Location: jutrand
Equipment: Liber infernalis, book of shadows, book of law, various tomes and holocrons of sith knowledge
Astrid stood studying pouring over tomes and listening to holocrons as she crafted new spells in an experiment lab she had on jutrand. There where captives on the planet most where harmless those that had the capacity to do harm or escape where properly sedated. While she didn't have a need for them she was working on new spells and potentially a way into world between worlds.
As rhe nightsister stood there taking down notes for spell ideas and theoretical diagrams for spell circles and bindings for strong netherbeings. That she would bind into service for any number of things but that was for future as she stood there she didn't hear the door open but her guards stood there beings completely covered in white bandages with a combination of Nightsister and sith runes with coverings of armor in necessary areas like shoulders waist and brazers. With short swords on their waists as the four guards turned their heads to look at the person walking in as Astrid stood there looking over notes about possible ways into the world between worlds.
Equipment: Liber infernalis, book of shadows, book of law, various tomes and holocrons of sith knowledge
Astrid stood studying pouring over tomes and listening to holocrons as she crafted new spells in an experiment lab she had on jutrand. There where captives on the planet most where harmless those that had the capacity to do harm or escape where properly sedated. While she didn't have a need for them she was working on new spells and potentially a way into world between worlds.
As rhe nightsister stood there taking down notes for spell ideas and theoretical diagrams for spell circles and bindings for strong netherbeings. That she would bind into service for any number of things but that was for future as she stood there she didn't hear the door open but her guards stood there beings completely covered in white bandages with a combination of Nightsister and sith runes with coverings of armor in necessary areas like shoulders waist and brazers. With short swords on their waists as the four guards turned their heads to look at the person walking in as Astrid stood there looking over notes about possible ways into the world between worlds.