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Approved Starship Elwin-class Rapid Assault Frigate

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Manufacturer: Aurora Industries
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Length: Average
Width: Average
Height: Average
Size: Average

  • Classification: Rapid Assault Frigate
  • Length: 400 meters
  • Width: 60 meters
  • Height: 70 meters
  • Armament: Very High
    • Eight AI-T5 "Ifrit" Turbolaser Batteries
      • Four Dorsal Mounted
        • Arranged in quadruple barbettes
      • Four Ventral Mounted
        • Arranged in quadruple barbettes
      • Gunnery Crew are able to switch between Standard Turbolaser, Rapid-Fire, Long-Range, and Scatter Loadouts
    • Ten Dual AI-T5 "Ifrit" Turbolaser Turrets
      • Six Dorsal Mounted, 360 Degree Rotation
      • Four Ventral Mounted, 360 Degree Rotation
      • Gunnery Crew are able to switch between Standard Turbolaser, Rapid-Fire, Long-Range, and Scatter Loadouts
    • Twelve Dual AI-MD4 "Ixion" Mass Driver Turrets
      • Four Dorsal Mounted, 360 Degree Rotation
      • Four Ventral Mounted, 360 Degree Rotation
      • Two Port Mounted, 360 Degree Rotation
      • Two Starboard Mounted, 360 Degree Rotation
      • Gunnery Crew are able to switch between Standard Mass Driver, Rapid-Fire, MAC, and Stream Loadouts
    • Sixteen Quad AI-LC4 "Valefor" Laser Cannon Turrets
      • Four Dorsal Mounted, Retractable
      • Four Ventral Mounted, Retractable
      • Four Port Mounted, Retractable
      • Four Starboard Mounted, Retractable
      • Gunnery Crew are able to switch between Standard Laser, Particle Cannon, or Pulse Cannon Loadouts
    • Four Variable Flextube Launchers
      • Four Bow Mounted
        • Each launcher has a four-missile magazine
  • Defenses: Average
  • Hangar Space: Average
    • Two Squadrons
  • Hangar Allocations:
    • Starfighters: 1 squadron
    • Support Craft: 1 squadron
  • Single Craft Hangar: No
  • Maneuverability Rating: Average
    • 60 DPF
  • Speed Rating: Very High
    • 115 MGLT - Speed in Space
    • 950 km/h - Atmospheric Speed
  • Hyperdrive:
  • Life Support Systems
    • Standard Life Support Systems
    • Escape Pods
  • Other Shielding Systems
  • Power Generator
  • Navicomputer and Guidance Systems
    • Standard Military-Grade Navigation Systems
    • Standard Military-Grade Guidance Systems
  • Targeting Systems
    • Standard Military-Grade Targeting Systems
  • Security Systems
    • Blast Doors
    • Internal Ray Shield Emitters
    • Klaxon Alarm/Warning System
    • Other Standard Security Systems
  • Crew Compliment Composition
    • Minimum Crew - 450
      • Four Hundred Crewmembers
      • Twenty-Four Fighter and Support Craft Pilots
      • Twenty-Six Officers
        • Ranking Officer - Commander
    • Optimal Crew - 900
      • Eight Hundred and Forty-Two Crewmembers
      • Twenty-Four Fighter and Support Craft Pilots
      • Thirty-Four Officers
        • Ranking Officer - Commander
  • Cargo/Passenger Capacity Composition and Systems
    • Cargo Capacity
      • 5,000 metric tons of equipment
    • Passenger Capacity
      • Two Hundred Passengers or Troops, typically grouped into two companies
  • Consumables
    • Six Galactic Standard Months' worth of supplies
  • As an improvement over its predecessor, Elwin-class frigates are equipped with the latest generation of Aurora Industries weaponry, giving them powerful options to deal damage to enemy forces. Ifrit turbolasers are arranged in quadruple barbette batteries and dual turbolaser turrets, along with dual Ixion mass driver and dual Valefor laser cannon turrets, to give gunnery crews increased firepower and versatility. The vessels are also equipped with four variable ordnance launchers for even further increased firepower.
  • A further improvement over the Agrias is the expanded hangar capacity of the ship, now being able to fit a full squadron of fighter craft and a full squadron of support craft.
  • Elwin-class frigates, utilizing four Garuda Ion Drives, have slightly increased speeds over the Agrias and the new Madeen Shiftdrive gives it greater speeds and accessibility to arrive at destinations faster and respond to incursions.
  • Elwin-class frigates are outfitted with both a Syldra Communications Suite and a Divine Eyes Sensor and Electronics System, giving them several methods of secure communications and a large variety of sensors they can utilize while patrolling or coordinating with other allied forces.
  • As an improvement over the Agrias, the Elwin frigates are equipped with Golem-type advanced hull plating to increase their defensive capabilities, along with several countermeasures and Leviathan point defense emplacements.
  • If the preservation field capsule fails or the device is sabotaged within the Ramuh-II core or Starscourge Reactor, the crystal within sublimates immediately into its plasma state, reducing the power output of the device by roughly half until a new crystal capsule is installed. As each weapon on the ship is powered by such a power core, if this occurs in those weapons, it can reduce the damage output of the craft to a lower level.
  • If the molecular furnaces within the Garuda Ion Drives are damaged or sabotaged, they will consume the engines and leave the Elwin-class frigate dead in space and heavily damaged.
  • If damage to the hull occurs, due to the Divine Eyes sensors being implanted within the hull of the frigate, it can create blind spots within the sensor coverage of the frigate.
  • Sonic weaponry can shatter the first layer of the hull plating system due to a strange harmonic resonance the compound has, reducing its effectiveness and creating gaps to the second and third layer.
  • If a Syldra's internal Seoularian crystal is shattered, it cannot connect to the telepathic network until a new crystal is installed and attuned to the key and anchor crystals that system needs to be connected to. In addition, telepathic messages sent through the network cannot be received by any other system except another Syldra, potentially limiting the capabilities of this feature.

