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Approved Species Elder Dragons - The Children of Zildrog

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An Izaxian Ancient



  • Name:
    • Elder Dragon [general usage]
    • Children of Zildrog [how they refer to themselves]
    • Worldeater [ancient, superstitious usage]
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Iokath, Zakuul, Nathema
  • Average Lifespan: 5,000 - 15,000 Years [Physical Bodies]
    • Hatchling: 0 - 100 Years
    • Adolescent: 100 - 1,000 Years
    • Adult: 1,000 - 5,000 Years
    • Elder: 5,000 - 15,000 Years
    • Ancient: 15,000 Years+
  • Estimated Population: Rare
  • Description: Elder Dragons are massive dragon-like creatures, their hide of thick, armor-like scale, with leathery wings which extend from their drake-like bodies which typically end in long tails. They typically have two limbs and two wings, a long neck and horns along their spines. Long claws and talons extend from their hands and feet, several rows of sharp teeth line their maws offering a generally terrifying appearance. Their scales can come in various shades of various colors, so do their eyes which typically give an insight to their temper. Opposite to their bestial physique, the Sun Drakes are told to be peaceful and respectful towards life, wise even in their behaviour but destructive if you should spark their wrath. The older they get, the bigger they grow and the less likely you are to encounter one, for they have almost ceased to exist in the mortal planes of the Galaxy.

  • Breathes: Type I, II, III and IV
  • Average Height of Adults:
    • Hatchling: 2-8 Meters
    • Adolescent: 8-15 Meters
    • Adult: 15-30 Meters
    • Elder: 30-70 Meters
    • Ancient: 70-130 Meters
  • Average Length of Adults:
    • Hatchling: 5-15 Meters
    • Adolescent: 15-50 Meters
    • Adult: 50-100 Meters
    • Elder: 100-150 Meters
    • Ancient: 150-400 Meters
  • Skin color: Black, Red, Green, Gold, Silver, Grey, Brown, Blue
  • Hair color: N/A
  • Distinctions:
    • Horns: Most specimen develop horns as part of their head, made of the same organic material as their scales, but usually taking an either darker or brighter color tone. Though variations have been noted that some never developed horns, others only one and others many nearly like a wreath. Some continue to develop horns across their entire spine.
    • Tails: The dragons of this species have long tails, often with horns running till its end where it can end like a whip or even into more massive, bone-supported structures which could remind of a mace or flail.
    • Scales: All specimen are covered in thick scales which are rumoured to even resist lightsaber strikes on the elder specimen. They are tough and unyielding, organic armor which protects these creatures from after they become Adolescents. Before their scales are relatively soft to cater for the early rapid growth.
    • Claws and Talons: Two feet and two winged arms hold a group of four digit, four joint talons. Sharp from the time of their birth to break out of their eggs, they only grow into potent tools for climbing, digging and of course, fighting.
    • Teeth: Despite not having a need for a continuous diet, the Drakes have several rows of teeth, razor-sharp and made to devour meat and flesh. They are known to shed these fangs, rather than take care of them and they will always regrow.
    • Wings: The wingspan usually equals if not exceeds the overall body length of the Wyvern, making them far more massive than what a pure length measurement suggests. They use these to fly, both in and outside of atmospheres. They are powerful enough to overcome many gravitational pulls.
    • Ageing & Growth: In theory the three distinct races are tied to age and size only, not to territory and origin. That means a newborn Hatchling to two Izaxian Ancients will still be a Zakuulan Wyvern until a certain time and size are reached. Once reaching the certain age and growth, the level of maturity expected by such an ancient and intelligent species, they pass on to the next, 'higher' race. That includes the change of colors of their scales.
    • Rite of the Sun: In practice the ascension from a lesser to a higher species is claimed through what is called the Rite of the Sun. Much less a ritual or ceremony and more a battle, every born member of the species is born with the innate talent for Essence Transfer. A lesser Dragon usually can and will only ascend by claiming the body of a higher one. Through this passing on, it is rumoured that there are one or two souls in the dragons which are far, far older than 15,000 years.
    • Voice: While the Elder Dragons cannot speak, they can very well shout and even amplify that with certain Force usage, including Pyrokinesis, Cryokinesis, Alter Environment and it is rumoured, even Lightning.
    • Planewalkers: Those of at least late Adult-age are usually capable of opening rifts into Force planes, for them to move between the planes as well as travel vast distances in real space.
    • Breeding - Elder Dragons do not engage in any form of sexual activity to reproduce. It is reported that only Sun Drake and Ancients in fact are able to lay eggs and this usually only occurs when the dragon has a rider. The dragon generally only lays between one and four eggs and cannot do so more often than every century.
  • Races: While the species overall is commonly referred to as Elder Dragons, there are three distinctively different races.
    • Zakuulan Wyvern: The Zakuulan Wyvern are the youngest of the races and also the smallest. Settling on the swampy world of Zakuul where the ancient Zakuulan tribes roamed, adhered to by the shamans, the Wyverns are known for their more earthy colors (like Green, Grey and even Brown) and comparatively easy-to-approach character, both due to their younger, more curious personality as well as them dwelling on a planet. They know sentients as they have been viewed as incarnations of their deities, as the fleshborn wrath and wisdom of the Old Gods. As youngest of the races, they are not as powerful and not as big as their older brethren. In the millennia since the rise and industrialisation of Zakuul, they have grown much more reclusive.
    • Iokathian Sun Drake: The Iokathian Sun Drakes are way older than their younger Zakuulan counterparts, in their tales even the existence of the Old Gods was only a couple of generations away. Their strength is manifested in full, they are purely void-born and of much larger size but also incredibly isolated, dwelling in the Iokath system, a system without light. Some are said to live on the surface of the star itself, but nothing ever more than a rumour was claimed. Due to the darkness they inherit, they have developed splendid colored scales ranging from gold, blue to silver.
    • Izaxian Ancients: It is said that less than a handful of these magnificent creatures exist, in fact, ever existed. Their presence resembles that of a star itself, their aura bright and powerful. While they lack the colors which makes their Iokathian cousins a beauty to the eye, it is noted that their knowledge and abilities are beyond mortal comprehension. Furthermore, the Ancients are known to be not reclusive, quite the opposite, they reach their size and power because of their bonds with mortals indeed. But it is them who deem a mortal worthy, who select who they connect with. Or who they annihilate. Having mostly black and red scales, they are distinct and can even invoke dread in those that dare to witness them.
  • Force Sensitivity: All

