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Approved Tech Elixir of Murakami Orchid

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Manufacturer: Sylva Vitae
Type: N/A
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Semi-Unique
Weight: Very Light
Size: Very Small

Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species

Image Source: Baldur's Gate 3

  • A distillation and brew crafted by careful experimentation with the Murakami orchid. Crafted with steeped orchid leaves in hot water, concentrated orchid sap, and careful fermentation of combining the two.
  • Considered a 'Force Rupture' item, with characteristics never before seen, and possibly never seen again
  • Somehow both exceedingly delicate and impenetrably sturdy, both in physicality and Force presence
  • Potentially grants the user heretofore unseen power and abilities
  • Potentially permanently changes the user
  • Always wrests control of the user's body, to submit to the whim of the Force itself
  • Almost-pure Force potential in liquid form
  • Easily portable & consumable (in 6 seconds or less)
  • Provides immense Force capabilities and an intense Force connection, allowing unprecedented Force ability for any user (previously Force-sensitive or not)
  • Allows the user to be a Force conduit, letting the will and whim of the Force take over their body
  • Able to overcome Force-suppressing fields, natural or artificial
  • The user cedes all physical and emotional control of themselves for the benefit of the Force's will alone
  • Extremely unpredictable results strongly offset the massive power spike
    • No set duration of effects
    • Unknown strength minimum/maximum
    • Loss of control & inhibition
  • Recovery from effects can take hours, days, even weeks depending on severity and extent of effects
An oily dark purple liquid, the Elixir of Murakami Orchid clings to every surface it can find. For safety's sake, this fluid must be stored in a hydrophobic flask, hermetically sealed until consumption. Each dosage is only 20 mL, and each vial encased in a shockproof external webbing to prevent it from breaking. This fluid exhibits some superfluidity properties, including attempting to 'find its own level', as if it is somehow sentient.

Consumption of this elixir produces extremely volatile results. Theoretically, the Force exists through anything and everything in the universe. This elixir amplifies any, every, and all connections to the Force, to the point that the Force itself seems to possess the user. In order to maintain balance, the Force will exert itself through the user to any extent it requires. In an area of death, decay, and Dark, the user will find themselves summoning life, bringing Light, and excising the rot. In an area of teeming life, health and hope, and buoyant Light, the user will find themselves culling the excess, seeding destruction, and overwhelming with the Dark. Whatever the Force requires, the Force will make right, with the user as its vehicle.

Depending on how dire the situation, or how unbalanced the Force might be, the Force may physically evolve the user of this elixir - drastically. To facilitate a Force jump, the Force will assist in the jump, and may also increase the muscle mass of the leg. To facilitate 'the culling of excess', the Force may evolve toxic biological weaponry within the user. To facilitate fighting a swarm of Dark Side-aligned Force users, the Force may increase the Force potential of the user beyond that of a Jedi Grand Master.

These effects might be temporary, they might be permanent, and they might be non-existent. There is no way to know what will happen beforehand; drinking this elixir is a trust exercise with the Force itself.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: 2024 Force Rupture Contest @Tefka
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: @Jack Sandrow
Model: Elixir of Murakami Orchid
Modular: No
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