Elline Adasca
[SIZE=11pt]Elline Adasca[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]1.702 Meters[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]62.142 Kilograms[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Eye Color:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Pure white[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Hair Color:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Skin Color:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Force Sensitive[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]She is indeed a force sensitive, possessing a fair bit of potential but never quite seeing that potential be used yet beyond weak powers.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Force Powers:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Weak telekinesis[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Danger Sense[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Genius levels of intellect can take someone a long way, like into a sleazy apartment cooking up drugs for low level crime lords. But it’s there..unused. Though an imagination that causes some problems comes with that too.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Supremacist ideas, she holds a great pride in Arkania and their scientific achievements. Usually the ones people scrubbed away, like creating the equivalent of a slave race. She elevates these achievements and that makes her at times, hard to properly deal with.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Generally considered a little loopy in the head, for better or worse[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Her combat abilities are next to nonexistent, she can handle a blaster some but that isn’t worth much.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Holdout Blaster[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Generally considered rather small, she’s very unassuming in appearance. Though after a mission gone bad while learning in the Academy on Arkania she lost her right eye, which has been replaced with some somewhat expensive and unnecessarily fancy designs. It does nothing special other than be an eye, but it’s a rich eye, plated with many precious metals. Those who try and steal them will quickly fine she’s a good shot at point-blank range.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Doesn’t actually own one, she just kinda hitches rides across the Galaxy one way or another[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Grumbling discontent is a good summary for how Elline currently acts, being some Crime Lord’s drug creator is a horrible waste of her intellect and doesn’t even touch of her most beloved field of science: biological and the creation of new and artificial life (cloning counted into this description as well). She adores that science and with the Arkanians deep seated place in playing God amongst the Galaxy it created what damned her out of any place on Arkania: she is a dangerous supremacist for her kind. She believes in Arkania’s free reign to bend and twist the Galaxy around them, forge new life as they see fit. Gladly would she reintroduce Arkanian Offshoots into the Galaxy to service her kind. But thankfully working in the Underworld has taught her to keep her mouth shut about that to avoid retribution.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]After losing her eye on Alzoc III she has come to totally and utterly despise the Talz race.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]A distant Adasca, a cousin of the main lineage Elline was born to the glistening diamond mines and great tundras of Arkania. A fate that was destined for the Adasca Biomechanical Corps what with the family line, and thankfully that proved to be a path she could actually embrace. For at a young age Elline showed she had a powerful intellect over that of her somewhat frail body.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Taken up in many a prestigious academy Elline was a top student in all fields of genetics, such was her foray: the biological sciences Arkanians were both famous and infamous for. Elline quickly began to grow to the latter of those two concepts, a great desire for the history of the Arkanian race and many parts their kind considered “shames” (or treated them as such) and idolized the creation of the many races Arkanians held a heavy hand in changing the evolution of. Though held a particular interest in Arkanian Offshoots and the potential they held to patch up their society and allow pure Arkanians to rise to greater acts.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]She was never very public about these desires, and when she would be later they would spell what she deemed her end.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Elline’s fall came from the frozen world of Azloc III, of that there is no denying. Towards the end of her time within the Academy the advanced members of her course took a trip to Alzoc III to discover and examine the native species, it was a total and utter disaster born of arrogance. Treading on the wrong territory the native Talz attacked the group, killing two and wounding three. One of those three was Elline herself, a small throwing spear destroying her right eye into nothing more than useless paste. Retreating to their homeworld their professor became defunct and some bemused that Elline’s injury was mental as well. Though this was not the case, she was merely bitter at such primitives and with her new cybernetic eye began to start spouting out her radical supremacist ideology. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]An Adacsa can not spout such things, bad for reputation and business the same. She was quickly disowned by the other Adasca’s for such things which lead to the family name she held close evaporating into nothing but a shameful wound. Leading to a practical exile from dear Arkania and her genius going to waste as the word of her name was spread to the allies of the Adasca Corps. She was nothing now. Just a hateful soul with a desire for vengeance. And that was when it all reached out to her properly.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Elline had always been force sensitive, though it had been smothered under drugs to avoid any sort of complications. Never directly told she held her assumptions and nothing more, but the dark side came to her in a wave. Free from her former constraints she gave into her hatred and anger to enough extent she could learn basic powers. Not much else, as the young woman lacked any form of training. But she was grateful enough for what she knew, it has saved her life many times since.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]She ended up in the underworld, begrudgingly. Her intellect had her understand chemicals well so brewing out drugs such as Death Sticks for criminals came easy to her, and maybe even got some pay in too. Though truthfully she did petty work for years until she eventually was contacted by the Crime Lord she currently works with, living in such poverty she had no choice but to accept and fall into the trap.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Her existence became escaping retribution from thugs and ruffians while cooking out more and more drugs on Nar Shadda. But as time progressed it becomes harder and harder to deny that those drugs are coming out in much higher quantities and better qualities than before...and not like Elline was scrubbed from history either. Awfully strange when mixed with a defunct genius from Arkania.