Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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'Ello, gov'na!

Yo! Brand spankin' new member, comin' at ya live from no TV station whatsoever! (Get on with why your here posting this!) Alrighty, moving along from grand introductions, woohoo!

So I just came here, and I was wanting to know where I head to find out the status of the galaxy. Any suggestions, dudes?
[member="Overture"] Welcome to Chaos! The timeline under Holonet (as [member="Aerin Kath"] mentioned) will give an overview of some *big* events.

But as far as what factions are on top, which are waxing, which are waning, who's who in the galaxy- that stuff is so dynamic and changing all the time it's hard to have a one, go to place for that info.

Connor Harrison

[member="Overture"] Welcome to the Chaos! Enjoy, and shout if you need help at all. :)

[member="Aerin Kath"] [member="Irajah Ven"] [member="Connor Harrison"]

Many thanks, to all of you! I cannot promise that I will be constantly active on here, since I am far more used to roleplaying that is more active than a forum. But, I shall hope to have plenty of fun, here!

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