Well-Known Member

Basic Information
Name: Elizie Adasca
Faction: Galactic Republic
Rank: Padawan
Homeworld: Arkania
Species: Arkanian
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Height: 179 cm
Weight: 58 kg
Eyes: White
Skin: Tan
Hair: White
Force-sensitive: Yes
Strengths & Weaknesses
The strength and weakness common to all Arkanians who chose not to get cybernetic replacement for their eyes, Elizie’s milky white orbs are capable of seeing into the infrared spectrum, which is very helpful on her dark and frigid homeworld and planets of similar nature. This strength is offset by the need to wear blinders that filter out infrared light on planets with hotter suns, as her eyes are sensitive to sources of extreme heat.
Rigid Jedi training coupled with a healthy diet and everyday exercises granted Elizie a strong body that combines excellent stamina with nimbleness. Quick reflexes and her chosen lightsaber form, Makashi, made the Arkanian very good at dodging melee attacks, though she is not one for extreme acrobatics. The great agility of her body does not mean she is weak though; indeed, her body is hardened with muscle, an effective combination of dexterity and strength.
Just as physical training ensures her body stays in condition, the woman’s mind stays sharp thanks to mental exercises and constant practice of Force powers. This goes well with her path of a Jedi Consular, as Elizie’s sensitivity to the Force is strong, making it easier for her to use various Force powers and techniques associated with the Light Side. On the other hand, it also gives her a weakness; tremors in the Force, just as a strong presence of the Dark Side can easily distract her and break her focus.
Following the Jedi teachings to the best of her abilities, the young woman listens and follows the Light Side of the Force along the Jedi tenets. Strong will in combination with her sense of honor make her highly resistant to the temptation of the Dark Side. Indeed, Elizie always tries to do the right and honorable thing, taking her duty as a Jedi quite seriously, willing to give her life to defend the innocent and peace. This goes well with her patriotism, as the Arkanian loves the Republic, and most importantly, democracy and freedom.
Being raised in a noble House of a society that places ultimate value on one’s race and blood purity, Elizie unfortunately carries several traits that serve as a proof of her Arkanian heritage; arrogance and pride. While strictly following the Jedi way helps her to overcome those most of the time, the pride of being a Jedi and the arrogance of being a superiorly bred Arkanian occasionally resurface.
Force powers: Telekinesis, Force sense, Telepathy, Art of Movement
Lightsaber styles: Makashi
Appearance & Gear
Those like her are not a common sight. At first glance, one might see a fairly attractive female that can be easily recognized by her long white hair and tan skin. Those features certainly set her apart from many species, but still leave much room for doubt. It is the pure Arkanian blood running through her veins that truly betrays her and reveals her race; the pure white eyes and four clawed digits on each hand positively mark her as an Arkanian and distinguish her from the Echani and other white-haired species running through the galaxy.
One would not recognize her as a noble if judged by her garments. When it comes to clothes, there is hardly anything setting her apart from other Jedi. Beneath a light brown hooded cloak, Elizie’s white tunic and brown overtunic cover her torso alongside a beige shirt reaching down her knees, where white thigh-high socks can be spotted before disappearing inside black knee-high leather boots. Yet, again, it is possible to tell much about the young Arkanian by simply looking at her; while the utility belt is nothing out of ordinary, the curved hilt of a lightsaber attached to it brands Elizie as a Makashi practitioner. The only other thing hanging on the belt is a medpac, something she always carries around to be able to help, as she is not a Jedi healer and knows little to nothing of their arts.
Elizie was born on Arkania, a planet of a harsh climate, tundra covered in ice, rich in diamonds that were mined deep underground. The cold temperature was nothing compared to hearts of Arkania’s people though; Arkanians, near-human species, often considered themselves to be the pinnacle of evolution, a race superior to all others, destined to make their planet the center of the galaxy. Knowledge and science were highly prized within this society, giving birth to many scientists and creating projects that rivalled those of the Galactic Empire. Such were the riches and dedication of the Arkanians. Those unfortunate enough to be born as Arkanian Offshoots were destined to perform specific task, an engineered race of slaves, tools to work in the mines. Elizie did not belong among them. Born in the planet’s capital, Adascopolis, she carried a name of a very powerful and rich family; Adasca.
