Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Eire Saf'Voak - Reporter.

NAME: Eire Saf'Voak.

Rank: Reporter.
Species: Human.
Age: 31.
Sex: Male.
HEIGHT: 5'11.
WEIGHT: 180 lbs.
Eyes: Blue.
HAIR: Brown.
SKIN: White.
Force Sensitive: Nope.

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :


+Charismatic. While he is complete scum, when he speaks, people listen.

-Jackass. He is an absolute scum, the least likable guy in the room. He'll steal stories, rat out fellow employees, ect.



APPEARANCE: A tall Human male, with slick hair, blue eyes.


(Work in Progress.)
Born and raised on Correlia, Eire was raised in a slightly, well...significantly more wealthy family than most of Correlia. While his eldest brother, Rico, a successful lawyer inherited the credits and their family's incredibly large household, Eire went on to become an absolute jackass, eventually working as an office boy in a large news station, he quickly went on to become a successful reporter.

SHIP: None.

KILLS: None.

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