  • Worldeaters - Their immense physical strength, size and destructive power can be a threat to anything and anyone who or what encounters them.
  • Soul to Soul - The Elder Dragon's connection to the Force is quite unique and powerful, making them excellent telepaths, even invasive.
  • Lore of the Aeons - The potential to grow extremely old as well as the possibility to transfer their essence to younger vessels can make one accumulate an immense knowledge and experience.
  • Voiddragon - They have the possibility to leave planets atmospheres and travel space as they please.
  • Planewalker - The Children of Zildrog have the ability to enter various Force planes and leave them at different real space places.
  • Bonding - If a dragon should decide to bond with a rider, they are creating a very strong Force bond, potentially even a Force Dyad with them if the dragon is old enough and the rider powerful enough.

  • Technology - While mighty and wise, they have neither need nor mind to develop and use complex technology.
  • Puppies - Hatchlings do not have the strong skin as their older kin and can be easily injured or even killed.
  • Burden of Age - To live for so long, it generates a certain apathy and complacency. The Children of Zildrog, while waiting for the Demon Savior, will not do anything on their own ambition in any regard except their life is in dire threat.
  • Void Stone, Ysalamiri, Force Dead - In the presence of either, the drake will be at minimum feeling weakened and extremely umcomfortable as it cannot communicate anymore and at worst will lose its temper to try to destroy what is causing the displeasure.
  • Reproduction - The species, among all races, has incredibly low reproduction numbers. As eggs can only be laid by those who have a rider for a prolonged amount of time.
  • Mutual Bond - Pain, especially emotional, and particularly death of either the rider or the mount will have an immediate effect on the survivor due to the strong bonds they form.

