Taeli Raaf
Developed as one of the pre-constructed decks for the Clans of Resol'nare expansion to the Age of Chaos, Enclave Innovation is a Green/White/Blue Commander Deck created by Galactic Illusionary Gaming that focuses on the Mandalorian Enclave established on the world of Kestri and the technology they utilized. The primary commander of the deck is based on ARTUS, the artificial intelligence that oversaw the forges on Kestri built long ago by Clan Kyron that focuses on Forging cards and giving them additional abilities when you do, and the secondary commander is based on Sahan Dragr , one of the master smiths of the Enclave and also focuses on Forging cards and giving them additional abilities while accruing Ingot counters.
In addition to the commanders, the deck has ten new cards that were designed to represent a different aspect of the Enclave's philosophy and give Tech cards an additional ability such as with Clan Kyron Pioneer or Karjr Lawbringer or are legendary Tech cards developed by or recovered by the Enclave such as the Bonedigger and the Brumal Dawn. The deck also contains forty-eight other cards from the Clans of Resol'nare set, including one of the Mandate and Saga cards from the set and the Planet Kestri itself.
- Image Source:
- N/A for Submission
- Enclave Innovation Exclusive Card Arts
- Clans of the Resol'nare Card Arts
- Primary Source:
- Manufacturer: Galactic Illusionary Gaming
- Material:
- Waterproof Flimsiplast - Trading Cards
- Nerf Leather - Deck Box
- Cardboard - Packaging
- Foil - Packaging
- Deck List
- Beings, Creatures, and Droids - 31
- 1x ARTUS, the Mind Forge - Legendary Green/White/Blue Artificial Intelligence Droid - Mythic Rare - NEW
- 1x Sahan, Kyron Devotee - Legendary Green/White/Blue Mandalorian Engineer Smith Being - Mythic Rare - NEW
- 1x Kayatr’ade Metalsmith - White Mandalorian Smith Being - Uncommon - NEW
- 1x Aruteii Legionnarie - White Mandalorian Trooper Being - Common
- 1x Enclave Foundling - White Mandalorian Foundling Being - Common
- 1x House Skirata Miner - White Mandalorian Civilian Being - Common
- 1x Karjr Frontier Marshal - White Mandalorian Marshal Being - Common
- 1x Karjr Hunter - White Mandalorian Bounty Hunter Being - Common
- 1x Kestri Jorir Verd - White Mandalorian Elite Trooper Being - Uncommon
- 1x Kragr, Smithing Giant - Legendary White Mandalorian Smith Being - Uncommon
- 1x Mandalorian Gunsmith - White Mandalorian Civilian Being - Common
- 1x Mereel Acquirer - White Mandalorian Trooper Being - Uncommon
- 1x Ugnaught Storyteller - White Support Civilian Being - Common
- 1x Y’ivra Siphoner - Blue Mandalorian Monk Being - Uncommon - NEW
- 1x Bes’kyrade Pilot - Blue Mandalorian Trooper Being - Common
- 1x Cernr-type Frame - Blue Menial Battle Droid - Common
- 1x Enclave Scout - Blue Mandalorian Scout Being - Common
- 1x Enclave Technician - Blue Mandalorian Engineer Being - Common
- 1x Galaar Infiltration Squad - Blue Mandalorian Trooper Squad Being - Uncommon
- 1x Ironhearted Tracker - Blue Mandalorian Marshal Being - Uncommon
- 1x Kayatr’ade Technoapprentice - Blue Mandalorian Civilian Being - Common
- 1x Kestri Sentry - Blue Mandalorian Scout Being
- 1x Manda Kyber Scientist - Blue Mandalorian Civilian Being
- 1x Rekai Inc. Acquisition Expert - Blue Mandalorian Agent Being - Common
- 1x Ugnaught Technician - Blue Rebel Engineer Being - Rare
- 1x Karjr Seeker - Green Mandalorian Bounty Hunter Being - Uncommon - NEW
- 1x Charging Orbak - Green Horse Creature - Common
- 1x Vren, Gunslinging Marshal - Legendary Green Mandalorian Marshal Being - Uncommon
- 1x Clan Kyron Pioneer - White/Blue Mandalorian Scout Being - Rare - NEW
- 1x Karjr Lawbringer - Green/White Mandalorian Marshal Being - Rare - NEW
- 1x Rekali Jungle Guide - Green/Blue Mandalorian Scout Being - Rare - NEW
- Tech and Artifacts - 18
- 1x The Bonedigger - Legendary White Blaster Weapon Tech - Rare - NEW
- 1x Beskar Breastplate - White Armor Tech - Uncommon
- 1x Mandalorian Helmet - White Armor Tech - Common
- 1x Rekr Beskar’gam - White Armor Tech - Uncommon
