with Vong DNA to inherent the Vong's ability to be Force Dead, Einzviens are unable to be sense through the Force by Jedi or Sith. They are also resistant to many Force powers.
  • Regenerative Properties: When Einzviens lose a limb (IE, leg, arm), if they are able to recieve medical care, the arm can be rettached and the body will repair the connections, tendons, and neurons that were destroyed. Overtime wounds can be healed slowly
  • Feel No Pain: The pain receptors of the Einzviens have been suppressed, allowing the Einzviens to not feel pain of a blaster shot, loss of a limb, or even impalement of a sharp object into their body.
  • Resilence: Einzviens that are stabbed through the gut or chest, as long as the heart isn't punctured they are able to live and still fight on.
  • Rationing: Einzveins do not need to consume as much food as a normal sentieent to sustain itself. An Einzvein can go up to a week without eating before suffering from starvation, and eventually malnutrition.
  • Agile- Einzveins are quick and graceful fighters. They opt to use more rapid and agile attacks to keep up with the force users they fight.

  • Consequences of Force Dead: Einzviens can not benefit from Force Powers such as Force healing or battle meditation. Unable to use any sort of Force powers as well. Also vulnerable to certain Force Powers such as Force Lightnting/Judgement.
  • Destroying the heart or brain will instantly kill the Einzvern. Whether via blaster shot, melee weapon, or lightsaber.
  • Fire: Einzviens are much more vulnerable to fire than normal sentient beings. Fire also nullifies any sort of regenerative properties of an Einzvien might have.
  • Limited Resilence: Even though the Einzviens can withstand alot of damage, certain other dismemberments can also kill them. Such as decapitation, crushing of the spine, sliced in half. It also possible for an Einzvien to bleed out.
  • Vulnerable to Biological agents

  • Diet: Omnivore
  • Communication: Einzviens speak Galactic Basic but they also communicate via combat fighting, much like the Echani. If one will not use words to convey orders, they would use their battle prowess.
  • Technology level: Galactic Standard
  • Religion/Beliefs: The Einzviens believe that the people who use the Force or Force Magic are a threat to the galaxy as a whole. For the existence of either the Jedi or the Sith only prompts the galaxy to be embroiled in more conflict and strife than it needs to be. The Sith with their bloody conquests and wars of enslavement, and the Jedi who view themselves as self proclaimed moral guardians of the galaxy but fail to actually prevent alot of strife from happening in this galaxy. Not to mention that many Jedi have fallen to the dark side due to the exploration of old Sith Tombs and their very existence is what brings the Sith back.

    Einzviens also believe in martial prowess and it is considered a great honor to defeat a Force user in melee combat. They view the use of such weapons as slugthrowers to be underhanded tactics, which has caused some tensions with Mandalorians.
  • General behavior:
    -Family Values: The concept of a familial unit doesn't exist for the Einzviens. They are all made from genetic labs and growth vats. While they all view each other as sisters, there could be deeper bonds formed that can resemble familial ties. Two Einzviens can elect to get the "Paired" tattoo, which resembles the two Einzviens formalizing their sisterly bond with each other. The Paried Tattoos generally are all the same but can be stylized for personal preference.
    -Young Einzviens are raised in strict military martial training. From a young age they are all trained and educated in fighting in melee combat, specializing in fighting Force Users. Some may be selected to raise a Vornskr pup in addition to their training. Young Einzviens aren't considered to be fully grown adult in their culture until they are the equivalent of 60 galactic standard years, in which there is a coming of age celebration when they forged their own melee weapon. Einzviens mature at the same rate as humans do, though their lifespans are significantly increased due to genetic engineering and Vong DNA. They stop showing signs aging around 25 GSY, allowing them to retain their flawless beautiful porcelain doll looks.
    • Einzviens often are either assigned to the prison guard duty, research, collectors, and operatives. Collectors are Einzviens who are sent to old abandoned Jedi and Sith ruins, gathering up any sort of left over holocrons, knowledge, or relics. Afterwards they are to desecrate the ruins, to prevent others from gaining any knowledge from that site. Operatives are Einzviens who go out into the galaxy to hunt Force Users and bring them back to the prison or eliminate them on the spot if possible. They also use subterfuge to infiltrate the criminal underworld to secure black market force relics or holocrons, so they can be disposed off.
    • Martial combat is prized above all else. An Einzvien must always keep their skills sharp incase the prisoners escape or someone comes to rescue them.
    -The usage of ranged weapons is still present amongsst the Einzviens, but to defeat Force Sensitives it is heavily frowned upon to engage them in ranged combat. It must always be melee.
    -Einzviens have a odd relationship with Mandalorians, while they view them as good honorable combatants, they are not above using underhanded tactics to achieve their goals. Not to mention the Mandalorians have caused alot of suffering over the years.
    -Despite their martial traditions, Einzviens often wear what woud be considered servant outfits by other species. But is to ensure that every Einzvien has the ability to play the role of a humble servant of a power lord while they work towards their goal.

