Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Elijah Francioux

NAME: Elijah Francioux
FACTION: The Galactic Republic (?)
RANK: Elijah currently holds no official rank.
SPECIES: He is unremarkably human.
AGE: He is currently thirty years old.

SEX: Per his last physical, Elijah is led to believe he is male.
WEIGHT: 190 lbs.
EYES: Dark Brown
HAIR: Dark Brown
SKIN: Light-Skinned (pale when compared to other light skinned humans)
FORCE SENSITIVE: Elijah is Force Sensitive


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

[*] Elijahs strongest aspect is his unwavering loyalty to those close to him. This was shown when he took the blame for his Supervisors lapse in judgement which led to the assassination of a local politician they had been tasked with protecting. The loyalty he showed the man that had trained him led to Elijah Francioux becoming one of the most hated men around, disgraced in the public eye, and subsequently relieved of his duties as a G.A.P.A. (Government Assigned Protective Agent). In Elijahs eyes this was his way of protecting his mentor.
[*] Elijahs secondary strength is his analytical nature. As a key example it was during political upheaval amongst local leaders that led the Government to send in a large group of G.A.P.A. Agents to try and protect potential targets. Using his ability to analyze the current situation Elijah helped to shift protection details around in a rotation that made it next to impossible for people to see who was being protected by what agents. All anyone saw was a sea of suits when in fact each and every Agent had a specific target to watch. When a scuffle broke out amongst warring Politicians, Elijahs plan unfolded without flaw. In seconds G.A.P.A. Agents secured their targets while the others worked to seperate the fighting party. No blood was spilled and people managed to leave the event saving face as the public was never made aware of such an embarassingly pitiful fist fight.

[*] Perhaps the most obvious weakness is Elijahs nueurological disorder that shares symptoms common with Parkinsons Disease. No known medical treatments have been effective in permanently curing the disease. The only thing Elijah is able to do is take a combination of various medications that aid in reducing the obvious symptoms (shaking, nervousness, agitation, digestion problem, body pains, ect.)
[*] Elijah can become easily flustered when overwhelmed. Given his analytical nature, Elijahs best skills show when he can focus on one task at a time. When given a multitude of objectives, he can lose track of what is going on, become confused, and easily make mistakes a more competant multi-tasker would not. This leads into his third weakness.
[*] Elijah suffers from severe obsessive-compulsive disorder. The mans life is a routine in nearly every way. He wakes up, eats, sleeps, drinks, and goes to bed at the same moments every day. This had often proved to be a severe hinderance during his assigned field duties as a G.A.P.A. Agent when he often would leave an assignment to use the bathroom simply because it was that time on his wrist watch. Elijah also has a cleanliness need. The man hates being dirty and will actually stop everything he is doing to clean himself. Smaller signs of this disorder include the need to read the written works of an any Author he reads, constantly pacing around while talking to himself, nail biting, and restlesness.

Elijah Francioux has the build of a badminton athlete. He is average height for a human male with a limber body. Elijah's body build is lean in nature. Though he is fit, due to the needs of his prior profession, the man is not overly muscular. His physique is more runner than body builder. Elijahs has a strong facial structure with a light beard. His hair is constantly in a messy state, either by intential design or simply rolling out of bed and walking out the door. His dress attire is as straight forward as his analytical thinkiing; suits while at work, casual clothes while at home. There is nothing more to it than that.

To understand the history of Elijah Francioux is to understand the sheer boredom anyone would expect to feel when reading a generic and nearly typical background of a middle class human. Where should we begin? Perhaps a childhood that no one but Elijah cares about? Perhaps his schooling where he was medicore at best? Maybe you would like to know about the time people thought he had an oedipus complex? No I did not think so. Perhaps it is best to start where his life truly began; when he woke up...

SHIP: Elijah has no ship.

KILLS: Elijah has killed no PC characters.

BOUNTIES COLLECTED: Elijah has collected no bounties.


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