Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ellya, the Blind Girl

  • Name: Ellya Saelihn
  • Alias: N/A
  • Titles: The Blind Girl
  • Planet of Birth: Via
  • Living Situation: The Dark Spot
  • Sexuality: Unknown
  • Marital Status: Single
  • Force Sensitive: Yes
  • Force Rank: Padawan
  • Force Alignment: Ashlan
  • Theme Song: Homecoming

  • Species: Viatori
  • Gender: Female
  • Age: 21 in Viatori years [after Netherworld]
  • Height: 165 cm
  • Weight: 53 kilograms
  • Eye Colour: Maize Yellow
  • Hair Colour: Brown
  • Skin Pigmentation: Tan

  • The Galactic Alliance - Independent Padawan


"Seeing is but a pinnacle of ignorance."

As a Viatori, Ellya is not the most extroverted person in the galaxy, but rather enjoys being alone and looking deep inside herself. She is not shy -- which makes her different from the typical member of the Viatori species -- and she is definitely nothing like those Sith and Jedi who go to the main battle to make themselves heroes. She is not a hero. She is a supporter.

Ellya has a unique view of the Force. Rather than believing the Force is something inside everything, she thinks everything is the Force. And that makes her believe there are people who could be the pure embodiment of the mystical energy, being a vessel for the Force and a god at the same time.

Deep down to the core of the Force beliefs, Ellya would classify herself as an avid believer of both Living and Unifying Force, believing all shades of the Force are but illusions and that the Light and Dark don't exist.

The woman is warm-hearted but doesn't show it off due to the fear of getting lost or being misunderstood. Also, even though she is an extreme empath deep inside, she seems to be rather bland and cold on the outside.


"Being blind has made me what I am now."
  • [ + ] Viatori Strengths - being a Viatori, Ellya has gained all of their strengths, including natural psychometry abilities, higher chronological lifespan, and skin that is not easy to break trough. Mental strengths include high culture and accepting and peaceful nature.
  • [ + ] Intelligent - Ellya was born to a family of educators and professors, and thus has been raised in an environment of studying. Genetics also has a lot to do with her being naturally open-minded and intelligent.
  • [ ~ ] Curious Nature - Ellya is curious by nature, which makes her interested in a lot of things and always learn something new. But that also means she might get into troubles often.
  • [ - ] Viatori Weaknesses - while Ellya has all Viatori strengths, she also has all of their weaknesses, and that includes faster aging, being unable to see, and the inability to consume any kind of alcohol. Unlike people of the Miraluka species, she can't use the Force to see, but has to rely on her instincts. She has been studying Force Sense to get rid of that weakness, though.
  • [ - ] Weak Body - when it comes to talking about body types, Ellya is the skinny nearly completely muscleless one. She has no agility, strength, or endurance whatsoever and is unable to ever have some serious lightsaber dueling.
"Even thinking of light and dark is a sin -- because there's only one. The Force."


If there has ever been a person whose history has been really vague, it must be Ellya. Being raised on Viatori, in a family of people with degrees is all the girl knows, and that's mostly what it actually was. The girl wasn't raised in the way most people see it -- as studying, playing, doing whatever one does. Ellya just spent her time, sometimes watching the walls being the only thing she could do for days.

Why was the girl's past so difficult, then? Her parents loved the girl, they really did. But did the young kid love them back? Not quite. Every try to get closer to the child was only a pathetic intention, with no success at all. No matter what they did, all they could do was give their daughter food, a place to live, and something to do.

Ellya's mentality was something only she herself knew, and even she doesn't know why she hated her parents. All that she knows is that she desperately wanted to get out of there, and start living her own life. And that's exactly what she started doing when she bought herself the ship The Dark Spot.

What challenges might await the girl now that she has left her family?

The independent life of the woman began on her own home planet, just a little bit away from the magnificent cultural capital of the planet with a name of Antiquus City. She was spending some time resting and trying to think about her life when she met Connor Harrison, a Silver Jedi who wanted to see what the planet was like. The two soon became friends and even though their personalities and ways of living were different, they bonded with each other easily. Together, they acquaired their Praefecti and talked about life before they could reach the Antiquus City.

In progress...

Notable Relationships
This includes only people Ellya has personally met. Under Progress.

  • [ Friend ] [member="Connor Harrison"]

Notable Skills
  • [ Fluent ] Fabula
  • [ Near-Fluent ] Galactic Basic Standard
Notable Force Powers
  • [ Initiate ] Force Sense
  • Weapons

  • The Dark Spot

[*]Other Equipment
  • None


Thread Listing
Total Threads: 11 | Completed: 11​

Training Threads
Total: 1 | Completed: 1
Teaching Threads
Total: 0 | Completed: 0
  • Pending
Faction-Related Threads
Total: 3 | Completed: 3
Duel Threads
Total: 0 | Completed: 0
  • Pending
Development Threads
Total: 0 | Completed: 0
  • Pending
Company Threads
Total: 0 | Completed: 0
  • Pending
Miscellaneous Threads
Total: 7 | Completed: 7
*NOTE: The [Complete] tag doesn't necessarily mean the thread is actually complete. It also indicates inactive threads.
[member="Ellya"], Why don't you make a note about something that goes along the lines of.

"Yes I know my character is awesome. Thank you for the compliment, however, I don't really feel like racking up post counts. So here is your thanks."

;) Cus other than the bio itself, you post "Thank you" to every other one.

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