Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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End of the road... for now.

Well, I just finished all I could of my Refuge roleplay, so anyone interested in reading it, go right on ahead! I put a lot of work into it, and it is still nowhere near done. I however, am. I'm posting this now because i'll likely be busy my last few days before I ship out. It's been a really fun run with you guys, you're all great. Except [member="Enoch Zambrano"]. Nah i'm kidding, you're awesome man. I hope ya'll don't forget me, because this isn't a goodbye. I will be back. With cookies. And the training of the USMC behind me. Man, this is gonna be fun. Anyway, i'll miss you guys. Have fun and keep getting those stories out there!
While I'd like to finish that thread of ours first (Can speed post it if you want)... Gonna miss you man. Don't forget to mail like you promised. I wanna hear all about the shenanigans you'll be getting into.

I don't want this to be the end of the story for Gherron either. By the "standards" here, he's ready for Master, since I know it's been offered to you. And I know you rejected it to focus on his character development to get there first, we talked about that, I respect that as well and so can any decent RPer here. When you get back, I'd be happy to plot with Gherron to finish this story, and hopefully, in the end, get you to where you want him to be so you can accept that offer. (Which I know means a lot to you)

ICly, and OOCly, I'm proud of you. Gherron's grown, and you've grown with him. And I'm looking forward to finishing what we started when the time comes.

For now, take care of yourself. Military's no easy task.
[member="Coren Starchaser"] Yes, I'm going to basic lol. See ya around man.
[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] It's been great roleplaying with you too man. You've been great, and I thank you for putting up with my poodoo for that first period xD I know I must have been a trip.
[member="Braith Achlys"] Thank you :)
[member="Enoch Zambrano"] *shakes you firmly* This is not goodbye! Oh, and Gherron and Rael will be getting that fight. Count on it. Gonna miss you bro.
[member="Vitor Imperieuse"] I hate goodbyes, that's why I never do them :D Let's start up a roleplay when I get back.

Puppet Kyrios

[member="Gherron Vael"]
Stay safe! My uncle was in the military and he had a blast. Where are you going for USMC? Deployment or stationary?

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