  • Diet: While theoretically carnivore, the Children of Zildrog do not rely on food for nutrition and can gain energy from stars themselves. Their radiation and light is the foundation of their nutrition and staying alive. They are able however to enter a state of hibernation in which they do not need any energy intake at all. It is noted though that growth is accelerated and sustained for longer if they are feeding on meat, it has a thriving effect for both their growth and activity levels.
  • Communication: Telepathy, Dreamscape, Projective Telepathy
  • Technology level: They do not use any technology.
  • Religion/Beliefs:
    • Rite of the Sun: A central point of the believes of the species, a born instinct, is the Rite of the Sun. It is the incarnation of their ideology of strength and endurance, of maturity and personal development. Self-aware of their age and of their individual strength but also of their scarcity, the species sees weakness, foulness and corruption with disgust. Hence why a survival of the strongest is a very common baseline of their societal structure and aspirations. Only those strong enough to claim a new body are worthy to ascend to that race. Therefore the races also equal castes in their society.
    • Apocalypse Incarnate: The survival of the strongest transcends beyond their own species, especially if the species as a whole should be threatened. They have witnessed apocalyptic technology and are fully aware of their own potential. It is rumoured that more than one civilisation was burnt to ashes based on offending these drakes. It is not uncommon to find one of their species to be arrogant, looking down on the mortals with both condescension and amusement for their brief ambitions and foolish bravery.
    • Honour: Yet it is not unheard of that they respect those who show greatness, outside of their species. What it takes to impress a dragon, varies from dragon to dragon, but all those who have left a mark of distinction, a mark of honour, hold this value in front of the entire species. This holds especially true towards those who manage to claim a dragon, something not seen as diminishing or weak, but as a great achievement of ultimate strength and wisdom. To be a dragonrider is the ultimate honour.
    • Chaos: As an all-Force sensitive species, the dragons are more than aware of the different planes of the Force and are strong proponents of 'balance*. Their interpretation of balance however is equal to not being disturbed or challenged in their power. They are not following any Force church or alignment, but simply are part of nature. They use the Force for communication, both with the living and sometimes the dead.
  • General behavior:
    • Social - Generally the Children of Zildrog are living on their own, not living in colonies or families, nor having any values in regards to these terms. They have a strong identity as species and also strong racial identities, but no infighting is known on their own agenda and the only confrontation they engage in, is the Rite of the Sun. Handled much like a declared duel, it will not be interfered upon by any other member of the species. Hatchlings will remain with their parent for only a couple of years before they are left on their own.
    • Dragonlords - While generally not interested in the dealings of tiny mortals, the Elder Dragons have a particularly strong interest in those who are worthy to claim them as a mount. Those with a rider are seen as having achieved a greater honour and prestige than those without, marking them as special among their kin. To claim a dragon, the dragon must deem you worthy and the younger the dragon, the more difficult the deed will be. Izaxian Ancients are usually the ones who are looking for a rider as they will otherwise die slowly, while the younger Zakuulan Wyverns are too wild and untamed to be claimed usually. It is the dragon who chooses and once chosen, the bond is for life. The dragon may outlive its rider, but a part of the riders soul will continue to live in their soul. The bonding with a rider usually leads to a strong Force bond, in rare cases, even a Force Dyad, making the mount and the rider become very attuned and indeed, attached to each other.
    • Material Apathy - The Elder Dragons have a general desinterest and apathy towards everything technological. They are not skilled in any form of science and are also not willing to indulge in it due to the lack of need and reasoning for them to do so. The only recorded usage of any form of technology for one of their kin is the fitting of armor, but even that requires a very strong bond with the rider.
    • Breath of the Dragon - Originating in their species, the Breath of the Dragon is a ritual in which a warrior moves to confront a dragon and survive their breath. A confrontation is not a duel or combat in this case for the dragons were holy in ancient times and served a deity-like worship. Instead it was a test of the warrior's spirit to remain steadfast and potentially conjure a Force barrier strong enough to resist the fiery breath, marking them as a formidable Force user and subsequently, a strong warrior.
    • Prophecy of the Demon Saviour - The Prophecy of the Demon Saviour is preached since ancient times as the one who would save the Galaxy from its worst nightmares and evil. It is not specified what exactly it is, but it is said that the first dragon turned evil, into the Demon-Dragon and he conscience is breeding havoc and destruction ever since until he can swallow the universe whole. To stand up against him, a Demon Saviour comes to challenge and annihilate the Demon-Dragon. It is rumoured in legends to be the source of all conflict, apathy, decadence and terror the Galaxy has known.

Time of Legends
Before the foundations for the dogmatic conflict were laid on Tython, before King Adas walked triumphantly across Korriban, before the Infinite Empire held the Galaxy, there was a time of myths and legends.

It was told that the Great Demon-Dragon, the Nameless, reigned supreme over many worlds of fledging civilisations, tight in his talons they were to worship him, offer sacrifices and suffer his wrath if their gifts were too small. His home was a system that now does not exist anymore, his lair a sun that shines no longer and there he had a single son: Zildrog.

