Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Elucia Devine


NAME: Elucia Devine
FACTION: Levantine Sanctum
RANK: Rogue Padawan
AGE: 16
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'3 3/4
WEIGHT: 112 lbs
EYES: Cerulean Blue
HAIR: Sandy-Brown
SKIN: Olive Tone


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

Has a heart as pure as snow-water +
A dedicated and gentle soul +
Naturally nurturing +
Untrained healing capabilities +

Hyperly attuned to the light and dark sides of the Force +/-
Has the gift of Far sight +/-
Has a belief that everyone is inherently good, this leaves her vulnerable to being easily deceived +/-
Force Empath +/-

Suffers from a form of Dissociative Amnesia -
Lacks in physical strength -
Has a hard time making difficult decisions -
Predicts overly optimistic scenarios -


Elucia is small, and almost child-like in appearance with her bright, round eyes, and delicate features. She carries herself with grace, and has an air of kindness surrounding her. She doesn't think of herself more highly than anyone else, and chooses to wear common/plain clothing that conveys the importance of her values. Often her hair is left loose and free, naturally creating a frame around her petite physique. The only item of importance, or value, that she carries, is a golden ring with unknown inscriptions carved on the band. The word 'Elucia' and 'Devine' are the only decipherable words that she could read.


Elucia woke up alone, completely unaware of where she was, and without any recollection of her past life or memories. It's possible that she was born on a planet which was going through great political turmoil, or upheaval, and that she was one of the many tragedies of the incident and a survivor by chance. Without any way to know where it was she came from, Elucia sought out sanctuary from a local priest who sheltered her until she could be taken by a community efforts group that tried to help resettle their jane doe in one of the local orphanages.

For at least two years, Elucia lived amongst the other children. Life wasn't horrible, but she couldn't shake her unsettled yearnings for something more. She didn't know what she was looking for until a chance encounter with [member=Solamen], and the pieces fell in place. Home. She was looking for a place to call home.

Since then, the two have been traveling the Galaxy in search of place to belong.






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