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Approved NPC Elite Pyke Guards

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An Elite Pyke Guard defending an entrance with an Electrostaff.
  • Intent: To create slightly more challenging “Miniboss” NPCs, and expand on the lore of the Elite Pyke Guards.
  • Image Credit: Here
  • Role: Bodyguards for high-ranking Pykes and important locations.
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Canon Link, Jej Ulchtar
  • Unit Name: Elite Wsjirarial Guardsmen
  • Affiliation: Pyke Syndicate
  • Classification: Elite Guard
  • Description: Standing proud and grim, the Elite Pyke Guards add an air of authority to any person or place they defend. These guards are far more than ceremonial, and are well-trained in both melee and ranged combat. Every guard also posses intense loyalty to the Grand Wsjirari (the leader of the Pyke Syndicate), and would gladly lay down their life in service to him.
  • Unit Size: Small
  • Unit Availability: Rare
  • Unit Experience: Elite
  • Equipment:
  • Combat Function: Elite Pyke Guards typically work in pairs, simultaneously attacking opponents from two different angles. A standard VIP guard detail consists of two pairs of guards. This number is doubled to eight guards for high-security situations.
  • Force Abilities (Force User Units Only): N/A
  • Intimidating: With their tall statures and blank masks, Elite Pyke Guards add an aura of authority and power to anyone they protect.
  • Loyal: Elite Pyke Guards are loyal to the Grand Wsjirari above all else, and are almost impossible to bribe, coerce, or otherwise compromise.
  • Determined: Elite Pyke Guards fight hard, and fight to the bitter end. They will simply shrug off damage that would incapacitate a normal fighter, and almost never surrender.
  • Teamwork: Elite Pyke Guards are trained to fight in pairs, disrupting opponents by attacking from two different angles.
  • Aggressive: Sometimes, Elite Pyke Guards will act prematurely in protecting their VIPs. This has led to some… unfortunate incidents.
  • Relatively Unarmored: Elite Pyke Guards do not wear very much protective gear relative to their importance. This means an enterprising sniper with a blaster rifle can eliminate them from far away with little trouble.
The Elite Wsjirarial Guardsmen (more commonly known as the Elite Pyke Guards) were formally founded in the year 2745 BBY after the assignation of Grand Wsjirari Aiquin Verzhite. While the Grand Wsjirari always had a detail of bodyguards, they were only marginally more effective than standard Pyke Guards. The new Elite Pyke Guards were better trained, better equipped, and more loyal. The next time an assassination was attempted against a Grand Wsjirari, it was soundly stopped thanks to the Elite Pyke Guards. Since then, their duties have been expanded to also protect other Syndicate VIPs, and to defend important locations. The current Grand Wsjirari, Jej Ulchtar, does not particularly need personal protection thanks to secretly being a Sith Lord. However, he still travels with a squad of Elite Pyke Guards to maintain the illusion that he is no more physically powerful than an average Pyke leader.
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