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Approved NPC Eiron Rien

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Kaiden Rien


  • Age: Sixteen standard years
  • Force Sensitivity: Knight
  • Species: Human
  • Appearance: Erion Rien is a slender man who is approximately 5ft 7 inches in height. He weighs around 120 pounds and has black hair reaching down to his nape. The left side of his face is burned. Eiron can often be seen wearing red and gold robes as well as a stone mask that covers the right side of his face.
  • Name: Eiron Rein A.K.A Darth Judas
  • Loyalties: The Sith Empire
  • Wealth: Very Wealthy is net worth is well into the Millions
  • Notable Possessions: 1x Red Lightsaber
  • Skills: Eiron is highly trained in the usage of the Dark Side of the Force. He has mastered the art of Force Insanity as well as other obscure abilities such as Force Plague and Plant Surge
  • Personality: Eiron is highly intelligent which leads him to be condescending and overconfident. He respects no one but himself and relishes the opportunity to crush others. His sociopathic charisma is what makes him so dangerous, There's no telling how he's feeling or what he's going to do next. It should be noted that before an attack Eiron will instinctively adjust his mask
  • Weapon of Choice: Lightsaber
  • Combat Function: Eiron excels at long-distance combat and will try to strike at his opponents with an array of Force powers such as Force Lightning or Telekinesis. Should this fail however Eiron has his Lightsaber Pike to rely on which still allows him to prod at enemies from a distance
  • Strong with the Force
  • Highly trained in melee combat
  • Intelligent with stark analytical skills
  • Overconfident in his abilities
  • A sociopath with no respect for others
  • A victim of his own rage and selfish nature which causes him to lose focus as well as his cool in battle
Eiron Rien was born on the planet of Byss with four other siblings including Kaiden Rien. During his early childhood, Kaiden was always there for him, making sure he was safe and dealing with bullies that chose to pick on him. Despite all his brother did for him Eiron despised Kaiden for it feeling as though he were destined to exist in his brother's shadow for the rest of their lives. When their father died Eiron's hate grew not just towards his family but towards the world itself. Eiron wanted to make the galaxy suffer and burn for what it had done to him and from that day forward he never stopped looking for ways of accomplishing that. When their family had arrived on a Sith controlled world for the first time Eiron felt the dark energies of the world and embraced them uncovering his force sensitivity for the first time.

Eiron saw this as an opportunity to join fulfill his goal of mass suffering by becoming a Sith even as Kaiden opposed the idea. Once Eiron met with the Sith he was instructed to kill one of his family in order to prove his loyalty. Overjoyed Eiron struck out against his brother Kaiden in a fight that cost him the left side of his face when he was scorched by pure Force energy. Realizing his brother was too strong for him Kaiden settled on killing their youngest sister before fleeing the scene. After killing his sister Eiron reported back where he was accepted into the Sith order and trained until he became a Sith Knight at the early age of sixteen. After years of back-breaking training, Eiron has surpassed his brother in skill as a fighter and fully intends to make good on two promises. He still wants to make the galaxy suffer...

...And he still wants to kill his brother.
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