- 1x Stimshot - White Medical Equipment Tech - Common
- 1x Whipcord Launcher - White Equipment Tech - Common
- 1x The Brumal Dawn - Legendary Blue Cryogenic Blaster Weapon Tech - Rare - NEW
- 1x Galaar Beskar’gam - Blue Armor Tech - Uncommon
- 1x Rangefinder - Blue Equipment Tech - Common
- 1x Shield Projector Vambrace - Blue Shield Equipment Tech - Common
- 1x The Huntman’s Pack - Legendary Green Slugthrower Weapon Tech - Rare - NEW
- 1x Jorir Beskar’gam - Green Armor Tech - Uncommon
- 1x Mandalorian Crushgaunts - Green Armor Equipment Tech - Uncommon
- 1x Armory Locker - Colorless Storage Tech - Rare
- 1x Bounty Puck - Colorless Bounty Equipment Tech - Common
- 1x Rising Phoenix Jetpack - Colorless Equipment Tech - Common
- 1x Forcebreaker Grenade - Colorless Explosive Tech
- 1x Tracking Fob - Colorless Bounty Equipment Tech - Common
- Vehicles - 2
- 1x Keldab-class Dropship - White Assault Transport Starship Vehicle - Uncommon
- 1x MNV-52 Beviin Starfighter - White Assault Starfighter Starship Vehicle - Common
- Action - 3
- 1x Shielded Reprisal - White Action - Common
- 1x Sunset Ride - White Action - Common
- 1x Gift of Merit - Blue Action - Uncommon
- Command and Sorcery - 3
- 1x Traditional Forging - White Command - Common
- 1x War Material Smuggling - Blue Command - Uncommon
- 1x Wild Space Delving - Green Command - Uncommon
- Mandates and Enchantments - 1
- 1x Taking the Creed - Blue Mandate - Rare
- Sagas - 1
- 1x Rite of the Living Waters - Blue Mandalorian Ritual Saga - Rare
- Planets - 1
- 1x Kestri, Forge of the Enclave - White/Blue Wild Space Planet - Mythic Rare
- Biomes - 40
- 1x Tor Valum - White/Blue Mandalorian Biome - Uncommon
- 1x Vorpan’yaim - Green/White Mandalorian Biome - Uncommon
- 1x Port Shardrock - Green/Blue Mandalorian Biome - Uncommon
- 1x Temple of Javarr - Colorless Mandalorian Biome - Rare - NEW
- 12x Sundari Plains - White Basic Biome
- 12x Reaver’s Bay - Blue Basic Biome
- 12x Yavin Jungle - Green Basic Biome
- Beings, Creatures, and Droids - 31
- Each deck comes with 100 cards from the Age of Chaos card game
- 12 exclusive cards only found within this deck
- 40 Biome cards within the colors of the deck
- 48 cards found in the Clans of the Resol'nare expansion in the colors of the deck
- Enclave Innovation is a deck focused on Tech cards and the Forge ability, with the new cards introduced in the deck focusing on giving Tech cards you control additional abilities.
- Cards can be destroyed through neglect or environmental damage. Galactic Illusionary Gaming is not responsible for any damages caused by such conditions.
Developed as one of the pre-constructed decks for the Clans of Resol'nare expansion to the Age of Chaos, Enclave Innovation is a Green/White/Blue Commander Deck created by Galactic Illusionary Gaming that focuses on the Mandalorian Enclave established on the world of Kestri and the technology they utilized. The primary commander of the deck is based on ARTUS, the artificial intelligence that oversaw the forges on Kestri built long ago by Clan Kyron that focuses on Forging cards and giving them additional abilities when you do, and the secondary commander is based on Sahan Dragr , one of the master smiths of the Enclave and also focuses on Forging cards and giving them additional abilities while accruing Ingot counters.
In addition to the commanders, the deck has ten new cards that were designed to represent a different aspect of the Enclave's philosophy and give Tech cards an additional ability such as with Clan Kyron Pioneer or Karjr Lawbringer or are legendary Tech cards developed by or recovered by the Enclave such as the Bonedigger and the Brumal Dawn. The deck also contains forty-eight other cards from the Clans of Resol'nare set, including one of the Mandate and Saga cards from the set and the Planet Kestri itself.
Out Of Character Info
To submit a new pre-constructed deck to coincide with Age of Chaos: Clans of the Resol'nare (One I forgot to submit before)
Technical Information
Galactic Illusionary Gaming; Anyone that purchases a deck
Waterproof Flimsiplast; Cardboard; Foil