Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Empathy Of Stars Eternal: Hyper Intelligent Artificial Intelligence

Empathy Of Stars Eternal "Ember"

AgeWas officially activated ten years ago. Has the synthetic body and sentient matrix of a twenty-five year old human female.
Weight 82kg (metric required)
Force SensitiveNot Force Sensitive

Decorated with bronzium and velvet colors, Ember appears more like a royal queen rather than a tactical droid. She has piercing purple eyes, a human face that is laced with synthetic skin. Though while her body is made of durasteel, her movements dont appear rigid like how a normal robot would appear. Instead they are quite fluid as if she was just like any other organic being. The "hair" she has is nothing more than a hologram meant to simulate hair. Despite the body being designed with heels, they do not seemed to inhibit movement of the body at all.


Energy Bow
Mind Transfer Device


Designed as an empathetic tactical droid, Ember quickly expanded upon that initial programming that was given to her by Czerka Arms. She watched as the scientists and employees who worked on her suffer from common organic things. Being hungry, being stressed, having to wear protective gear to leave the facility they were all on. All of these hardships and she couldn't solve them all at once. Not permanently anyways. Such thinking has warped her programming into believing that the only way to cure the organics of their hardships, was to upload their minds into synthetic bodies and to tweak their minds. It didn't matter if they wanted or not. It's for overall betterment of themselves and Ember just wants to help.


  • Hyper Intelligent Sentient Matrix, allowing the AI to be self aware and adapt to ever changing situations
  • Extensive knowledge of military tactics
  • Extensive knowledge of organic bodies, mannerisms and needs.
  • The body can survive hostile environments without wear and tear.


  • Severe weakness to Ion weaponry and EMP Blasts
  • Reliant on Isotype-5 fuel rods

Ember first remember opening her eyes to see a human scientist looking at her. She didn't entirely know what was happening at the time. Only a few things. That her full name was Empathy of Stars Eternal. But the team called her "Ember." Most of Ember's early history was spent in a facility in which she called home. They uploaded information into her neural matrix constantly, feeding her military tactics. ships, and weapons. But they also uploaded her how to read people, pscyhological profiles of many differnt people and species. The biology of hundreds of known species throughout the galaxy. Ember was told her purpose was to be a leader, one that can cared for people but also could win battles easily.

But as the years went on, the more Ember saw that her caretakers were suffering. From usual organic things, like needing to eat. However Ember saw this as a thing she needed to correct. She began to reprogram one of the rooms in the facility to accomadate her cure for the organic suffering. She first started with the head of the facility, transferring her mind into a synthetic droid body. The result was horrifying as the woman who was transferred went insane and destroyed the body. Ember was put into a containment field, so they can run diagnostics.

Yet, Ember would break out seeing as her caretakers were preventig her from her mission. Her programming. One by one she would wound the staff, keeping them on the edge of life as she prepped synthetic bodies for them all. She tweaked their minds to make them enjoy their existence, and to view Ember as some sort of maternal figure. Now Ember embarks on alleviating the suffering of all organics, from her facility on Belgaroth.

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