The OOC One
Name: Ember Jay Allison Amber Ridley
Aliases: N/A
Faction: The Galactic Republic
Rank: Senator of Commenor
Species: Courscanti
Age: 37
Sex: Female
Hight: 5'7"
Weight: 77 lbs
Eye Color: Dark blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Hair Style: Waist Length, straight.
Skin: Pale
Languages: Galactic Basic, Hutteese, Binary, Shyriiwook
Force Sensitive: No
Business Woman: Ember is a known business woman, and she has the ability to argue. She will argue about anything and normally succeed in her points.
Good Morals: Ember has great morals, she has never killed anyone and never plans to kill anyone. She will sell you the tools to do it, but she won't ever do it herself.
Political: Ember is great at powering politics, because she is very political and voices her opinions well. She'd make a great politician at one point in her life.
Shady: Ember knows how to keep business of the records, she will work with anyone and supply anyone anything and she will make sure that if they want it, she will keep it off the records.
Slightly dishonest book keeper: Ember knows how to work the books, she knows how to add extra money to her accounts or to do whatever she feels like with the accounts of her competitors.
Greedy: Ember loves money, she will do near anything for money. If she is low, she will spend days upon days building products to get more money.
Drinker: Ember is known to drink, mainly to relieve stress. She doesn't drink much in one go, but she drinks most nights and some days if she has any spare time.
Shady: Ember is shady, she plays people well. She has been known to promise things and fail to deliver because of the money involved. She also hides hidden costs and VAT every so often.
Trust issues: Since being left by her husband, Ember hates trust. She'll trust those working under her, she hates other people.
Biography Before Star Wars Chaos: Born on Coruscant, Ember has always had a fine eye for detail. Her father used to own a small clothing company on Coruscant, and from the age of eight Ember would be doing basic calculations and criticizing her dad's choices of material and protection. Her mother owned a small mechanics yard, Ember would criticize her on overspending and not caring for her average turn-over. It was all a game for her, one she loved.
At the age of fifteen, Ember entered a challenge. The challenge winner would be offered a free four year course in The Royal Courscant Collage to study business. Ember won the challenge by presenting the judges a perfect company idea for weapons. The business would never be used in action, but it was a basic idea that was formed happily.
Ember spent four years in collage, perfect performance in any and all exams and tests. She was happy when she left with her diploma and perfect scores. She left, took up a role as a manager in her fathers clothing company and eventually managed to work the books and buy him out. It cost her half of what the company was worth, but she successfully brought her father out.
She sold the company only three years after, glad it had become a planet wide hit. She took the money, got married and began to relax. She was getting the itch however, she invested half of her money into a new company. Alter Corp, a company dedicated to medicines and medical research. After another three years, that company had become a planet wide hit and she sold it and got back eighty times what she'd used to start it up.
Then her husband left, but forgot how much money Ember had stored up in an off planet account. Her ex husband attempted to break into said account, failing and ending up getting arrested just after. Ember hated him for it, but she knew she had to keep moving in her life. She kept turning, making sure she had the funds.
Then she invested in another company, another way to play the stock markets. Yes, she may of sold this company, following through into politics, something else she was good at. She played to her strengths, you can't deny that one.
Eight Million Credits hidden in many off planet accounts,
DL-44 Blaster Pistol (protection)
Ship: N/A
Aliases: N/A
Faction: The Galactic Republic
Rank: Senator of Commenor
Species: Courscanti
Age: 37
Sex: Female
Hight: 5'7"
Weight: 77 lbs
Eye Color: Dark blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Hair Style: Waist Length, straight.
Skin: Pale
Languages: Galactic Basic, Hutteese, Binary, Shyriiwook
Force Sensitive: No
Business Woman: Ember is a known business woman, and she has the ability to argue. She will argue about anything and normally succeed in her points.
Good Morals: Ember has great morals, she has never killed anyone and never plans to kill anyone. She will sell you the tools to do it, but she won't ever do it herself.
Political: Ember is great at powering politics, because she is very political and voices her opinions well. She'd make a great politician at one point in her life.
Shady: Ember knows how to keep business of the records, she will work with anyone and supply anyone anything and she will make sure that if they want it, she will keep it off the records.
Slightly dishonest book keeper: Ember knows how to work the books, she knows how to add extra money to her accounts or to do whatever she feels like with the accounts of her competitors.
Greedy: Ember loves money, she will do near anything for money. If she is low, she will spend days upon days building products to get more money.
Drinker: Ember is known to drink, mainly to relieve stress. She doesn't drink much in one go, but she drinks most nights and some days if she has any spare time.
Shady: Ember is shady, she plays people well. She has been known to promise things and fail to deliver because of the money involved. She also hides hidden costs and VAT every so often.
Trust issues: Since being left by her husband, Ember hates trust. She'll trust those working under her, she hates other people.
Biography Before Star Wars Chaos: Born on Coruscant, Ember has always had a fine eye for detail. Her father used to own a small clothing company on Coruscant, and from the age of eight Ember would be doing basic calculations and criticizing her dad's choices of material and protection. Her mother owned a small mechanics yard, Ember would criticize her on overspending and not caring for her average turn-over. It was all a game for her, one she loved.
At the age of fifteen, Ember entered a challenge. The challenge winner would be offered a free four year course in The Royal Courscant Collage to study business. Ember won the challenge by presenting the judges a perfect company idea for weapons. The business would never be used in action, but it was a basic idea that was formed happily.
Ember spent four years in collage, perfect performance in any and all exams and tests. She was happy when she left with her diploma and perfect scores. She left, took up a role as a manager in her fathers clothing company and eventually managed to work the books and buy him out. It cost her half of what the company was worth, but she successfully brought her father out.
She sold the company only three years after, glad it had become a planet wide hit. She took the money, got married and began to relax. She was getting the itch however, she invested half of her money into a new company. Alter Corp, a company dedicated to medicines and medical research. After another three years, that company had become a planet wide hit and she sold it and got back eighty times what she'd used to start it up.
Then her husband left, but forgot how much money Ember had stored up in an off planet account. Her ex husband attempted to break into said account, failing and ending up getting arrested just after. Ember hated him for it, but she knew she had to keep moving in her life. She kept turning, making sure she had the funds.
Then she invested in another company, another way to play the stock markets. Yes, she may of sold this company, following through into politics, something else she was good at. She played to her strengths, you can't deny that one.
Eight Million Credits hidden in many off planet accounts,
DL-44 Blaster Pistol (protection)
Ship: N/A