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Elline Adasca[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]1.702 Meters[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]62.142 Kilograms[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Eye Color:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Pure white[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Hair Color:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Skin Color:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Force Sensitive[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]She is indeed a force sensitive, possessing a fair bit of potential but never quite seeing that potential be used yet beyond weak powers.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Force Powers:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Weak telekinesis[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Danger Sense[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Genius levels of intellect can take someone a long way, like into a sleazy apartment cooking up drugs for low level crime lords. But it’s there..unused. Though an imagination that causes some problems comes with that too.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Supremacist ideas, she holds a great pride in Arkania and their scientific achievements. Usually the ones people scrubbed away, like creating the equivalent of a slave race. She elevates these achievements and that makes her at times, hard to properly deal with.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Generally considered a little loopy in the head, for better or worse[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Her combat abilities are next to nonexistent, she can handle a blaster some but that isn’t worth much.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Holdout Blaster[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Generally considered rather small, she’s very unassuming in appearance. Though after a mission gone bad while learning in the Academy on Arkania she lost her right eye, which has been replaced with some somewhat expensive and unnecessarily fancy designs. It does nothing special other than be an eye, but it’s a rich eye, plated with many precious metals. Those who try and steal them will quickly fine she’s a good shot at point-blank range.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Doesn’t actually own one, she just kinda hitches rides across the Galaxy one way or another[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Grumbling discontent is a good summary for how Elline currently acts, being some Crime Lord’s drug creator is a horrible waste of her intellect and doesn’t even touch of her most beloved field of science: biological and the creation of new and artificial life (cloning counted into this description as well). She adores that science and with the Arkanians deep seated place in playing God amongst the Galaxy it created what damned her out of any place on Arkania: she is a dangerous supremacist for her kind. She believes in Arkania’s free reign to bend and twist the Galaxy around them, forge new life as they see fit. Gladly would she reintroduce Arkanian Offshoots into the Galaxy to service her kind. But thankfully working in the Underworld has taught her to keep her mouth shut about that to avoid retribution.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]After losing her eye on Alzoc III she has come to totally and utterly despise the Talz race.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]A distant Adasca, a cousin of the main lineage Elline was born to the glistening diamond mines and great tundras of Arkania. A fate that was destined for the Adasca Biomechanical Corps what with the family line, and thankfully that proved to be a path she could actually embrace. For at a young age Elline showed she had a powerful intellect over that of her somewhat frail body.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Taken up in many a prestigious academy Elline was a top student in all fields of genetics, such was her foray: the biological sciences Arkanians were both famous and infamous for. Elline quickly began to grow to the latter of those two concepts, a great desire for the history of the Arkanian race and many parts their kind considered “shames” (or treated them as such) and idolized the creation of the many races Arkanians held a heavy hand in changing the evolution of. Though held a particular interest in Arkanian Offshoots and the potential they held to patch up their society and allow pure Arkanians to rise to greater acts.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]She was never very public about these desires, and when she would be later they would spell what she deemed her end.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Elline’s fall came from the frozen world of Azloc III, of that there is no denying. Towards the end of her time within the Academy the advanced members of her course took a trip to Alzoc III to discover and examine the native species, it was a total and utter disaster born of arrogance. Treading on the wrong territory the native Talz attacked the group, killing two and wounding three. One of those three was Elline herself, a small throwing spear destroying her right eye into nothing more than useless paste. Retreating to their homeworld their professor became defunct and some bemused that Elline’s injury was mental as well. Though this was not the case, she was merely bitter at such primitives and with her new cybernetic eye began to start spouting out her radical supremacist ideology. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]An Adacsa can not spout such things, bad for reputation and business the same. She was quickly disowned by the other Adasca’s for such things which lead to the family name she held close evaporating into nothing but a shameful wound. Leading to a practical exile from dear Arkania and her genius going to waste as the word of her name was spread to the allies of the Adasca Corps. She was nothing now. Just a hateful soul with a desire for vengeance. And that was when it all reached out to her properly.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Elline had always been force sensitive, though it had been smothered under drugs to avoid any sort of complications. Never directly told she held her assumptions and nothing more, but the dark side came to her in a wave. Free from her former constraints she gave into her hatred and anger to enough extent she could learn basic powers. Not much else, as the young woman lacked any form of training. But she was grateful enough for what she knew, it has saved her life many times since.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]She ended up in the underworld, begrudgingly. Her intellect had her understand chemicals well so brewing out drugs such as Death Sticks for criminals came easy to her, and maybe even got some pay in too. Though truthfully she did petty work for years until she eventually was contacted by the Crime Lord she currently works with, living in such poverty she had no choice but to accept and fall into the trap.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Her existence became escaping retribution from thugs and ruffians while cooking out more and more drugs on Nar Shadda. But as time progressed it becomes harder and harder to deny that those drugs are coming out in much higher quantities and better qualities than before...and not like Elline was scrubbed from history either. Awfully strange when mixed with a defunct genius from Arkania.[/SIZE]