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Approved Armor Emergency Projection System

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Manufacturer: Sasori
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Weightless
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Image Credit: X-Men
  • Size: Designed to be much much smaller in its size compared to the original model and worn as an earring.
  • Hardlight: Designed with hundreds of sub-atomic hardlight projectors allowing the armor to form around the wearer.
  • Advanced SHielding: Designed as a deployable shielding enclosure that uses Sasori shielding to wrap around a person or small group of persons and is able to move.
  • Self Repairing: Designed to repair itself over time and from damage in a fight. The severity determining if it could be from hours to days.
  • Power Armor: Designed like regular power armor in that increases the height, strength, speed and durability of the one wearing it by several factors. With the ability to function in vacuum for a limited time and offer protection in the case of exposure and hold in oxygen. Only without built in weapons and instead able to look inconspicious.
  • Built in power source: Designed with its own internal power source that is long lasting but it is largely able to power the armor and systems of the vehicle but when damaged it is highly explosive.
  • Self Repairing: The time table is dependent upon the amount of damage with smaller tears being easier and faster to repair then gashes which can take hours to reform.
Designed by the engineers at Sasori after the work of their hardlight enclosures for movement and protection. THe idea of experimenting and turning it into potentially armor came after upgrading a piece of equipment for a fellow jedi at his request. With their newest means of power production and hardlight projection they would be better able to use it as well. The idea of an emergency suit of armor that could be deployed and carried around for others like politicians or normal people who might be involved in attack from forces outside of their control. THey were able to set it up as a simple earring that could be worn and deployed quickly enough... incasing the wearer in a suit of armor that offers a high level of protection though their heavy shielding while also increasing their strength and speed to get out of dangerous situations.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Continue to make Sasori Technology
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source(s):

Exotic Matter
Programmable Matter

Technical Information

Affiliation: Sasori
Model: Power Armor
Modular: Yes
Material: Refined Sleg Ultracapacitors, Sasori Kanamara, Materia, Hardlight
Classification: Other
Defense Rating: Very High
Energy Resist: Very High
Kinetic Resist: Very High
Sonic Resist: Average
Thermal Resist: Average
Radiation Resist: Average
Other Resistance(s):


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