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Election Debate

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Okay here is the Election debate. All the Candidates are to post an opening remark. After opening remarks the floor will then be open for people to question the candidates. Obviously IC your character doesn't really ask questions at a debate, buuuut you can post as the proctor asking the various candidates questions, or PM me and I'll ask the questions. The floor will be open for a week before voting commences.
Aurelia did not like debates. She was not afraid of her opponents, nor was she worried she might lose. No, rather she was annoyed by the fact that every babbling person who could stagger inside could watch. There was also the questions, snippy, insulting questions which would get one sued for libel were they outside of this room.

And of course there were her opponents. She knew of only one for certain, her own Party Secretary, Darren Brunswick. That was a blow of course, but it also spoke poorly of his credibility if he was willing to betray his leader and stand on his own platform.

"Madam Chancellor, we go live in 3...2...1...."

Aurelia did not use a teleprompter or notes. Everything she said was in her head from the start. She had some files with her with specific figures, and so on, but she needed no pre-planned speech to convey her message.

"My friends, citizens of the Republic, and elsewhere. I hope I can call you all my friends, for in these dark times everyone needs friends, even me. When I was elected five years ago, it was to a Republic consisting of maybe a hundred worlds. Coruscant was in ruins, the core worlds divided and broken into squabbling coalitions. In five years I have transformed this galaxy and this Republic, so that now we have tens of thousands of worlds under our protection. Indeed, word has just reached me that the campaign to secure Cato Neimodia has been finished, and that Manaan, Antar and elsewhere is in the process of accepting Republic rule. There have been victories of diplomacy and victories won by the blood and toil of our brave soldiers and Jedi Knights. These victories have established the rule of law and democracy over all the core worlds and beyond. The Senate, driven by new and improved procedures works. The gridlock and stagnation of the Old Republic is at an end, and we have become an example to everyone in the galaxy who dreams of a better future."
"Now, I will not deny that there have been defeats and losses. No leader, no matter how great or peaceful, ever has matters go all their own way. So it has been with us. The uprising of the droids known as Clockwork has tested us, but we have survived, we have pulled through, and we are rebuilding. Our enemies lurk on the horizon, be they pirates and criminals, or the looming menace of the Sith Empire. brave defenders of freedom have given their lives to protect the Republic, and we must never forget that our victories are bought with blood. Blood such as that of the fallen Jedi Grandmaster Teferi Efreet, who I counted as a friend in the brief time I had to work with him before his untimely death. I have seen war and death first hand, on Hapes, on Coruscant, on Anaxes. These things are meant to try us, but we must show the resilience to overcome them."
"As to my achievements? I think as the first Chancellor of the reborn Galactic Republic I have done more than anyone could have imagined just six years ago. Not just wars and battles against evil, but in the reorganisation and integration of the Jedi Order into the Republic in such a way as has never been done before. For this I thank Grandmaster @[member="Darron Wraith"] for his willingness to compromise and discuss, to help us find the best solution. Now the Jedi work with us 100%, and are the shield which defends the Republic alongside our soldiers."
"In areas other than war I have been successful. Trade has bloomed in this time. Planets have become wealthy, and this has passed down to everyone, even the most humble citizen. The trade stations over Corellia mean that we access raw materials and finished goods from the rim of the galaxy previously closed off. Even more, I have brought stability and peace to the core worlds and those which have been brought into our orbit have not had to fear raids or pirates with the Republic Navy on patrol."
"Citizens of the Republic, my record speaks for itself. Would I change a couple of decisions if I had the means to go back in time? Perhaps, but which one of us has not done this? I have brought peace, stability, victory, prosperity and leadership to this galaxy. So I stand here again and ask for five more years to finish my program. When those five years are up I will see what the will of the people is, but likely I will retire and let a new generation rise up to take my place. This is a democracy, so leaders must take account of the will of the people, and I have done this, I feel. The people of the Republic do not want a rash war, they do not want pacifism, they want a balanced approach which allows them to lead their lives in peace."
"Thank you, and may the Force be with us all."
Brunswick hated himself.
Why had he announced that he would run for the office of Supreme Chancellor when he already knew that a much more popular candidate was from his own political party? He had no idea. There was only last thing to do. A dire act to save his credibility and political career. After Chancellor Saelari spoke her opening speech, the Senator of Kuat cleared his throat and stood up.