Zildrog would become the father of all Elder Dragons, every member now and ever could trace their lineage back to the son of the Nameless. But the Demon-Dragon did not permit a contender. And what was a blink of an eye for an eternal being, was enough for the son to grow and unite the peoples against his father. Thousands of years of subversion and influencing weakened the Nameless grip on his realm, for Zildrog lived to overthrow the Demon.

He found the people of the immediate system to be the most receptive and also to be the best at trying to eliminate the threat of the Nameless. This species would later be known as the Iokathians. Despite their immediate oppression, they abused the hubris of the Nameless and developed what was far beyond anything the Galaxy had ever seen. Their technology outclassed that of the Rakata and their weapons, plenty to eradicate trillions, were deemed ready to fight the Demon-Dragon.

But it was not only the oppressed Zildrog prepared. He had children on his own.

The war that followed was without equals, words incapable of describing the unleashed destruction and death. Civilisations died in battles which raged for decades, systems were eradicated, supernova's a mere blossom next to the superweapons unleashed to destroy parts of the Nameless and his followers. What is now known as Unknown Regions and Wild Space was ravaged far and wide.

But Zildrog prevailed. It was not the total victory which was hoped for, but the ingenuity of the Iokathians which pushed the Nameless into his final lair, the star of the Iokath system. Here they built their world and greatest achievement, the planet Iokath. A dyson-sphere but also a prison. Built around the sun in which the Demon-Dragon was hiding, it was a fortress shielding the Galaxy from a threat so horrifying that it was actually forgotten.

And it seemed peace was achieved. Zildrog and his children congratulated the Iokathians for their achievements and praised their ability.

Only for them to be destroyed.

Time of Annihilation
Zildrog and his two oldest children, Izax and Scyva, together with their four children, Tyth, Aivela, Nahut and Esne, were the first ones to die at the hands of the Iokathian superweapons. Eradicated and their souls trapped by mechanical devices to enslave their powerful spirits forever to the Iokathian creators. The Iokathians deemed the Elder Dragons too powerful to be alive and started a genocide to kill every last one of them.

Their exploits across the Galaxy to find the Children of Zildrog laid waste to even more civilisations, killing trillions with their weapons. But the Elder Dragons went into hiding, their whereabouts becoming unknown to the hunters and before long, the Iokathians destroyed themselves.

The Galaxy kept turning, some off-shoots of the Elder Dragons settled in the Galaxy, forgetting their ancestral abilities and sentience, some moved to worlds barely known to anyone and chose reclusiveness and exile. With the actual Children of Zildrog splitting to live on three worlds prominently. The ones which would today be known as Zakuul, Iokath and Nathema.

Time of the Prophet
But evidently the Force, the great schemer and master of change, had plans for the lost species of Worldeaters. The planets they had chosen were destined to be visited by no other than who would proclaim himself the Demon-Savior, the one to finally kill the Nameless one. In a great tragedy he killed one of the Izaxian Ancients in his ritual on Nathema, then known as Medriaas, absorbing a dragon soul and life-force.

Darth Vitiate would not only locate one of the Iokathian superweapons, but also use the faith of the local Zakuulans to build an Empire. Reigning as Immortal Master and Emperor of Zakuul, Valkorion would use the names of the Children of Zildrog to his advantage, while they were deeprooted in the Zakuulan society. As Demon-Savior he was destined to slay the Nameless but the prophecy would never come to fruition for the proclaimed prophet was slain by no-other than a manifestation of the Will of the Force.

Now the Children of Zildrog look for finding someone to fulfill their prophecy and slay the Demon-Dragon. And they are not alone. For since the fall of Valkorion, they have cultivated followers and minions to do their bidding, they seek to bring about a new age where the threat of the Nameless exists no more.

In the twilight of an age shrouded in despair, when the skies burn with the embers of forgotten suns, the prophecy shall awaken. The Demon-Savior, born of shadow and light, shall rise from the ashes of a broken world. With a heart forged in the crucible of pain, they shall face The Nameless, the Demon-Dragon whose roar shakes the heavens and whose breath scorches the earth. In the final battle, when the stars weep and the mountains tremble, the Demon-Savior shall strike, and with a blade of wrath and fury, they shall bring an end to the Nameless, sealing its dark power for eternity.
The Prophecy of the Demon-Savior


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