Developed as part of Aurora Industries' Highwind Program, and the second dedicated warship developed out of the program not designated a small craft, the Elwin-class frigates were designed to be an improvement upon the Agrias-class frigates previously designed by the company. The design team kept the basic chassis design of the Agrias, including the same basic dimensions, however the hull was replaced and improved with the Golem-type Advanced hull plating created by Aurora. In addition, the streamlining of components and utilization of the Starscourge reactor allowed the design team to expand upon the internal structures of the ship.

The hangar bay from the Agrias was slightly expanded to allow for both a squadron of fighter craft and a squadron of support craft such as shuttles and transports, while the weapon capabilities of the ship were augmented with the newest iterations of Aurora weaponry. Ifrit turbolasers in two different configurations, along with Ixion mass drivers and Valefor laser cannons replaced the previous weaponry to give the gunnery crew increased firepower and versatility. The ship was also equipped with both a Syldra Communications Suite and a Divine Eyes sensor and electronics network.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To submit a fourth generation rapid assault frigate for Aurora Industries to utilize and sell.
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: Solarium Glasteel; Divine Eyes Sensor and Electronics System
Primary Source(s):

Agrias-class Rapid Frigate

Technical Information

Affiliation: Aurora Industries; Individuals, Companies, and Factions that have purchased, licensed, or contracted the company
Model: Elwin-class Rapid Assault Frigate
Starship Class: Frigate (200-500m)
Starship Role: Other
Modular: No
Material: Solarium Glasteel; Desh-Terenthium; Hijarna Stone; Agrinium; Laminanium; Impervium; Titanium; Alusteel; Starship Components and Electronics
Armaments: AI-T5 "Ifrit" Turbolasers
AI-LC4 "Valefor" Laser Cannons
AI-MD4 "Ixion" Mass Drivers
AI-PD4 "Leviathan" Point Defense Emplacements
Variable Flextube Launchers
Defense Rating: Average
Speed Rating: Very High
Maneuverability Rating:: Average
Energy Resist: High
Kinetic Resist: High
Radiation Resist: Average
Minimum Crew: 450
Optimal Crew: 900
Passenger Capacity: 200
Cargo Capacity: Average
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