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Approved Tech Eleventh Hour

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Manufacturer: Alicio Organa
Type: Basic
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Very Light
Size: Tiny
  • The gem is made of a mysterious, shining crystalline structure. It drips with a black, water-like liquid, which evaporates as soon as it hits solid matter. Scans have been unable to identify the molecular structure of both the crystal, and the fluid.
  • To those with sensing abilities, the Eleventh Hour shines brightly as a conflux of the Cosmic Force, given physical form. It is pure potential.
  • Touching the gem with bare skin stops the flow of time for all but the user for one second, after which they reappear into the timestream with a surge of black water. This anomalous ability can only be used once every eleven hours.
  • Make Time: Functionally, this artifact acts as an occasional close-range teleport, or an extra moment of preparation. In battle, every second counts.
  • Break Time: The stone is small, unobtrusive, and most importantly, highly resistant to damage. Nothing short of an orbital bombardment or throwing this piece of jewelry into a volcano will destroy it.
  • Borrowed Time: Someone unattuned to the Force can still be affected by the Eleventh Hour, as all it's effects are intrinsic.
  • Free Time: To be used, the gem must be physically touched. No sequestering it away, or hiding it in a lead box for a fight
  • Show Time: Whatever the Eleventh Hour is made of, it shines with the Cosmic Force, though this becomes exceedingly dangerous after it's use. Once it is activated, to those trained to sense it, the wielder will be a beacon- even with Force-assisted stealth, there is no hiding it's residue, or the power that rests inside, until the crystal recharges.
  • Set Time: Only the wearer of the item, and what they are immediately carrying, can be affected during it's use. Slashing someone with a lightsaber while they're frozen, or even opening a door, are completely impossible.
  • No Time: It is unknown why the crystal only functions for one second every eleven hours, but those limitations seem to be absolute. This ability also requires the Force- any negation with render the object dull, lifeless, and inoperable until it is free.
Alicio Organa had spent years with the Future as his companion.

His talents in the Force were always focused rather specifically on his precognition. When going into his visions, he kept seeing the same liminal space, his own perception of an endless concept such as Time- an endless black ocean, with dark blue clouds overhead he'd taken to calling the Sea. Gazing out over it's waters granted him sight-beyond-sight, visions of what was to come and what had been, but never had he seen anything beneath the pitch-black waves.

Until he spotted a glimmer. And he decided to dive, deep into this manifestation of the flow of Time.

Upon closing his fist around the object, he was forcefully removed from his vision, soaking wet, and with a shining crystal in his palm. A crystal that should not exist.

Scientific experimentation of the Eleventh Hour reveals nothing of it's molecular structure, chemical make-up, or location of origin. All that can be gleaned is what it looks like: a shining, iridescent gemstone, dripping black water, which evaporates immediately upon contact. Practical experimentation reveals it's properties- the user is able to thrust themself a second forward in time, disappearing and reappearing instantaneously, accompanied by a blast of quickly-vanishing water. In that stolen second, the person in contact with the crystal feels time pass normally, though the surroundings appear to pause for a second, bathed in blue and black. Once used, the crystal stops dripping, only starting again after eleven hours have passed.

During it's use, being out of the flow of time for even a second radiates the user with the Cosmic Force, only wearing off once the item has recharged. This seems to be harmless, but infuses the wearer with energy, making them a target for any ambitious Force-users curious of the disturbance.

- Come get it Tefka Tefka -

Out Of Character Info

Intent: 2024 Force Rupture Contest
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Alicio Organa
Model: N/A
Modular: No
Material: Anomalous iridescent crystal, simple cord
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

Very cool! Before the accept; the Image source field is broken, because of this, I would like to ask you to add the image source's link to the template (others usually put it under the picture). Thank you for your understanding!
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