Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Emergency LOA

Yeah ... So I have gotten into an infection that requires hospitalization. Tonight was my unlucky night for the doctor to decide I needed to go to the friendly neighborhood emergency room, and stop fighting it at home. I have no idea how long this is going to last. A few days to a week is the most likely answer to that.

There's a chance for surgery to help deal with it as of tonight, but I won't know on that part until tomorrow morning. Until then happy fun times, involving far too many needles, nurses, and prickly doctors.

And I'm sure I'll be around posting .... Some, but not a ton. I usually still do post while in the hospital. So there is that. :) More slow posting, than anything else. Not gone, just sleepy and sick.

[member="Valiens Nantaris"] | [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

@anyone who I post with on any alt - cause I'm too sick to care to find them all tonight.
[member="Coryth Elaris"]

Good luck, get better soon! And congratulations on properly using the term "Emergency" unlike me. I hope everything goes swimmingly and that you're out of there as soon as possible.
Thank you guys, for the support. It's much appreciated, and truly helps. :)

Good news is no surgery, right now. There's a test tomorrow that they are going to do, that will give us an idea of how long I have to be here. Hopefully it will just be a few days and all will be well pretty quickly.

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