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First Reply Eldritch worlds (sith only)

Astrid pentoghast

Location: jutrand
Equipment: Liber infernalis, book of shadows, book of law, various tomes and holocrons of sith knowledge

Astrid stood studying pouring over tomes and listening to holocrons as she crafted new spells in an experiment lab she had on jutrand. There where captives on the planet most where harmless those that had the capacity to do harm or escape where properly sedated. While she didn't have a need for them she was working on new spells and potentially a way into world between worlds.

As rhe nightsister stood there taking down notes for spell ideas and theoretical diagrams for spell circles and bindings for strong netherbeings. That she would bind into service for any number of things but that was for future as she stood there she didn't hear the door open but her guards stood there beings completely covered in white bandages with a combination of Nightsister and sith runes with coverings of armor in necessary areas like shoulders waist and brazers. With short swords on their waists as the four guards turned their heads to look at the person walking in as Astrid stood there looking over notes about possible ways into the world between worlds.


While not exactly a native to Jutrand nor one to find himself wandering around too much, certain duties had forced the Lord of Hunger to find himself upon the Imperial Capital, the center of the current Sith Order and powerbase to the very emperor himself, but none of those were of any consequence to He who hungered.

One the other hand, what did concern, or more precisely interested the being clothed in darkness and cold, was what a woman was doing in this part of the library, perhaps more importantly why she was near the section holding several books on tranferring oneself beyond the veil.

Completely ignoring the guards, the Lord of hunger slowly moved forward, like an encroaching fog he approached Astrid pentoghast . "Do not mind me... I am simply here to find something...useful."

Finding himself standing next to the Nightsister, the Lord of Hunger's pressure would be unmistakable, a cold and hungry sensation emanating from him, as if he'd devour all within his vicinity if he did not restrain himself.

"I am quite curious though," With one of his gloved fingers pointing somewhat relaxed towards the books and tomes the Nightsister was carrying, the Monstrous man's eyes seemed to squint a bit behind the mask he wore. "It almost looks like you are searching for the one thing you never ought to look for without proper, prior knowledge... the worlds beyond the veil are treacherous, but that which is rumored to lie in between has been the obsession of many a Sith and Jedi and has yet to leave one's life unscathed..."


Astrid pentoghast

Location: jutrand
Liber infernalis, book of shadows, book of law, various tomes and holocrons of sith knowledge
Tag: Credius Nargath Credius Nargath

As she stood there she felt the lord of hunger approach while she did not know him on a first name basis she knew of him as she looked over the notes and books. She heard his voice and listened to him talk as she wrote down notes for a binding spell or atleast the beginning of a binding spell. "Don't let me stop you from looking for what your looking for" she said as she sat down looking at the lord of hunger as the nightsister relaxed a bit she wasn't worried about the feeling of hunger that credius was emitting and what she sensed about his restraint. If he wanted her dead they wouldn't be having this conversation right now and if he tried something she could just teleport away knowing his intentions towards her.

but he had brought up good details about history and warnings warnings she had thought of herself. As she set down the books on a desk that was next to her "I am nothing if not patient I'm not going to travel beyond the veil until I know I'm ready and prepared" she said standing there. The nightsister had done her research but even then knew a well layed out plan never made it past contact in the field. "This is mostly theory crafting at this point anyway there are ways to bind powerful other planar creatures to my will and power through sorcery but there's no guarantee they stay under my control" she said. Standing there she had her guard incase credius got to hungry but figured if he was going to he wouldn't talk unless he was trying to get her to lower her guard.
The Horror in the Darkness



"Horrors, I believe, should be original--the use of common myths and legends being a weakening influence."
- H.P. Lovecraft -
Location: Jutrand
Gear: In Sig (minus Bow)
Familiar: Archimedes
Astrid pentoghast I Credius Nargath Credius Nargath

It had been some time since I was on Jutrand, not since I attended the festival where my hopes of meeting my iconic hero fell into an abysmal feeling of failure; yet the night was not ruined. For Fate had brought me an interesting, rather unique I should boast in addition, a woman with whom a bond of sorts developed; Kaila Irons Kaila Irons . She came with questions about Dathomir, the Nightsisters in particular, and Fate brought her answers in the diabolic form of yours truly. We bantered under a cold, full moon where the illumination of the moonbeams radiated around us drawing a ghost-like glow that for me, added to the effects of my undead appearance. But that was my last visit, I pondered what new labors awaited me now.

y staff, clicking along the paved surface like chattering teeth, lead the way, with my fowl, Archie, flying happily about the area, never straying too far from me. He knew feeding time was close, and his appetite was legendary. I ignored the other Sith, civilians, and others who found a reason to venture to the Capital of the Sith, for conversations bored me to exhaustion, as I weaved my ghoulish form toward the library. I was in need of information, any information at this juncture, surrounding the mystical unknown called Otherspace, where something of great importance was required for purposes known only to myself and one other.

