Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Elemris-WIP

Elemris True Form


Flesh Mask

Name: Elemris
Alias: She Who Was and Is, the Lady of Last Night
Organization: WIP
Age: 941 Galactic Standard Years
Force Sensitive: Yes


History: Elemris was born in a time of legends. She was born during the time of the Galactic Empire, and became a young adult with the rise of the New Republic, and was a Jedi Knight of the New Jedi Order during the Lost Tribe of the Sith's emergence, and the return of Abeloth to the galaxy. She was corrupted by that dark entity, her body transformed and broken. Her soul was corrupted and threatened to be torn from her, but she clawed herself back from the brink. She endured, she learned, and now, she wishes to teach.
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