Aithne Charr
Heir of Fire
Pre-interest Note: I will ask now, that no one request an Invite into this RP Idea if you Plan to just show up and cause trouble. This is meant to be a relaxing RP in which no fighting occurs unless both parties ask permission in a PM. And only then will you be allowed outside of the party. Now with that said, let me begin.
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The End of a Long Night.
Hey all, Solan Charr here with another Roleplay Idea that i hope will draw a small bit of interest into doing a RP like this. Basically and its something i have done in the past sure but as i was saying i want to do a ball thread. Something relaxing and not so violent as other recent threads or something where someone's political agenda comes into play. No this is something i want to do that will give people a cool down from lives as a Jedi, a king, a senator, a soldier. Really anything. The big thing is simply that anyone can sign up to join in.
Now the suspected start date for this is going to be either tonight, tomorrow or the day after. Probably the latter of the three options just because i don't expect too many people to sign up for an invite this early. Now with that said can you still join after the start of the thread? God yes. I want people to join in when ever they are free and i want this to be a thread where we all cooperate and make a fun story without one person being the only person to be centered on.
Now the setting will be Kesh's main palace complex. Two places in particular will hold those that arrive, either in the main hall or the expansive garden kept outside of the main hall. Drinks will be wines of varying origins as well as other types for which someone else to take a taste of including alderaanian vintages that are being taken from storage for such an occasion.
Really though, the food and drink are all up to you guys because i honestly cannot think up enough things for everyone to have their characters satisfied.
So ya, if you all just want to have some fun, do some dancing, talking. Make some connections. You know the deal. Post below and i will tag you when i throw up the thread.
Main Hall:
Palace Garden