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Approved Species Eleamentas

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The Grand Eleamentas

[Artstation - Massive Worm by Lennart Verhoeff]

  • Intent: Creating a sort of mythic creature to add some spice.
  • ​Image Credit: X
  • Canon: N/A
  • Links:
​- Sraeljoarsk
- Draeyde
- Vo'uldesh

  • Name: The Eleamentas [The Sak-erekus]
  • Designation: Semi-sentient
  • Homeworld: Sraeljoarsk
  • Language: N/A
  • Average Lifespan: Unknown, possibly hundreds of thousands of years due to hibernation.
  • Estimated Population: Unique
  • Description: You can't really glance at these things, the Eleamentas or well the last of their kind (Sak-erekus) is impossibly large, beyond our human understanding of scale. They look like a massive moving amalgamation of rock and flesh.
  • Breathes: Type IV
  • Average height of adults: 104m circumference
  • Average length of adults: 1609m
  • Skin color: Grey
  • Hair color: N/A
  • Distinctions: These creatures are some of the biggest in the known galaxy. However, records show they used to be smaller, in fact Sak-Erekus is more akin to a alpha by comparison to the remains of his ancestors. These creatures have no eyes, no distinguishable limbs. They are one long, thick piece of rock.
  • Races: N/A
  • Strengths:
​- Hard Hide: This creatures hide is incredible. It's rock hide is likely a few hundred metres thick. Almost entirely impenetrable to all forms of small arms fire. There's no way boots on the ground with any kind of firepower could take this thing out if they attempted. It would require the firepower of ships and vessels to even damage this creature, or killing it from the inside.
- Destroyer: This creature, when awakened digs and digs, eating everything from rock to flesh. Whatever will go in its mouth, there's nothing it won't or can't crush with its body mass.
- Faster than You: You really wish it was slow, but its not. This lumbering mass might be slower than a ship or speeder but it's faster than any human on foot. It's infinite wriggles onward will be your doom.

  • Weaknesses:
​- Nom: It will eat anything, including your building full of high grade explosives. As in, you could trick it into eating a building full of explosives and kill it.
- Dumber than you: While it may be physically imposing, it's still dumber than you. You can outsmart this thing, if you don't get crushed or eaten. You could outsmart it by, making it follow you and cause a cave in
- Blind: The Eleamentas is traditionally blind, it relies on smell to find its way.
- Hibernation: These creatures don't actively roam. Well, the only remaining Eleamentas is in a deep state of hibernation, deep under the planets surface close to the core for warmth and the most fertile grounds.
- Indefensible: It has no limbs, if drawn out into an open area; it can't defend itself from a mortar strike or anything of that sort. It is entirely vulnerable to whatever kind of assault that is wrought upon it.
-Addiction: There is a plant that exists on the surface of the planet that carries an incredibly strong odour that drives Eleamentas wild with hunger. This plant only grows in Vo'uldesh nests, and its smell is obscured by their ink. However, once it is removed from the nests a Eleamentas can smell this plant (know as the Weiyem Plant) from miles off, and will typically come rushing to the surface to eat this plant.

  • Diet: Everything, including rock.
  • Communication: N/A
  • Technology level: N/A
  • Religion/Beliefs: N/A
  • General behavior: These creatures destroy and create, by proxy of their mere existence. They have no violent tendencies nor are they passive. They simply exist, and devour and fertilise the tunnels they leave behind with their droppings. The Eleamentas are aimless beings with no intention other than to feed and procreate. But as the last of their species remains dormant, they have no observable behaviour as of present. Their species is practically extinct.
​Billions of years ago, the Eleamentas thrived as the sole noteworthy inhabitants of the massive planet Sraeljoarsk. Typically smaller than the last of their kind. These creatures overtime slowly grew bigger and by extension grew greater in number, however over time food was less available for these massive creatures. And, by proxy they slowly began to die off until only few gargantuan Eleamentas remained. The last of their species has laid dormant for an unknown amount of time.

Their graveyard is one of the largest open areas in the Sraeljoarsk tunnels, and is not even the vicious Draeyde dare awaken the last Eleamentas. As, by now the world had recovered, food was abundant and would likely cause a small resurgence in their numbers, consequentially killing almost all other forms of life in the tunnels.
[member="Tathra Khaeus"]

So several things that need to be addressed in this submission:

  • Tathra Khaeus said:
    Average Lifespan: Unknown, possibly hundreds of thousands of years due to hibernation
    I'm uncomfortable with something being hundreds of thousands of years old. Please lower this.

  • Tathra Khaeus said:
    Breathes: Type I and II
    I notice the planet has a Type IV atmosphere, and this submission can only breathe Type I or Type II. How does it survive as even burrowing into the ground still exposes everything in the holes and tunnels to the same atmosphere?

  • Tathra Khaeus said:
    Average length of adults: 12,874m [12.8km]
    I am very uncomfortable with approving anything that is longer than even a Super Star Destroyer on the board. Please lower this somewhat.
  • As they stand right now, your strengths and weaknesses do not balance at all. Right now, we have impervious, meters thick hide, it's fast, and can eat just about anything and everything against blindness (although right in the weakness it states how it sees with vibrations so that basically eliminates that as a weakness as it is currently worded), dumber than a sentient (which is a given when something is still only semi-sentient and how would one even trick this thing when it is over the size of a Super Star Destroyer?), eating everything again with an example of a building full of explosives, and hibernating near the core of the planet which means it is nesting in molten rock which implies heat resistance or the creature would die. Please change these so there is a balance.
[member="Taeli Raaf"]

The breathing problem was an oversight on my behalf. Fixed now.
Due to the creatures size it only makes sense it would require something powerful to damage it. Additionally, its faster than a person but that's just physics something that big would have to have the physicality of a snail to move slower than a normal person.

Regarding how much it can build was an oversight on my behalf, the wording meant it would eat the very damaging explosives. It has no way of telling what it shouldn't eat so that is a weakness to explore.

You could trick it by making it follow you and cause it to cave in a massive amount of rock on itself or, out into the open where it could be attacked by the Draeyde or with ships, with firepower. Bigger they are, harder they fall.

And resistance to plasma, blasters, explosives, heat all fall under that same strength due to its size.

I also added in two more weaknesses.

Regarding the length and age. I don't see why this makes you so uncomfortable, or how that's grounds for it to change. It's a giant worm, it's supposed to be mystic and ancient. While the size does add to its practicality as a dangerous creature, its just a creature; not an NPC. I don't see how this causes issue other than it's not just something you could beat up on foot.

It's just a big worm not a tarrasque.

I'm not saying no, I just need a sort of ball park for how reduced you reasonably want the size and age to be?
[member="Tathra Khaeus"]

My deepest apologies for the delay at getting to this, thesis defense took up my week.

Right now, this creature is over 12x the length of the largest Star Wars creature we've seen, the exogorth or space slug. It is also almost twice the height of the Empire State Building (443 meters), so you can understand why I think this needs to be shrunk down by quite a lot. Right now, this thing would be too big for any of its weaknesses to play any factor at all. A mortar or artillery strike, even turbolasers from a starship, is gonna be a flea bite to it.
[member="Taeli Raaf"]

No worries about the wait. We all get busy. It's like nearly 5am for me so apologies for any oversights. I haven't changed any of the descriptions yet, but I've changed the size. Lemme know whatchu think birb.
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