"My friends... I would like to announce that I will be voluntarily withdrawing from this election for Supreme Chancellor. I believe that she will make a much more sensible choice for Supreme Chancellor than I. And as the party secretary of her political party, I would like to also announce that the Galactic Republican Party has officially nominated Madam Aurelia Saelari as our party's candidate for this election. She indeed has brought prosperity and honor to our Galactic Republic, and I personally ask for the citizens of our mighty Republic to give her five more years to ensure continued prosperity, victory, and peace."
Well that was...unexpected.

Aurelia kept her composure though and turned to @[member="Darren Brunswick"]. "Senator, I thank you for your kind words. I would like to invite you to remain as party secretary, and also assume the position of Vice Chancellor once Ms Lissari is on maternity leave. Together, my friends in the Republic, the two of us will make this galaxy a safer place for all."

She smiled and extended a hand to the Senator from Kuat.
Brunswick smiled and shook the Chancellor's hand. "I will work my hardest, Supreme Chancellor. I will be more than happy to continue to work as party secretary and work as Vice Chancellor."

(I don't think there are any other candidates... )
Hanna smiled... already giving up her spot.. that easily? huh... Well Hanna had something to say, she loved her job and well if her spot was gone well then she would most certainly run, as she had no reason not to. She had nothing to lose at this point, not having the option to be Vice Chancellor apparently.

" Greetings Citizens! This is a marvelous evening isn't it? Well lets get to business, while I am not as experienced as Chancellor Aurellia, I bring new and fresh ideas to the table. I helped bring the Republic and the Hapes Cluster work an agreement out that brought the republic hundreds of new member worlds.

I was there on Mannan as well, helping them so that they were able to join the republic. The Republic is an great government that allows Democracy to grow and spread in the galaxy. Now we have faced hard times, I myself barely made it out in time from the attack of Omni, and and numerous attempts at my life, but I won't let that get to me or the Republic. We are a great faction, one that is one of the few lights in the galaxy.

I pledge that if elected Chancellor, I will strive to continue to work through legislature that will help strengthen the Republic, and that I will do everything in my power to make Courscuant the city it once was. I will strive to ensure that the growing darkness of the Sith Empire does not encroach the Republic.

If elected I will serve the people because at the end of the day, that is what the Chancellor's job is, not to make one planet be better than another.. not to fatten the senator's and their planets pockets but to help make life work for Billions of people on all of our planets.

You all matter, and I will strive to improve the quality of life for everyone. Wether its bringing jobs and investment to our backwater worlds or ensuring that you are not forced out of you house because you were unfairly fired. I pledge to be a Chancellor of the people and for the People. "
(I had thought that Hanna was pregnant and going on maternity leave, which is why I posted as I did. If things have changed I will post my reply accordingly, or edit as needed.)

Rekali the Hutt

[SIZE=11pt]OOC: I was not able to post in the Sign-up thread as it was locked upon my entry, but I have been cleared by an Admin to debate in this thread and run for the position of Supreme Chancellor.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Ardak sat and watched as the Supreme and Vice-Chancellor began the opening blows and the Senator of Kuat pulled out of the race. Though they spoke from different positions their basic mantra's were the same. 'I have served well, the Republic has prospered, I will continue my good work if elected.' Damn politicians. If the Republic were to continue the way it had it would be conquered before the next election. Ardak rose out of his seat, aided by the cybernetics helping his battered body, and took the floor.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]"Ladies and Gentleman of the Republic, I stand before you tell you the truth of the future of the Republic. Chancellors Saelari and Lissiri both speak of the peace and prosperity we have had in the last five years, but the path of the Republic is not bound by the efforts of the past. We have dealt with the Clockwork Menace, but aside that we have not faced true war, and when we did face it we had to evacuate the capital of Coruscant, lose Kuat, and nearly faced extinction. Soon, we will begin a new war of a different sort against an enemy only the Jedi can truly say they know."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]"I have seen the Sith and their expansionary efforts, and while we have fumbled about to absorb Hapan, Onderon, and are currently occupied with efforts on Antar, Manaan, and Contrumm the Sith have unified with the Imperial Remnant, ceased hostilities with the Mandalorians, and have captured Gand, Ossus, and Mon Calamari, while they are currently have campaigns in Iego and Aargonar. The Sith are expanding rapidly, and will soon be able to attack us on two fronts. We need to prepare for the coming war, and the stability of the Republic will not be made by a Supreme Chancellor who only appears when needed or a 20-something year old Hapan who's been kidnapped what four, five times while in office? By rebels and brigands no less? Not to mention the whole debacle of the girl's wedding."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]"I on the other hand have faithfully served the Republic for over 35 years in combat. I started as an Ensign and worked my way to Admiral. I've commanded ships, fought troops, been captured, tortured, and made escapes. War is headed our way, and we need to be prepared. Though I am no longer in command I am well acquainted with the theaters of war. As Supreme Chancellor I would fight to ensure the safety of the Republic, and help expand our territories to ensure our rights and freedom are extended to as many sentients as possible."[/SIZE]
Aurelia received word that Hanna had again dropped out of the race. But like the hydra of myth, where one challenger fell, another rose to take their place. This one was different from the others, a Senator from Arkania and a former soldier. This one was taking a different tack, going the route of the war hawk. Fortunately for the Chancellor, she had a few things that could be used as ammunition here....

