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Approved NPC Eliza Ricon - Jedi Shadow

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  • Intent: This submission is to create a NPC who can oversee the operations of the Jedi Shadows when Kian Karr is out of comission or away on missions. She will typically be stationed on Gnost Dural, but may partake in missions for story driving purposes.
  • Image Credit: Image source (,artist Peter Ortiz
  • Role: Overseeing the duties of the Jedi Shadows and operating as an unofficial second in command among the Jedi of the Gnost Dural Enclave. She is not to be used in any combat against players and will only engage in combat for story-line purposes and against NPCs.
  • Links: none
  • Age: 35 years
  • Force Sensitivity: Jedi Master
  • Species: Miraluka
  • Appearance: Eliza is a Miraluka female. She stands at 5'4" and is slightly built but muscular. She has short auburn hair typically hidden beneath a hooded cowl that covers her face down to her just above her nose. Eliza typically wears the Robes of the Jedi Shadows though modified to accommodate her fighting style. Her robes are less bulky and baggy and instead are light and non-restricting.
  • Name: Eliza Ricon
  • Loyalties: The Jedi Order of the Galactic Republic (formerly), the Jedi Order of the Galactic Alliance, The Jedi Shadows.
  • Wealth: Virtually no personal wealth, funds supplied from the Jedi Order.
  • Notable Possessions: None of particular note.
  • Skills: Eliza has intermediate to skilled abilities in most basic force abilities (such as force push and pull). However, her duties as a Jedi Shadow has her most adept skills specialized to force stealth, investigation techniques, and lightsaber combat. As such, she is specialized in her force abilities and weaker in other abilities that most force users at the Master level would not be (e.g., healing, telepathy).
  • Personality: Eliza's personality is friendly but cool. As with many Jedi Shadows she has grown accustomed to working missions alone and being overly cautious. Guarded at all times, Eliza is hard to get to know but always professional. Despite this, she is still a Jedi and will go out of her way to ensure that the tenets of her order are met and good is done for those around her. Eliza can be sarcastic and a bit quick tongued in conversation. Eliza is also an excellent investigator and agent. Throughout her time with the Shadows she focused much of her work on espionage and tracking down Sith infiltrators.
  • Weapon of Choice: Twin lightsabers, blue blades.
  • Combat Function: Eliza is not intended for use against anyone other than NPCs. That being said, in combat Eliza would focus on speedy, deceptive attacks. She focuses on a blend of Niman and Ataru for her attack style, using creative attacks with speed and acrobatics. Eliza, while impressive, has focused much of her time as a Shadow on the espionage side of the group. As such, her experience in lightsaber to lightsaber combat is less than what it should be for many Jedi Masters, though she is still capable of holding her own. One of her greatest weaknesses is one shared by many Jedi Shadows. Her force use is specialized around stealth and therefore she is far less well-rounded compared to other Jedi Masters.
Eliza Ricon joined the Jedi Order intent on becoming a Jedi Researcher. She had always had an aptitude for investigative work and enjoyed exploring research topics. However, around the time of her Knighting she had been approached by Jedi Master Kian Karr, who had only recently been appointed the head of the Jedi Shadows. Eliza had not ever considered joining the secretive group, but Kian had convinced her to work with his organization. Eliza spent much of her Knighthood tracking down Sith infiltrators in the Republic and gather intelligence that made the day-to-day operations of the Jedi Shadows possible. She had an aptitude for this sort of work and became a vital part of the Shadows. Kian relied so heavily on Eliza's abilities that she became the de facto second in command of the Jedi Shadows during his tenure as the Master of Shadows and was often found on the Gnost Dural, the Shadow's home base, directing the operations of the secretive sect. Following a string of successful operations and the retrieval of some leaked information that would have hurt the Republic, Eliza was promoted to the rank of Jedi Master.

With the Fall of the Republic and the sudden disappearance of Jedi Master Kian Karr, Eliza Ricon became the head of the Jedi Shadows in exile. Those that had survived the fall of the Republic took refuge upon the Gnost Dural under Master Ricon's leadership. Many of the officers and staff who ran the Gnost Dural, lived on the ship year round. As such, when the Republic fell, many stayed, realizing they had no where to go and their families were with them. The vessel was commissioned as part of the Galactic Alliance and Eliza Ricon began the process of transitioning over to the new government. However, as the numbers were few at this time, Eliza did not engage the Shadows in direct operations of the GA, but rather focused their attention on trying to discover the whereabouts of Master Karr and finding the missing Shadows who they had lost contact with.


Lean, Mean, Slicin' Machine
Hello there! I shall be looking over this lovely submission for you. Please give me some time to look it over and make my initial judgement. If you have questions or concerns before then, please do not hesitate to ask. :)


Lean, Mean, Slicin' Machine
Simple and sweet submission over all. I love seeing that art pop up, it's a very nice piece. That being said, I do have a couple of concerns.

Kian Karr said:
​Image Credit: source: (https://www.pinteres...32724992673111)by andbezh on pinterest
When I click on this link, I am led to a page that says 'this page cannot be found.' Is there a way to link to the original artist that isn't on pinterest? Do they have a deviantart, or some other page they posted this art piece?

I notice there's quite a bit of history about her time in the Republic, however, I don't see anything even mentioning the Galactic Alliance. How did she make the switch? Faction loyalty is rather important, especially for Jedi. I'd like to see an explanation of her change in loyalty.

Address these, and I believe I can give this my stamp of approval.

[member="Kian Karr"]

I agree, when I saw that picture on google I knew I had to use it for something!!

I have put in a new link for the picture that does open now. I could not find the artist on deviantart, a google search for their name only brought up the pinterest for me. But now the link works.

I have also inserted a bit more detail on Eliza's work since the fall of the Republic!


Lean, Mean, Slicin' Machine
The added history is great, but I need a link to an artist directly, not simply the image page.

However, I did my own digging, and I was able to find both the original post and the original artist. Just do me the favor of replacing the pinterest link with the link to the artist, and we should be good to go. This is to ensure that the original artist gets the credit they deserve for us using their work, so we try our best to make sure we get the credit just right. :)

[member="Kian Karr"]


Well-Known Member
[member="Kian Karr"]

Looks good for the most part. Only hiccup are the robes – they have Affiliation set to a dead faction, so I'm not sure you'd be able to use them.
Do you have some sort of permission or transfer thread for that?
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