Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Eira Dyn - Sith Acolyte


AlignmentDark Side/Imperial
Force SensitiveYes
FactionSith Empire
DivisionSith Order
Distinguishing Feature(s)Scar down her right cheek, burn marks on her shoulders, scars along her forearms
General AttireCasual | Sith Acolyte


    Born to a fairly normal family of a middle class standing on Dantooine, Eira was noticed as to be a black sheep in the family. Her parents, elder brother and younger sister were all blonde with blue eyes, they were smiling constantly and very content with the lives that they lived as a successful farming household. Their large community did have a slightly superstitious mind that there was something wrong with the way that Eira was. That she was a darker soul, tainted with a shadow that changed her appearance.

    This left Eira ostracized and bullied by her peers as she grew up, which led to her having outbursts and enacting violence on those that attempted to bring her down. Eira’s family were deeply concerned about her and tried to send Eira to a school outside of their community to not suffer the bully any further. However, during a trip to the school, Eira’s transport was attacked by pirates and she was taken by the pirates for the purposes of being sold as a slave.

    Before Eira could be sold for slavery, Eira fought the pirates and connected for the first time to the Dark Side of the Force, killing several of the pirates with intense outbursts of Force Lightning. Seeing the raw power and fearing the consequences of such power, the captain sent Eira to Korriban, leaving her in the hands of the Sith. While she was given the chance to return to her former life on Dantooine, Eira chose to embrace her inner turmoil and darkness, deciding to become a Sith and ensure to crush all those that stood in her way.

    She now seekings a mentor and begin her path to becoming a Sith Lord in full after passing her initial trials and demonstrating her innate powers and gifts.

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    Eira stands at 5’7” with a slender yet curvy and athletic figure, her wavy dark locks that reach her lower back. A single long scar travels down her right eye. Eira has blood red fiery eyes that often burn with fury and indignation. Her body is littered with marks of a hard life of fighting for continued survival.

    The young woman is often dressed in a mix of modified Sith armour, robes and occasionally dresses when she needs to blend in social situations. When not in the field as a fighter, Eira usually has a softer fire in her eyes though she rarely finds herself able to calm that fire that burns within herself.

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    Naturally gifted with Force Lightning, even as a young acolyte, Eira is able to use her abilities with Force Lightning in skilful and creative ways.​
    Gifted with the Force, Eira lacks skills with a Lightsaber and in combat she makes up for this by being strong with the Force.​
    Her natural good looks assist Eira in a lot of ways. Allowing her to gain advantages in life that others might not be as fortunate.​
    Her rage is deep and flows heavily through her actions, one of the reasons she is terrifyingly gifted with her Force powers.​
    Eira’s determination is a strength where she can achieve the goals that she wishes, or at least she refuses to abandon goals once she starts them.​
    Youthful energy allows Eira to push past her exhaustion and learning new skills often.​

    Inability to remain settled or calm, Eira since the age of fifteen has been unable to sit still or live a day without a goal.​
    Eira has a strong refusal to make friends and stands firm in that such attachments limit a person’s success.​
    Unable to fight with any melee or ranged weapon to any decent capability is the most glaring blip on Eira’s record. Though she refuses to accept this as an issue yet.​
    Eira has limited understanding and experiences with the galaxy and galactic history, her reading and writing skills are limited though her speech is very good.​
    Her physical strength is minor and Eira knows she is not someone designed to be super strong.​
    While Eira sees relationships and friends as a weakness, there is a deep feeling of loneliness that Eira feels a lot of times.​


    Force Push/Pull - Beginner​
    Mind Trick - Beginner​
    Force Jump - Beginner​
    Force Sense - Beginner​
    Force Speed - Beginner​
    Breath Control - Beginner​
    Force Vision - Beginner​
    Force Concealment - Beginner​
    Telepathy - Beginner​
    Shatterpoint - Beginner​
    Force Lightning - Advanced Beginner​
    Force Choke - Beginner​
    Battle Meditation - Beginner​
    Force Crush - Beginner​
    Drain Life - Beginner​
    Force Scream - Beginner​

    Shii-Cho - Beginner​
    Makashi - Unskilled​
    Soresu - Unskilled​
    Djem So/Shien - Beginner​

    Capable of speaking and understanding a number of alien languages​
    A graceful dancer and entertainer.​
    Skilled in being stealthy and is naturally quiet as well as being light footed.​
    Eira is highly perceptive and often very aware of her surroundings.​

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