"Senator Serifen, I am pleased to see you here. Let me say that as always I have had a high regard for your war record. You have done a fine job in representing the people of Arkania."
The pleasantries were over now though. Now Aurelia could turn her full weight of oratory against this challenger.

"I must regretfully take issue with your words, Senator. A Chancellor who appears when needed is the best sort of leader, I would have thought. I respect the institution of the Senate, the law and how it operates. It is not the job of the Chancellor to be everywhere all the time. Indeed, if I had been the Chancellor who appeared when not needed I am sure that is a more serious accusation. Though I do not wish to push the point, I have not seen great activity in the senate from you, Senator Serifen. If you accuse me of being visible only when needed, I would return it by saying you are not visible even when needed."
"Furthermore the security concerns of the Vice Chancellor are hardly issues to bring into an election. Power places people into danger from those, as I'm sure you know. Perhaps I would take it as a sign that we have been successful enough to warrant enemy attention. Perhaps not."

"On the matter of the Sith, I am no fan of the Sith Empire. My views are well known, that I believe they are the antithesis of the freedom and law we hold dear. On the one hand their autocratic dictates, and on the other their religious cults ensure that freedom is submerged behind an iron curtain of repression. My views have not changed since the beginning. In the area of preparation you will find I have not shirked my responsibilities. In the five years since I have become Chancellor the Republic's military has expanded eleven-fold, just as our territory has grown. Our fleets and armies are the best equipped in the galaxy, largely through my ability to negotiate military supply bills through the Senate. Do not think me a pacifist, Senator, I am not. However, unlike your reckless policy of provocation, I am not a warmonger either. I believe in being prepared for whatever happens. With this in mind, just last month I approved the construction of two new heavy cruisers, which will be ready for action by the end of the year."
"Senator, I detect a certain paradox in your words. Your speech mentions war, upcoming conflict, struggle, it mentions the rapid expansion of our borders. However, at the very end you mention that we should ensure our rights and freedoms are extended to as many sentients as possible. Do you not see the paradox here? Freedom and rights cannot be enforced with the blaster, they can only be encouraged with negotiation. The very Sith conquests you mention were the result of them enforcing themselves on others. Is this how you would have us act? Would you have us march of a world which does not want us and use the star fleet to impose rights on them? Senator, that is not just a paradox, that is illogical!"
"Your military career is of course a source of pride to you, as it should be. However, being an admiral does not qualify one to be a politician. For less than three years you have sat in the Senate, you have been neither a minister nor a member of my cabinet. Being a soldier might teach a person leadership, but can we expect that it will teach you how to run a Republic of tens of thousands of worlds? As you say you have suffered for the Republic and its predecessor states, but are you medically capable to fulfill such a demanding role? The job is not one for glory, I fear, but one with fourteen to sixteen hours a day every single day of the year. Can you handle that...are you the person who should handle that?"

