tinker tailor soldier spy
“Ain’t no violence that sets men apart, but the distance one’s prepared to go.”
Species: Near-Human
Sex: Male
Height: Tall
Weight: Athletic
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Brown
The Galactic Alliance
Inquisitive: Like a pitbull, he doesn’t let go.
Experienced: Has a lot of experience in his field.
Impulsive: Shoots, before he thinks.
Limited: He’s just a man.
Spine: Weaker structure means more risks.
You know I don’t usually do this. No, no. I know. It’s fine. I am just saying. A warning that this might not be as smooth sailin’ as your usual jobs.
Yeah, I know, you are a professional.
How I am doing? Just saw a guy blow his brains out, ‘cus he couldn’t pay his debts. He was peddling drugs, of course, but it puts things in perspective, ya know. Not every peddler out there is doing it to live the high roller life. Some are just trying- Yeah, I am fine, no, I don’t need a break.
All I am saying is this- I got into this to do some good and by the looks of it I am not doing much of it.
Sure, sure. Greater good and all, but that don’t help you much while you are scraping off the blood and brain tissue from your face. Makes you wonder where your priorities have landed, ya know?
At the end of the day I know my duty. I will keep fighting the good fight, but I don’t know, doc.
Sometimes it would be good to get some actual pay-off.
Not in cash or whatever, but just in knowing that you did something good.
I don’t know, I am probably just delirious. Anyway. My next shift starts in ten, so it’s been a pleasure.