Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LOA Emergency Surgery

Been in the ER over the weekend, and I've talked about it on Discord but figure this is a good time to mention it. I got some major Gallstones that are currently flooding me with all kinds of pain. Due to the gastric bypass I had, they gotta do a specific surgery for this, and will be removing my Gallbladder.

I'm waiting to be transferred to a hospital three hours away to get it done, hence my posting. Last night sucked.

I'll update when I get updates. Gonna be a wee but for posts though.

My body sucks. So does scheduling. The Gallstone passed so that's done, but I've got pancrieantitis so they can't do the surgery right away. It's either going to clear up today and I have surgery tomorrow, or I get out patiented and it's some time in the next couple weeks.

Either way, more laying in pain in hospital beds that are some how sticking to my skin uncomfortably.



Surgery happened and went well. In a fuck ton of pain, but all is well.

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