"Finally, I wish to define what my goal for the Republic is as compared to yours. While I have said we must be prepared for war, it is not my primary goal. My primary goal is peace, security, prosperity. All of these things makes the Republic superior to any other state in the galaxy. Our citizens enjoy wealth, the Jedi and our military help protect us. What is it you want, Senator? If I understand your remarks now and in the Senate before, you are fixated on future war. Is that all you wish? War is a terrible scourge, it destroys lives and the security that those lives require. I am prepared for war, but I do not want it, and I do not look forward to a time when I have to send millions of soldiers to fight. Senator, our aims are very different, and I think the people of the Republic will see that my track record of security, responsible expansion and financial prudence are preferable to your aims of war, greater government centralisation and ruinous taxation."

Rekali the Hutt

The Arkanian stood and endured all the Supreme Chancellor had to state. He found her lack of regard for the protocol of the debate audacious, as did the rest of the attendants of the debate. The proctor had his mouth ajar and in shock, but Ardak's advisers merely smiled. He was sure to win points for this move. After the woman had completed her speech Ardak turned his gaze completely away from the woman and to the moderator, with a questioning look in his eyes. The moderator motioned that he could speak, and Ardak then turned to the current Chancellor.

"Chancellor, you fail to understand my meaning. You appear when you are required too, when it would be inopportune for you not to. That is not what the Republic needs. The Republic needs a leader, someone who is always present. Not lurking in the shadows and waiting for the opportune moments to appear and look like you're playing the role. You speak of increasing our territory and arming our military, and progress we have made is great yes, but it does not match the progress the Sith have made in the same time period. Emerging from the Four-Hundred Years darkness allowed us the necessities of having a open galaxy to explore and expand into, while also having little enemies to impede our progress. The Republic started with next to nothing but ambition, and no one to oppose it. Exponential increases are easy in such a case, but in the future we will not have such luxuries."
"The last time I checked 'Expansion' does not mean 'Conquer' Chancellor, and I never implied I wished to expand our territories by using force. Sadly the rights and freedoms we experience do not apply to everyone, but could through absorption of planets and governments into our own. I would never waste our men and women fighting something that did not threaten the safety of the Republic. Freedom and rights are not enforced, but protected, by the soldiers and jedi who dedicate their lives to protecting our safety. These men know what you do not, and that is there is no honor or glory to be found in battle, only death and survival. I do not intend to bring us to war because I wish to see the battle, but because I know it will whether or not we are prepared to meet it, and I would prefer us strike the first blow so that the minds of our soldiers and people are ready for it, rather than be surprised that we were hit first."
"But before I continue to discuss your other hasty accusations and misgivings in length, I would like to remind you this not a discussion between the two of us, or even the three of us. It is a formal debate with moderators, proctors, and rules. It amazes the audacity you must have to disrupt such an even. Your lack of regard for the laws and stipulations of this event show just how much you believe your will and opinions are paramount to all others. Quite frankly your actions disgust me Chancellor, but if you wish continue such behavior be my guest. I'm sure Vice Chancellor Lissiri would enjoy your expulsion from this event just as much as I would."
The moderator cleared his throat, "Well yes. Anyways.... onto the first round of questions. We will start with the Chancellor followed by the Vice Chancellor and then the Senator Serifen. (Posting order, follow it).

The first question is as follows;
How do you intend to strengthen relations with Republic allies such as the Echani? And what are your intentions for the future of these relationships?"
(Would you make up your mind, Hanna? Now I've got to compose a long winded speech at you sometime. :p)

Aurelia raised her chin slightly. She was not spoken to in this way by anyone without reply. This debate could wait until she had dealt with some issues.

"This is a debate, Moderator, so I will answer your questions, but not until I have answered some of the most erroneous comments aimed at me."
She rounded on Serifen. "My actions disgust you, do they, Senator? I find your lack of courtesy contemptible. This is a debate to show which of us is better suited to lead the Republic. All you have given me is bluster. Let me answer these criticisms as they come."
"I have always been where I am needed. I have not missed a day of Senate proceedings except if it were with other Republic business. I have been at every meeting of the cabinet, I have been on Hapes when the unpleasantness happened, I was here during the Clockwork emergency, and on Hapes afterwards. But you, Senator, I have not seen you in the thick of things, even when one might expect it!"
"And I see again you are confused in what you describe as expansion. Is that not what we have been doing? From Anaxes to your own homeworld of Arkania, to Hapes, to Cato Neimodia. Is not this growth not enough for you? Where would you have us go? How overstretched would you have us be, Senator?"