Ignoring the stolen glances from those I gracefully passed, I entered the library where memories flooded my mind, those recollections of countless hours salivating over the various knowledge at my disposal. I had soaked it up like a sponge, filtering out the mental waste that provided absence to my further growth, succeeding far beyond my own personal expectations. I felt a little nostalgia seep in but quickly exiled it to the darkest depths of my feelings, for I was not here for happy reunions, but important business. Though it was here in the fabled halls of the library that the seeds of my betrayal began to bloom, leading to my calculated plot to murder my own Master, a plot filmed through success.

"I require all the data files the library possesses on the subject of Otherspace," I said more demanding rather than asking to the librarian behind the desk. The frail old lady, a failed student I recall who managed to escape death for being consistently weak, barely made eye contact with me, before scurrying off to fill my request. I watched her hobble painfully away, for the years had been unkind to her, and thought briefly of ending her suffering before the realization that she was kept alive as a reminder to the students that frequent the library what actual failure looks and smells like.
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Location: Jutrand
Gear: See Sig [minus Enforcer]
TAG: Astrid pentoghast | Darth Moskvin Darth Moskvin


The Lord of Hunger let out a hollow sounding chuckle, finding the drive to find something, the desire to acquire knowledge both reminiscent and amusing. Most Sith and witches these days seemed to be more focused on acquiring power through more direct meassures, foregoing the study, the effort to understand and fully grasp the concept of the power they so greatly desired.

Restraining his own aura to avoid making this woman before him uncomfortable, the monstrous man tilted his head ever so slightly when glancing at the notes she had made, quite curious to what she was up to, but still keenly listening to the words she spoke.

"Good...good," Raising his left hand, the armored digits began to seemingly be envelopped by a black fog, which seemed to dance around the man's fingers to his own will, as if it were an extension of his very mind and soul. Yet, no bloodlust, no hunger or threat could be felt from it besides a cold, unnerving and unnatural sensation. "To understand the undertaking you want to make, to acknowledge the risks is the first step to success."

Clenching his hand into a fist, the darkness creeping around his hand shimmered and sputtered before vanishing completely. As a Witch... Astrid pentoghast most likely would understand the power he had just subtly displayed, for it was the basic theory of the magicks which granted the more powerful among her kind to teleport through large distances of space, but where those powers in a witch's hands were refined and precise, in the Lord of Hunger's hands it was crude and unsightly but nevertheless still very effective.

"I myself am quite interested in the fauna and flora of the worlds beyond the veil as well," Again a dry chuckle escaped the Lord of Hunger's throat, almost like sand being pushed violently through a leather hose. "Though my approach to understanding and examining them comes more from a scientific point of view rather than that of a witch or a sorcerer..."

Obviously, Credius was at the very least versed enough in Sith Sorcery to stave off the ailment that was gnawing at the back of his mind, consuming his lifeforce with every passing moment, yet he wasn't affraid to admit that even he who regarded himself as one of the most dangerous among the Sith paled in comparison to the great Nightmothers of Dathomir, whose magicks and the mastery thereof were far beyond even his own understanding of sorcery in its totality.

Suddenly, his head snapped to the side, the eyes sunken within the hollows of his mask burning vibrantly with a crimson and golden sheen.
"Looks like we'll be having company quite soon."


Astrid pentoghast

Tag: Credius Nargath Credius Nargath Darth Moskvin Darth Moskvin

Astrid stood there she had seen the cost of grabbing power without caution it never ended well and the person always ended up changed. Either physically,mentally, or both and for her sake she hopped she wouldn't be among their number especially if she could help it. She knew of credius's hunger she had read of darth nihilus who had become something similar through the events of malacor making him a wound in the force. But credius was different he held on to what made him himself he wasn't an all consuming void of death.

"Knowledge is in itself power and key to success but knowledge without restraint is akin to power unrestrained and can lead to death which I'd prefer not to die" she said standing there. She prefered to live as long as possible and remain what she was physically or atleast keep her appearance no matter how vain that might seem.

She sensed the teleportation magic swirling around his hand as he spoke. "Fauna and floral would be interesting to study but where I have in mind should not have any that I know of" she said standing there half paying attention to credius half reading her notes. "Nothing is wrong with a scientific perspective I'm a trained doctor aswell as a witch and sorcerer so if there is a use for such fauna and flora I'd love to study it" she said sharing abit of her past. Who knew what kind of benefits/uses they could have for anyone or a sith as she stood there.

She also heard the sounds of someone else enter and sensed their presence "seems that way but I sense her intentions are different than my own but not by much" stating what she believed. The nightsister wasn't worried she had studied under nightmothers and sith sorcerers her whole life she was sure whatever would come she could handle it.
The Horror in the Darkness



"Horrors, I believe, should be original--the use of common myths and legends being a weakening influence."
- H.P. Lovecraft -
Location: Jutrand
Gear: In Sig (minus Bow)
Familiar: Archimedes
Astrid pentoghast I Credius Nargath Credius Nargath

I could sense the eyes on me, the curiosity blossoming in their rat-wheeling cages, formulating ideas about the nature of my visit. Sith, by historical facts, are both a superstitious and inquisitive lot; and they should be. I have heard it preached tirelessly that our greatest and most hated enemy are the Jedi, one only needs to read the tomes of histories past to understand such sermonizing from those who are crafty homiletics. I disagree more philosophically. I believe the greatest enemy to a Sith comes from within our own Order; from political agendas to power grabbing to usurping another's status in the hierarchy of ranking placements to nearly anything that gives one an advantage over a fellow Sith. Well, it used to be. Now, the Sith work cohesively like a dysfunctional family, and it makes me nauseated.

