Former Vent Rat

Name: Elias Kimberly Truden
Alias(es): N/A
Title(s): N/A
Homeworld: Coruscant
Current Locale: N/A
Force Sensitive: Negative
Force Rank: N/A
Force Alignment: N/A

- Former Lords of the Fringe associate until point of disbanding
- Iron Crown Enterprises
Eli holds contacts in high places that he never seems to call in. Curious.

Species: Human (Coruscanti)
Gender: Male
Age: Early 40s
Height: Average
Weight: Average
Eye Colour: Gray
Hair Colour: Light Brown
Skin Pigmentation: Pale
Body Augmentations:
- Left Hand
Elias is a rather bland individual with no outstanding marks or scars beyond his prosthetic hand.

Elias has been known to binge on work when he has the chance. Being left without anything to do causes him to become tense and unfocused. He needs to work to function. Perhaps this was why Kaili chose him to represent her when possible.

Artificial Limb
The hand that Elias has comes with increased durability when put in comparison to your average wrist. It is certainly easier and more painful to punch with, that's for certain.

Artificial Limb
The hand that adorns Elias' wrist is a prosthetic, but because it is simply a hand replacer, it does not come with any kinds of real benefits other than greater hand-eye co-ordination which in his line of work really just means fancier handwriting.

[member="Darell Irani"]
Although unaware of his former boss' real identity, Elias considers the man one of his closer friends for the opportunities that he left him with.
Amina Truden
Wife, lifeline, there are many words that the man would use to describe this woman.
Acquaintances/Distant Friends:
[Member="Kaili Talith"]
Although they have never met, the young woman was the one who tried to bring him back to the galaxy from whatever backwaters planet he had gotten himself stranded on. He is thankful but questions her motives, considering her both young and naive as well as, perhaps, a bit too stupid for her own good.
[member="Kana Truden"]