She looked back to the Proctor. "Now, to answer your question, we intend to look after our allies. We plan to do this in several ways, and you understand of course that I cannot discuss matters which are confidential. However, increasing trade and legal ties with our allies is vital. Protecting them militarily if threatened, of course, and training their forces to resist enemy attack. Finally, I intend that we look to promote regional autonomy within a framework of Republic overarching control."
Hanna smiled, at last the questions. " I intend to continue to pursue relations with groups such as the Echani, and the mandolorians, and even the Witches of Dathomir. I believe that it is crucial to the idea of peace in the galaxy to push and strive for continued good relations with our allies and friends. I think that with increased ties, we can promote a peaceful galaxy. I think it is also critical when the threat of confrontation with the sith is always looming. It is times like these, where it doesn't hurt to have friends like our allies and perhaps if Chancellor Aurrelia had pushed our ties more with our allies, the Imperial Remanant would still be our alliy and not part of the Sith Empire. "

Rekali the Hutt

Ardak listened to the Chancellor's proposals, and when his turn arised addressed the Moderator, and did not defend himself against the Supreme Chancellor's accusations. He would not awknowledge her further dismissal of the rules and working around the time allotted. Some in the press and the public would take it to mean he had no response for her words, but most would take it that Ardak thought following the rules of the debate were more important than engaging in a verbal slugfest with the Supreme Chancellor.

"In order to promote trade and peace across the Galaxy I would further promote relations with the Echani Compact, while also investigating the claims of the emergence of the Witches on Dathomir, and if they were found true send a team of diplomats and Jedi to begin discussion. While one lonely planet does not have very much merit on it's own, the prospect of a culture of Force Sensitives could be a very powerful ally or a very deadly enemy, and I'd prefer we establish connections before the Sith negotiate or conquer them. We would begin with the Republic trading a small amount of ships for services until the Dathomiri were able to support their own growth, then continue trade and relations as it came about. The most important nation we need to deal with in my opinion, is the Mandalorians. They also posses a territory that serves as a buffer between us and the Sith, they have sole possession of the most durable metal in the galaxy, and they are a culture of warriors, but are not interest in galactic conquest as the Sith are. Though we did not give as strong an effort to assist them in their war against the Sith, they have since changed leadership and the alliance between the Sith and the Mandalorians have become much more strained. I would hope to open relations with the Mandalorians by offering assistance in their rebuilding effort in return for their word against the Sith and perhaps even a supply of Beskar."
Aurelia held her tongue as far as a direct response. The proposals of the other two were absurd. The Imperial Remnant was half a galaxy away, and were fundamentally opposed to the Republic's system of government. Aurelia had signed trade agreements with them, and so on, but she wondered what else she could have done? The only thing that would have worked would have been a straight military alliance which would have committed the Republic to a war it could not possibly win on the other side of the galaxy.
The Witches of Dathomir were just as bad. They wanted no intervention from anyone. Even if they could be made to see the Republic's side, their backward culture would make them fairly useless in an actual conflict.
And the Mandalorians? Well, the Republic had allowed Jedi to go and assist in the fighting against the Sith, and that was all that could be done without a declaration of war.
She also noted that neither of the other two had mentioned the Omega Protectorate to the South. This power seemed to be invisible to them, but was in fact the third largest power in the galaxy in both population and area. Yet, it was ignored. Aurelia's own policies had been extremely friendly to them, not just because of the trade boom, but because it made sense to have friends on one side at least!
Aurelia was quite sure what she had done was correct. Surely the people of the Republic would not be lured in by such nonsense?

"I cannot, of course, give away too much detail, but in basic the Republic's key strategy is to maintain a strong military, ensure the Jedi Order has the funding it needs to maintain and train as many Knights as they can, and to coordinate defences between all our worlds. Military forces must be ready for any incursion made by any enemy."
"However, I do not believe in recklessly charging off into space to attempt to stop the Sith when it is beyond our reach and capabilities. As I have said before, I hope that was is long delayed, but if it comes, the Republic shall be ready...."
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