The galaxy has changed much in these coming years. Empries have risen and fallen, wars have been waged and new discoveries at every turn. But the story of how these beings were created starts with one member of the Sith Empire back in the year 851 ABY. This particular Sith did not give out their name to others, simply known by the all golden spiked armor he wore. The history of this golden armored Sith had been lost to time, but it is believed that used to be a Jedi Knight. One filled with hopless ideals of a galaxy at peace and without suffering. Yet it, such ideals of his would start to fade away, seeing that such evil corruption and exploitation of the innocents everywhere. Yet his fellow Jedi were not keen on that, instead focusing on fighting the Sith. This would lead the Jedi down a dark path, as he began to heed the whispers of the dark side, envisoning himself having the power to keep the galaxy safe. His fall would be complete when he killed his best friend, a fellow Jedi, to prevent his defection from getting out.

Thus began the arc of the golden armored Sith, one who helped out the Sith Empire in their wars. All for a safe and secure galaxy. One where everyone could be protected. But as time went one, he soon became disillusioned with the Sith ideals he had embraced. For as mcuh security he may have brought, it wasn't what he hoped or envisioned. The Sith constantly jockey for power with each other, fighting wars to expand their thiefdoms. It only caused more needless suffering in this galaxy. The Golden Armored Sith would defect, electing to become a wanderer to be alone with his thoughts and actions. Years passed before he came to the conclusion. By now the man had been driven to the brink of insanity, wracked with guilt of his actions, but also his hatred grew for Force Users. Thus he came up with a solution, the destruction of all Force Users in the galaxy. Perhaps only that way, the galaxy will know peace.

The man worked to gather the necessary funds to get his project started. Even venturing out to far off worlds to collect samples. He will genetically engineer a force meant to detain Force Users in this galaxy. It was the only way. He would go to Kamino, to enlist the Kaminoans help in his project. It took a couple bribes from less than morally centered geneticists but work began shortly. The man chose the Echani to be the base template since he was of th same species, and his people were renowned for martial prowess. But the genome was tweaked to enhance them further, and to even add bits of Vong DNA into the mix, most importantly the Force Dead trait the Vong had. If anyone came close to wiping out Force Users, it was the Vong all those years ago.

The trials and experiments were difficult to say the least. The first creations were horrid abominations that couldn't even think properly. The man had to put them down. Other trials turned out to be failures as the subjects died in their test tubes. Some became too aggressive immediately and others were so weak. The number of discarded failures only grew in number more and more. The man made constant trips to bring back fresh samples and the Kaminoans tried their best to make it work. This proceess took two years to refine and complete. But eventually one was successfully made. A female specimen.

The man was pleased but he knew that eventually someone would catch a whiff of his plan. Thus he asked that everything be moved to a planet within the Mid-Rim deep in a Nebula shrouded in darkness. The operation moved there, and the man set up what will be now known as Installation Medea. From here the Einzvein Haemonculi were continued to be made and grown, their creation being refined. The man went about leaving instructions for when creations reached the age to begin fighting. Knowledge on how to fight force users, their history and how they are a blight on this galaxy. Training droids from Kamino were shipped in as well to help with the training, along with a few Echani mercenaries and bounty hunters to assist. Vornskr imported from Mykrr to be raised and trained.

The Einzvein Haemonculi would continue to be produced and grown here, long after the man had passed away. But they have grown in secret and already began to explore out into the galaxy to achieve his dream. Reports come in from various planets of pale, whited haired, women running off with relics or dragging away people in chains. Some Jedi and Sith have been seen in them as well. All to be whisked away to their shrouded world, to perhaps be forgetten about for all eternity.
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