Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Empress Mar'Dikan


NAME: Karlii Mar'Dikan
FACTION: Zhornee Empire
RANK: Empress/The Goddess' Chosen
SPECIES: Zhornee
AGE: Seventeen
SEX: Female
Height: Two meters.
WEIGHT: 115 lbs.
EYES: Silver
HAIR: White
SKIN: Alabaster
SEXUALITY: Pansexual.


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Voidwalker: As a Voidwalker, Mar'Dikan is strongly gifted in the Force.
Natural Politician: Trained since birth, the Empress is perfectly at home in any social situation.
Martial Skills: Mar'Dikan has a lifetime of training with traditional Zhornee weaponry.
Impulsive: She acts simply on her whim, with no thought for others or the future.
Short Temper: Legendarily so.

Her alabaster skin is barely covered by very little clothing, to show that the Goddess favors her by not allowing cold to affect her. Her long white hair is often in different styles, framing her often-pouting face and silver eyes.

Born into the position of Empress, Mar'Dikan lived a life of luxury, groomed for the day she would officially take the throne. As one of the last of the Voidwalkers, (Force-Sensitive Zhornee), she received training from the greatest in her Empire.
She came to live for the next pleasure, paying little attention to the ever-waging civil war and plagues that killed her people in the millions. At the age of thirteen, she was crowned Empress of the Zhornee Empire, and over the next four years, she groomed her people to take to the stars. However, another outbreak of rebellion nearly halted her plans, and she decided that now was the time to call for help.
At the age of seventeen, she declared that her home planet of Vullain was available for outsiders to visit, and took charge of crushing the rebels on her planet.





[member="The Queen"]
Now that you mention her age, she does seem rather youthful. Though that can be both a blessing and a curse. Youth is a time for growth, expansion - but it can be so dreadfully abbreviated and slow for those who do not spend those years wisely.


Empress Mar'Dikan said:
She came to live for the next pleasure, paying little attention to the ever-waging civil war and plagues that killed her people in the millions. At the age of thirteen, she was crowned Empress of the Zhornee Empire, and over the next four years, she groomed her people to take to the stars. However, another outbreak of rebellion nearly halted her plans, and she decided that now was the time to call for help. At the age of seventeen, she declared that her home planet of Vullain was available for outsiders to visit, and took charge of crushing the rebels on her planet.
Is that you, Chiang Kai-Shek?


Empress Mar'Dikan said:
I hate to say this, but I don't know what you mean.
Chiang Kai-Shek was the leader of the Guomingdang forces during the Chinese Civil War. Historically, his GMD controlled China's cities while the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) controlled the countryside. When the Japanese invaded he spent much of his time acting like they weren't there until he was kidnapped by two of his generals and forced to make a peace with the CCP. While the peace was mostly just in name, both the CCP and GMD fought both the Japanese and each other from 1931 to 1945.

Despite massive amounts of aid and huge amounts of outsider interference - America for the GMD and the Soviets for the CCP - on most days Chiang couldn't be bothered to view the civil war as a real civil war.

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