Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Emiste (Elom'iste)


  • 8662ed939f3ba28be22ba4f14412bf8b.jpg

    NAME: Elom'iste
    NICKNAMES: Emiste (only goes by Emiste)
    SPECIES: Twi'lek
    AGE: 23
    GENDER: Female
    HEIGHT: 5' 5"
    WEIGHT: 130 lbs
    HOMEWORLD: Ryloth
    MARITAL STATUS: Unmarried
    SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Kaz - Partner (somewhere between romantic partner and partner in crime)
    VOICE: Gibi

    LANGUAGES: Twi'leki, Galactic Basic


    FACTION: Independent

  • ad21c1442b1377042a21bc7a537c9794.jpg

    SKIN: Deep red
    HAIR: Medium-length Tattooed Lekku
    EYES: Orange-yellow
    BUILD: Slender

    • Her Lekku go down slightly past her shoulders
    • Slender, but also slowly recovering from malnourishment
    • Always appears on-edge, keeps things closer to her, tight posture
    • Typically wears understated, plain clothing
    • The only things she wears special & with pride are her headbands

  • Strengths:
    • Resourceful: Emi scraps up whatever she can, and is almost always able to take care of herself. She can stretch her credits when she needs to, making ends meet, no matter where she is. After years as a slave, she's found ways to survive in multiple difficult situations, and has continued that skill throughout her further travels.
    • Observant: No detail is too small. In fact, Emi tends to see the small things more often than the big things. Noticing details of things is what's kept her alive, especially when it comes to people. Any tiny detail that she can notice gives her something safe to latch onto -- or something to exploit.
    • Charitable: (full detail coming soon)

    • Untrusting: (full detail coming soon)
    • Vengeful: (full detail coming soon)
    • Deceitful: (full detail coming soon)

  • Armor
    (coming soon)

    (coming soon)

    (coming soon)

    (coming soon)

    • N/A



  • Public
    • TBD

    • TBD

  • Long-Term:
    • TBD

    Short Term:
    • TBD

    Time Frame Unknown:
    • TBD


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Elom'iste was born to loving parents on Ryloth. They were lower-class, both working as miners, but they spoiled her as much as they could. She was taken care of by whoever in her clan was free, and her parents often joked that she was the origin of the phrase "it takes a village to raise a child." She had a comfortable childhood, and spent her days carefree, exploring the clan and its surrounding wilds. Other clanmates taught her how to defend herself, but just enough to keep herself safe from a wild animal. She loved her home on Ryloth, and nothing was more beautiful to her than the Ryloth night sky. She would stare at the stars until she was forced to go to bed, and even then would stick her head out the window, just to see the colors of the sky and feel the wind on her Lekku.

(background wip still!)

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