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Approved Armor Ember Armor | Ember Knights

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Manufacturer: Ember Knights | Vivi Iruis | The Bryn'adul-Xaelesh Protectorate
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Limited
Weight: Very Heavy
The Burning Star



  • Intent: To create a form of armor for the Fytar group known as Ember Knights.
  • Image Source:
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A


  • Classification: Multipurpose
  • Weight: Very Heavy
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: High
    • Kinetic: Average
    • Lightsabers: Very High
    • Emp/Ion: Very Low
    • High Frequency Waves: Very Low
    • Slugs: High
    • Blaster Bolts: High
    • Lightning: High
    • Corrosion: High
    • Disruptors: High
    • Intense Heat: Very high

  • Rapid Absorption: Ember Armor is structured in a layered format. Taking influence from Vivi Irius’s invention of the Ignis Impulsa, by mixing components outside of the Novatars normal resources to enhance protection. The core group of Ember Knights needed a form of protection other than typical Novatrite. Although these Fytars willingly replace their own Armor with new material and protection it is not without its benefit. This armor is built with extensive fusion of Pyronium that is woven into other metals and alloys throughout the compounded makeup. This allows the Fytars to absorb energy and electromagnetic attacks to preserve their Pulsars and magnetic capabilities. This in turn protects the Novatars basic level of composition as a species by preventing disruption of their natural magnetic features.

  • Electromagnetic Protection: While the Fytars comprised of the Ember Knights have an innate form of radiation and Electro-Magnetic pulsars, this armor mixture of different materials are able to latch to the Ember Knights in a one way positive form of protection. Thus, negating electrical and force lighting attempts to kill them.
  • Intense Heat Durability: All components in some way are a defensive layer from the opposing force against the Ember Knights, but in order to have any protection the materials and structure of the armor had to endure extreme amounts of heat to work. This has made the armor incredibly effective against lightsabers and energy based tactics.
  • Pieces of Everything: The armor is a mixture of many things across the galaxy in order to supplement the genetic compound of the Novatar using it. While this form of protection isn’t Novatrite, it still provides many layers of protection at a lighter weight.

  • Ion | Emp Dysfunction: The armor composition is incredibly vulnerable to both Ion and Emp tactics in battle.
  • Pieces of Everything: While the armor is made from many things across the galaxy it in turn means there are areas for improvement. With the Ember Knights relying on the function of materials within to resist many forms of tactics it could pose a risk late into battle due to quality and quantity.
  • High Frequency: Certain methods of high pitched sound waves and frequency vibrations can disrupt a Novatars natural pulsar field. Thus leaving them vulnerable without any armor should this happen.

Vivi Irius started an awakening within his own kind. They were simple creatures till the thought of progression worried the young Novatar and many like him. In a short span of a century, Vivi had garnered a following and before long developed what is now known as the Ember Knights.

The name signified the impotence of their species fading into the dark, quiet and lazy. Even with all knowledge passed down to him, Vivi Irius needed to make his case before his own. His thought process was different from the others and the traditional complacency to not invent and create things outside of structures irritated him. Progression could happen everywhere for their kind, but many were blind to innovation and guidance from the Entars.

Still, Vivi pressed onward and stayed true to his vision. Few followed, but those that became loyal in his vision to embark on a journey of new became their lifestyle. Burning worlds and in turn bringing balance to the galaxy across the depths of space. In their travels, they came across devastation in their midst like Avis(Link), acquiring forms of Cortosis. In other areas, metals that could resist their genetic compound and protect them from the very thing they feared, lightning.

As time went on, Vivi Irius had created the first ever weapon of the Fytars, the Ignis Impulsa. Those that followed him sought their own form of physical weapon and so, learning from their leader began to manifest a creation of all materials they had found through their travels.

The result was an amalgamation of layered forms of protection from throughout the galaxy. While Novatrite would be their typical form of armor, they sought Entars to strip them of it and replace their creations to morph freely to their bodies for protection.

It was a new age for the Ember Knights and a testament to think outside their species' own reliance on Novatrite to protect their genetic weakness.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To make armor for the Ember Knights to use as a different type of protection.
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source(s):


Technical Information

Affiliation: Vivi Irius | Ember Knights | The Bryn'adul-Xaelesh Protectorate
Model: Ember Armor Gen I
Modular: No
Material: N/A
Classification: Multipurpose
Defense Rating: Very High
Energy Resist: High
Kinetic Resist: Average
Sonic Resist: Average
Thermal Resist: Very High
Radiation Resist: Very High
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