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Eleandra H'Avelle

Eleandra H'Avelle

"I Listen to Silence..."
Social Information
  • Name: Eleandra H'Avelle
  • Alias: The Silent One
  • Titles: N/A
  • Homeworld: Via
  • Living Situation: Antiquus City, Via
  • Sexuality: (?)
  • Martial Status: Single
  • Force Sensitive: Yes - limited sensitivity
  • Force Rank: Psychometry Apprentice
  • Force Alignment: Ashlan
  • Voice Sample: N/A

Physical Information
  • Species: Near-Human
  • Races: Viatori
  • Gender: Female
  • Age: 15 GSY
  • Height: 1.72 metres
  • Weight: 50 kilograms
  • Eye Colour: Plain White / (Maroon Brown)
  • Hair Colour: Ginger
  • Skin Pigmentation: Caucasian
Affiliated with
  • N/A

General Overview - The motto of Eleandra tells everything about her that needs to be known. As she is not able to talk like most people do and she hears differently than others, she is an interesting person who loves being alone and just listening to the sound of silence. The headphones she often wears serve no other goal than hearing only silence. She is a pure introvert, sometimes being even too closed into her own mind. She loves thinking and finds it more important than talking (or conversating) at all. As a person, the female Viatori is calm, kind, accepting, empathic. Some people who have seen her have spoken about her always looking into the distance and nearly never into the eye of the person who is talking. As a Viatori, she is blind, but as most other Viatori turn to the person talking to them, she is a bit weird, different. Another thing which comes from her being a Viatori is the fact, that she can find beauty in every little thing. Even small, old leaves may be beautiful to her. She likes listening to books whenever she is not occupied by anything else (eg. listening to the silence).

Strengths/Weaknesses -
+ I find beauty in everything - Eleandra, being a Viatori, can find beauty in every little thing and could be able to turn a simple piece of paper into a masterpiece.
+ Being a Viatori is a gift - as a Viatori, Eleandra has developed the same strengths as most other Viatori have, including higher lifespan, natural psychometric abilities, tolerating nature, tougher skin.
+ Some speak of my collection... - like every normal Viatori, Eleandra loves collecting random things. Her own collection is already quite huge, considering the fact, that she loves going to junkyards to look for wonderful things.
+ I have been gifted by the god - Eleandra is a Force-sensitive, which is quite helpful. Well, not exactly, considering the fact, that she can't actually use any abilities other than Psychometry.
+ I travel a lot... - like every normal VIatori, Eleandra loves traveling around the place and she has developed the skill to find information about locations nearly directly after seeing the locations.
+ Why do you all shout? - Eleandra has been gifted with another power - heightened hearing. She can hear soft whispering as normal talk, so normal talk will be shouting to her. Her ears are extremely sensitive.
- Only Darkness guides my life - being a Viatori, Eleandra is naturally blind. She has the potential to start seeing some time in her life.
- The soft whispering of the wind, so strange, yet so beautiful - Eleandra was born with a rare disease which doesn't let her talk with a normal voice. Even though her voice is beautiful, being melodic and lyric, she can't talk louder than a simple whisper. But honestly, it's everything she needs.
- They say I will be an elder soon - all Viatori weaknesses also apply to Eleandra, including being blind (which has been mentioned already), being shy, aging faster, and not being able to drink alcohol.
- Do I have to speak in front of them? - if Viatori are all shy, then Eleandra is extremely shy. She won't talk to a single person unless she has been with them for a long time. She will never meet anybody new unless somebody else introduces her to somebody.
- Limited Force-Sensitivity - Eleandra's Force-Sensitivity is limited; she can sense things, but not use any powers.

The Beginning
They all shout. That's what I could say about my life. To be honest, I don't care about my past. Past is the past, more important is the present and what comes tomorrow. Yesterday was but a mere fraction of my life. It serves no purpose. It's nothing. But I will still look into my beginning. Just to keep track of my life. Just to understand who I am.

My mother - a wise woman named Delia Reveré - told me stories about my first years. I know, that I was born to her and Alec Sander Chemorni. They were simple nomads, actually quite typical Viatori, and they loved me a lot. You - a reader or my diary - may think, that I have a strange family name... or at least you're wondering where I got it. Well, to be honest, we don't have family names on Via. We have a first name or two, sometimes even three, but we don't have a family name. The last name is a sign of our beauty. Nobody uses that name. It just... exists. My family chose it for me and I love it. Just like I love my first name. They were beautiful people who knew some cute names.

I was born on a calm spring day and I remember, that it happened in a random village which name I don't remember anymore, though. I was raised there for about a year. My first years were very peaceful, judging by what my mother told me. When we move to another place, into a town, I started finding friends. But they all shouted. My soft whisper was not heard amongst them and that's why everybody thought I am only good to become a slave... It hurt me a lot.

Now I can't write because I cry...

But I must continue. They heard my voice as a tiny breeze on a morning. It was beautiful, but didn't mean anything. That's sad. But life will go on. When I grew older, I started learning about myself. As there are no schools like most people are used to, on Via, I studied from my parents. My mother was good at theoretical knowledge and my father taught me sports, arts, and some other interesting things which I do not remember anymore. Mum said, that I am an introvert who is also very shy. Nonetheless, she understood, that I am fine just the way I am. Why shouldn't I be? She and dad were my best friends during my first twelve years.

When I turned twelve, I knew, that my life will have to change a bit. I had to find friends. I know much about one day in my life. It was about half a year to my birthday (turning 13) and I was trying to find a new friend somewhere. At that time, we had already moved to Antiquus City and that's where we lived. Even though the city was big, I managed to find my way to a forest which grew somewhere out of it. I don't know why, but it just... called for me. I felt like I'll meet a friend there.

And I did.

The forest was dark, but I saw a beautiful Praefecti there. She was beautiful, she was lovely. She understood me. We immediately formed a bond and I... adopted her. She became my first and only real friend who is not a family member. Yes, at that time, I already had three younger brothers, an older one, and an older sister. The Praefecti was named Silence. I loved her and I still do.

And that is my life. Why should I speak more of it if I don't want to? Like I said, yesterday is a memory, today is a gift, and tomorrow is a riddle.
Notable Force Powers
  • [Novice] Telemetry/Psychometry

Notable Skills
  • [Fluent] Fabula - Fabula, the mother tongue of Eleandra, is the only language she speaks in. She, unlike some people, could be considered an expert in the language.
  • [Learning] Galactic Basic Standard - as the language of the rest of the galaxy would be needed everywhere out of home, Eleandra is studying the language, hoping to become fluent in it.

  • N/A
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]

Yeah, it could be really cool... Especially because Thurion looks like a wise man and she'd hopefully understand Eleandra a lot. I am also eagerly waiting for the day when she and [member="Kyra Sol"] meet, though. :D

Eleandra H'Avelle

[member="Astrian Callus"] | [member="Zoey Marix"]

Thank you! :D

[member="Rasu Gan"]

Thank you! I would love to RP with you, too, some day. :)

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