Aela Talith
The Righteous

NAME: Elizabeth Sabine Castille
FACTION: Underworld
RANK: Master
SPECIES: Various Humanoid
AGE: 26
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 1.84m
WEIGHT: 73kg
HAIR: Blonde
SKIN: White
[+]Planner: It is very clear that Miss Castille likes to plan. She does not rush head long into battle and she most certainly does not jump before she looks. Even those who have only ever met her once quickly come to realize that Elizabeth enjoys playing games of strategy. She will sit, wait, and observe, finding the best way to defeat her opponent and coming up with the best solution, albeit often not the fastest.
[+]Lithe: Miss Castille displays an amazing gift for movement. Perhaps due to her background as a Dancer or some other training she has received, the Crime Lord is able to weave and move around her opponents with an amazing amount of swiftness.
[-]Bad Attitude: Most people will be able to observe that Miss Castille can generally be described as 'grumpy'. She is often stand offish, controlling, and above all selfish. She likes getting her way, and most of the time will go to whatever means necessary to ensure she gets it.
[-]Sixth Rib: Sometime during her life Miss Castille suffered an injury to her sixth rib, this bone was shattered and subsequently failed to heal properly, as such it is vulnerable to being struck and broken. Though this fact is well hidden, more than once the Crime Lord has been observed wincing in pain due to the old injury.
[-]Starships: Miss Castille displays absolutely no skill or talent in flying starships, she has never practiced or trained in flying one and sticking her at the controls of a vessel would undoubtedly be a bad idea.
Elizabeth Castille is a woman that most people would be better off not encountering.
Since early childhood she has had tendencies to be cruel, vicious, and utterly cutthroat. Whether she grew up spoiled or later became that way is unclear, but the woman has a certain tendency to do whatever she feels like and whenever she feels like it. A complete an utter narcissist, Elizabeth is the kind of person that will give you a smile, shake your hand, and then stab you in the back when it becomes clear that you're not longer useful to her.
It can easily be said that Elizabeth enjoys playing with other people manipulating them and moving them to places that would suit her best in the end. Despite this quality however she has an almost sisterly undertone. She takes great care of her agents and those who work under her, ensuring each of them has the best opportunity to long as they remember who is in charge. Albeit it is more than clear that if someone becomes a liability Elizabeth won't hesitate to cut them loose.
Despite this however, more than once Elizabeth has been observed acting in an almost kind manner to her employees, an oddity to be sure.
Elizabeth is a woman of ambition, she wants her way, she thinks she deserves it, and everything she does is to further her own goals.
Elizabeth Sabine Castille was born to a wealthy mother and father on the Core World of Anaxes. Her family was consider within the upper ring of nobility, coming from a great amount of money and militaristic heraldry. The Castille family had for centuries maintained a reputation of intelligence, cleverness, and honor.
All of this, of course, turned out to be a lie.
Though the Castille's had for centuries been lauded as protectors of Anaxes' government and upper echelons, this had all in fact been a massive lie. In truth the Castille family has long been one of the most corrupt, and perhaps even truly evil genealogical lines on Anaxes itself. The family has been taking massive bribes for generations, embezzling funds from the governments and assigning key positions within Anaxes' government to whomever paid them the most money. This was the least of their crimes however, and for centuries the family has wracked up billions of credits in accrued wealth.
Of course, this exploitation of Anaxes eventually came to an end. When the Republic was about to fall The Castille Family sold out Anaxes itself to the One Sith. Their reasoning was simple, the age of the Sith had come and the Republic was dead. For a large lump sum of credits as well as beneficial positioning within the new government the Castille family sold out Anaxes' emergency codes, practically opening the gates for the coming Sith invasion.
For a time this deal worked out rather well. Under the One Sith the Castille family only grew in power and influence, eventually driven to the point where they were one of the four most prominent families on Anaxes itself. However, when the One Sith began to fall and the Alliance paved the way for liberation the Castille's were sent into a scramble.
Unfortunately for Elizabeth's father, the primary patriarch, the Alliance was not as forgiving as he had hoped. Even with massive bribes offered the Alliance refused to capitulate, and thus both of Elizabeth's parents were quickly sent to prison. Luckily for their young daughter however, a great amount of their wealth was stashed away in secret holdings throughout the galaxy. Elizabeth, being an enterprising young woman, decided to use these funds to both set herself up for life and avenge the wrong that had been done to her family.
It was at this point that Elizabeth joined the Shadow Syndiate.
The Syndicate was an organization that at the time was focused on the disruption of the Galactic Alliance. Here Elizabeth found herself flourishing, using her connections, education, and vast horde of wealth to quickly drag herself up to the position of Underlord. It was upon this promotion that Elizabeth came to a realization. Though the Alliance had wronged her family and imprisoned her parents, they were just a distraction.
She realized that Anaxes hadn't been enough, that her parents had thought too small and her family had been too 'contained'. Thus Elizabeth in her selfish means set herself upon a new path, diving into the underworld and intending to drag herself up the steps of crime.