Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Emma Norewood

Emma Grace Norewood
  • Name: Emma Grace Norewood
  • Alias: N/A
  • Alignment: Neutral-Ashlan
  • Force Rank: Apprentice
  • Species: Human
  • Planet of Birth: Coruscant
  • Age: 19
  • Height: 168 cm
  • Weight: 51 kg
  • Eye Color: Grey
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Complexion: Caucasian
  • Force Sensitive: Yes



+ Not Afraid of Feeling Pain: Due to the painful history of Emma, she has grown practically immune to the fear of getting hurt. While she does feel pain and doesn't like it, she has come to accept it as a matter of fact and doesn't think it's a thing to be feared.

+ Advanced Knowledge in Foreign Languages: Emma is able to fluently speak three different languages and could manage with four more. Coming from a family of language freaks, she has had to learn more different tongues than most others. And only now does she realise it's actually good for her.

+ Incredible Agility: Another thing her history has brought her closer to is good balance, reflexes and body movement. She is able to do agile moves and run from anything far too faster than a normal human.

~ Sociopath: While Emma is not actually evil and wants to walk the road of the Light Side of the Force, she does have more than a few traits sociopaths have, counting in her inability to feel empathy. And while it's mostly considered a bad thing, she actually likes the fact that she can use her disability for her own good occasionally.

- Claustrophobia: After having been locked inside a cage for years, Emma has grown more claustrophobic than she has ever been before. She is unable to use lifts, public transport, and can barely stay in a smaller starship.

- Extreme Anxiety & Panic Attacks: Again, due to her history, Emma has come to have panic attacks and general feeling of anxiety every once in a while. Most social situations make the girl shiver and anything which puts too much pressure and responsibility on her makes her have a panic attack.

- Extreme Difficulty at Socialising: There are people who are good at social life, there are people who are bad at it, and then there's Emma -- the person who has a hard time getting into a conversation with anybody. Unless a person somehow manages to unlock the 'inner strength' the girl has, she will continue talking to them in short emotionless sentences.

- Untrained: Emma is not trained in practically anything and because of her weaknesses, she is practically unable to get herself a master who would train her.

  • Pending


A happy life was promised to Emma when she was still young. And that was a logical thing to think, considering her parents were high-class citisens of Coruscant, both working in the area of languages. Her mother worked as a professor in one of the greatest universities, her father as a scientist focusing on the development of languages. Life in huge amounts of money and opportunities many people can't even dream about should have made the girl happy. And she was, to a certain degree.

Emma had many friends while in school, but after leaving it when she was 16, she had no idea of what to do. She could have gone to get a degree in languages, just like her parents, but deep inside, she didn't feel like doing that at all. So instead, she took some time for herself, rented a flat in another district, and just took time to think. But that time soon got interrupted.

The girl was abducted by an unknown person whom the girl still knows nothing about. She was held in a cage for two years and a little bit longer, and had various tests performed on her. The girl was tortured with these daily and soon she started thinking of a way to get out. She was already starting to develop deep psychological diseases, which manipulated the way she saw life, so she couldn't succeed in finding a logical way to escape.

Her parents, however, had found out about the abduction, so they broke into the building where Emma was held, took her with them, and told the police force about the mysterious man who performed the tests on the young girl.

Emma had psychologist and psychotherapist appointments for more than a year, and started to get back to her normal life. But the emotional pain and sociopathy these ~2 years brought were not to be erased.

Total: 4

  1. [Ongoing] Pain? Meh.
  2. [Ongoing] Twisted and Strangled
  1. [Ongoing] Runnin' Round, Leaving Scars
  1. [Ongoing] Peace

Template heavily influenced by Jyn Sol's biography.
Avatar by Tara Phillips.
[member="Emma Grace Norewood"]

Sort of, aye, although while Emma has no empathy, Jyn is cursed with having it as a natural Force Ability. Both were raised amongst prominent individuals, then forced into a very bad environment.

Connor Harrison

[member="Evad"] [member="Emma Norewood"] Guys! Please.... *goes all timid* :D (Thank you! - Now back to loving Norewood!)

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