Théodred Heavenshield
Norbæn Véurr
Nar Shaddaa
Life on Nar Shaddaa had a strange elegance about it. The grim and the toxic atmosphere could do little to effect life from continuing on regardless of the hardship of it, and the people so focused on nothing but survival. The crime on the streets, had developed ten fold since the Techno Union and the Hutts had abandoned them and there is a odd sense of freedom. Although there are groups that terrorise the place, looking for protection money, and delivering nothing. Theo had been here for several weeks now, and had seen all manner of things people do in order to survive, he had seen the gangs randomly shoot people to provide an example, of what he did not know apart from instigating pure terror. Maybe that was all they needed to do, the gangs did not need money, they had means to get off this planet, but they are not here to leave it, but to take from it as much as they can.
The night was still, dry and dusty. Theo walked the streets with her hand deep in his jacket pocket, his hood over his head to hide his eyes and anything of value to him on his body. This was a posture he had took on in order not to draw attention to himself .. one wrong look, or meeting of the eyes could mean violence or death, if someone did not like the look of you. He was making his way to the bar he working in, a job he loathed but it afforded him enough credits to maintain his existence while here, he had his ticket off Nar Shaddaa already, and a job lined up in a month from now, it is good to have friends that will help you out.
He turned the corner onto the street in which the bar is located, only to see that gangs up ahead. It is two rival gangs, facing off and his force senses told him trouble was only moments away.