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Approved Tech Emberfly Blaster Autocannon

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  • Name: XT-35 'Emberfly' Blaster Autocannon
  • Manufacturer: Jaeger Solutions
  • Affiliation: The Sith Order (The Sith Eternal subfaction), Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean , Venn Kolis Venn Kolis
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: XT-35
  • Modularity: Limited, see Weaknesses
  • Production: Limited
  • Material: Durasteel, blaster components
  • Classification: Blaster Autocannon
  • Size: Very Large
  • Weight: Very Heavy
  • Ammunition Type: Plasma Cell
  • Ammunition Capacity: Extremely Large
  • Effective Range: Long Range
  • Rate of Fire: Extremely High
  • Damage Output: Average
  • Recoil: High
  • A high-speed gimbal mount means the cannon's angle of fire looks like a hemisphere. There's nowhere to hide.
  • Utilizing plasma cells as ammunition vastly increases the upper shot limit of the weapon.
  • I Don't Have A Blind Spot
    • The gun's fast-track gimbal mount means it can move freely 360 degrees and turn about from horizon fix to firing 'straight up'. Whether mounted as a defensive fixed turret or as a shipboard weapon, it can engage targets coming from virtually any direction.
  • Storm Weapon
    • The Emberfly has a terrifyingly high rate of fire for a blaster cannon of its large size, which was the central design focus. A complimentary design choice was the use of high-yield plasma cells in place of traditional power cells or tibanna gas cannisters.
  • Remote Gunner Only
    • This model of the Emberfly cannot be refitted as an infantry placement or as a droid-operated turret. Any fixed turret location must be manned by an unincorporated gunner, same as when linked to a ship's onboard firelink.
  • Burn Too Brightly
    • This weapon's high rate of fire and high shot limit means the Emberfly is likely to overheat before it runs empty. Anything over 15 seconds of continuous fire runs the risk of triggering an automatic heat vent, and at 30 seconds it's a near certainty. This can be dangerous if it interrupts the weapon's functionality in the middle of an engagement.
One weapon.

When the plans for the Külək XT-9 Multipurpose Gunship were first being drawn up, Venn Kolis asked Jaeger Solutions to fit the craft with a single primary weapon. A cannon with enough firepower to decimate ground resistance, and enough range to be dangerous in space combat and aerial engagements. A gun that would shred an enemy fighter to pieces with a stream of blasterfire so continuous it could almost be mistaken for a composite-beam weapon.

The Emberfly is that weapon. The rank-and-file sent out against the Sith will not die in prolonged terror and torture. That delicacy is reserved for their masters. No, the misguided souls who serve the Tyrant Destiny will know only moments. The storm of fire. The harsh bright red consuming everything. And then silence. The void. This is the true mercy of the Bogan- superior to any pale imitation peddled by the those in Destiny's thrall. The Asha'Kurat are ready. The galaxy is not.

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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Venn Kolis Venn Kolis

Nicely made submission!
  • You can't use the Jaeger Solutions as Manufacturer, because that is not your company. Please ask Earl's permission.
  • Please link the The Sith Eternal, Darth Maliphant and Venn Kolis to the Affiliation.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Venn Kolis Venn Kolis

  • The Permission is unreadable, it is too small. Please link a proper size picture.
  • You need to link the Jaeger Solutions to the Manufacturer.
  • And I can't accept the Sith Eternal's link. You need to link the Faction (and in this case you need to name it as The Sith Order), or the Sith Eternal's own faction's link or it's Codex submission. Or something like that:
    Affiliation: The Sith Order (The Sith Eternal subfaction)
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