Despite her Force sensitivity that was quickly discovered via a simple blood test that also served as a proof of the purity of her blood, it’s been decided the girl would not join the Jedi or any other Order. She was a pureblood, a sole heir to the riches of her House. Saving the galaxy would not be her destiny. Surrounded by bodyguards, she’d never have to fear for her life. Her life would be filled with wealth and power. Aside from being taught proper manners and distaste for lesser species and peasants, the girl also enjoyed being tutored by private teachers on various subjects, ranging from science and arts to fencing and history. It was during these lessons that the young noble felt the calling of the Force for the first time, sub-consciously diving into it.
All came to an end when the One Sith emerged out of nowhere and took the Republic’s capital. This prompted Elizie to finally join the Jedi. At the time, she did not care about their teachings, she cared little about their ideals; she was simply unwilling to live under somebody else’s rule, too prideful to surrender her planet. What started as a quest for power swiftly turned into something entirely different once the young Arkanian stopped resisting the Jedi Code and accepted the wisdom the Jedi Order offered. Slowly, but surely, the Arkanian changed, devoting herself to the Force. The noble background ultimately came in handy as well; focusing on Makashi and Form Zero, the young woman was very slow to draw her weapon unless lives happened to be in danger, meaning she preferred to solve problems diplomatically, going hand in hand with the Jedi teachings.
It was not long before she embarked on a journey to retrieve a lightsaber crystal from Illum, to finally construct a tool that served both as a badge of office just as a weapon that defended lives of the innocent. The snowy, frozen planet reminded Elizie of her homeworld, and for a moment, her thoughts shifted back to the House of Adasca. She had not allowed memories to break her focus on the mission though; she no longer was that arrogant noble who believed to be superior to every single being in the galaxy. By the time the Arkanian's heavy boots crunched on the snow of Illum, she was a Jedi first and foremost. No longer she valued others by their race and position. All were equal in the eyes of the Force, be they Jedi or Sith. With that in mind, the Arkanian entered the caves in search for the right crystal.
She was well-accustumed to the biting cold thanks to her Arkanian heritage. What she encountered in the caves was more than chilling air though; as many young Jedi who search for their first crystal, the teenage girl came to face her fear. This manifested itself into a form of Elizie; a ruthless heir of the House of Adasca, sitting in her seat like a throne and planning nothing else than completele domination over the planet. That was Elizie's fear; to become just like she used to be before joining the Jedi Order. The real Arkanian simply observed the scene, believing it to be just an illusion, when suddenly the other Elizie looked straight at the real one, and in that moment, the young woman from Arkania could have sworn to have felt the Dark Side coming from the illusion.
The manifestation of fear smiled and held out her hand. In that moment, Elizie realized she watched not only a dictator, but a Sith. The illusion said nothing, yet the Dark Side promised the young noble everything she ever wanted as a young and arrogant woman; power, much more power than any other noble house possessed. The ability to command the Force to her will with the help of the Dark Side. She just had to take the offered hand, let the seed of Darkness in... The tan woman spun on her heels and marched away from the illusion. She used to be nothing more than an arrogant noble until the Jedi opened her eyes to the large picture, the need to help the galaxy, the need of the Jedi Code. Elizie denied the opportunity to toss all those teachings aside and secure her power through the Dark Side.
And just as she made a few steps, she saw the faint glow coming from a formation of rocks directly opposite of her. Even in the dark cave, the green illumination it created was enough to attract her attention. The crystal. Removing it from the cave and returning back to the Jedi Temple, the young woman finally constructed her first lightsaber in the week that followed. It certainly helped that she had a good idea of what form she wished to practice, making the lightsaber hilt curved to fit with her dedication to Makashi.
The Resilience Form - complete
The Gathering - complete
A walk in shadow - ongoing
...nor in cold sweat. - complete
Barriers Make a Jedi - complete
The Dawning - complete
Welcome to the Jungle - complete
Meditation 101 - ongoing
Akala Strikes Back - complete
No Hope - complete
Rest in peace - complete
Blast from the Past - complete
Uri Aureleos versus Elizie Adasca - complete
Secrets in the Dirt - complete