Ella Gosiff
Name: Ella Gosiff
Race: Twi'lek
Gender: F
Homeworld: Ryloth
Age: 15/16
Force Sensitive: Y
Height: 1.68 m
Weight: 110 lbs
Skin: Blue
Eyes: Blue
Spoken languages:
Twi'lek (fluent)
Basic (fluent)
Huttese (Some)
Lightsaber (blue) (not yet crafted)
Lightsaber (pink) (training saber)
Utility belt
Jedi robe
Ella is a teenage Twi’lek with blue skin and blue eyes. She is lean and muscular and wears a traditional set of robes seen on most Padawans.
Ella is a newly-discovered Force sensitive, so she has a very curious but developing personality. Although she is not quite knowledgeable in the ways of the Jedi, she has a natural inclination to help others. She has a special interest in creatures and animal welfare as well, growing up on a farm on Ryloth, which made her physically strong and inclined to physical fitness.
There is still much she does not understand of the Force, but thankfully she is very vocal and has no fear in asking questions.
She would much rather be on the ground mixing in with regular folk than locked away in a tower meditating.
Very adaptable with lightsaber forms and melee weapons. Her fighting style focuses on acrobatic flips and rolls.
Ella has never met a stranger and always something to say, although it’s not always very becoming of a Padawan.
Eager to deepen her connection to the Force and assist, there is much she has to learn, yet (in her mind), she has very little time to learn it.
Ella’s curiosity can sometimes border on reckless.
Ella grew up on a cattle farm with her parents and several siblings. She developed strength at a young age working with the rycrit herds on the dusty plains of Ryloth near the Bright Lands.
However when her parents fell sick from a mysterious illness and died, she and her siblings were sent to an orphanage in the large city of Kala’uun when she was eleven.
Her time in the orphanage was hard, where she often had to fight other children to defend her siblings and herself.
She was in the middle of such a fight when she first discovered the Force within herself and accidentally injured another teenager.
From there she was discovered by the NJO and sent to see if she would be a good fit for the Jedi.
[Private] Green Horizons
[Open] Niv Hani Fire Festival
[Open] A Camping We Will go
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