"And what intentions do you think have infected my reasonings for being here, Sister," I said with a slight disdain in my voice. A grossly misconception to outside viewers that all Nightsister Clans are united, sharing a common denominator for survival, sharing Dathomir in a peaceful and tranquil field of flowering love, that we are all Sisters through a cosmic genetic code, that worshiping the Winged Goddess or the Fanged God made us one, or that there is little difference between those that followed the ways of Allya and that of Gethzerion. The ignorance of assumptions always outweighs the factual truths. "And by how much is how much? Surely your powers of deduction by my simple visit to the library has already unraveled my mysterious intentions."

Perhaps I was cruel in my words, perhaps I was not. My Coven is hated by all other Nightsister Covens, so naturally when in the presence of a Sister not from the
Nardithi Nightsisters Coven, we tend to get aggressive. "I offer no apologies for my words; it is not in my nature to do so. However, there is no malice to be found within, or ill intentions to you Sister," I said turning around, the tiny finger bones weaved in my midnight color hair clinking together, "Or to your mentor, companion, friend, or lover. Or whatever title you bestow upon one another."


Location: Jutrand
Gear: See Sig [minus Enforcer]
TAG: Astrid pentoghast | Darth Moskvin Darth Moskvin


The Lord of Hunger nodded in agreement with Astrid's assertion that the desire for knowledge without restraint might've very well been just as dangerous as the unchecked desire for power most of the Sith displayed. "A very wise and astute statement, Lady Pentoghast."

Tilting his head a bit when the woman exclaimed that there was no such thing as flora and fauna where she aimed to reach, Credius was clearly interested in this "place" she had in mind, for if there were no beasts nor plants to examine, catalogue and perhaps consume...the only other options would have been a certain power or a certain knowledge and if a nightsister; a witch was involved...such things could only be at the very least something amusing to behold.

Alas, before he could extoll the virtue of her words, the masked man's eyes slowly turned to the side, when a vile creature, one draped in a darkness nearly as smothering as his own managed to interrupt their conversation. Now ofcourse, the Lord of Hunger usually refrained from letting others be overwhelmed by the hunger he exuded, the unnatural darkness which had deepened within the core of his very soul, turning him into an abomination, a vile and terrifying reminder of what would happen if one were to delve too deep into the depths of the force and the beyond, where one could be stripped fully of their humanity in exchange for the ascension into the world of monsters and magicks. However, with the appearance of this interloper who seemed to not have any decorum nor would refrain from brazenly speaking her mind and opinion, the Lord of Hunger was hard pressed not to unleash his very nature in all its unholy magnificence...yet, to do so on Jutrand would only cause him to gain the Ire of one of the few of whome he was wary within the confines of this galaxy.

"You have either little to no fear or little to no intelligence," The Lord of Hunger's eyes blazed in their inhuman vibrance, crimson and gold surrounding a slit pupil which had narrowed as Darth Moskvin Darth Moskvin had shown either ignorance or sheer unrestrained audacity when merely brushing off Credius as Lady Pentoghast's mentor, lover or whatever she viewed him as, rather than properly addressing him according to his station and power.

"I do hope it is the former and not the latter...for I can change the former," a cold would start to emmanate from the monster, an aura of despair akin to that which a prey animal would feel when being hunted and cornered by an apex predator would feel. "Now... we were having an interesting conversation on the places beyond the veil of the realm of mortals, surely if it is notin the department of intelligence that you are lacking, you as what I may pressume to be another coven of witches might have some insights useful for this... search the Lady Pentoghast has?"


Astrid pentoghast

Credius Nargath Credius Nargath Darth Moskvin Darth Moskvin

Astrid stood there calmly as she looked at moskvin she didn't let moskvins words get to her which might have been Moskvins goal "i didn't mean to offend" she said obviously not interested but keeping an eye on her fellow sister she didn't care what clan the woman was from. As her books closed astrid could tell that this might not be resolved quickly but things needed correcting "why is it the go to force sith to spew hate especially in a place of knowledge all i came for is such" she said.

She sensed the change in credius her aura was tame but dark and cold like a winter breeze as she stood there. "You can accept my apology or walk away and we can hate each other for the rest of our lives or like the man before us stated we can pool our knowledge and help each other out" she said calmly she didn't care really she had enemies nardithi was a clan that earned their reputation by thinking they where better than other clans. When they weren't she walked around the table to stand in front of moskvin "which will it be?" She asked looking at her waiting Astrid was also ready to teleport if moskvin tried anything.

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