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Approved Planet Endelaan

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A planet of beauty and might, saved in an unknown corner of the galaxy, preserving much of the ancient ways that the rest of the galaxy has forgotten about. The ancestral home of the Family of Darkness and the deWinters, the life and culture of Endelaan reside heavily on the dichotomy between Sith Warriors and Sith Sorcerers.
And above all, the most powerful commodities on Endelaan - are power and strength.

  • Intent: To re-sub Endelaan, a planet that was subbed in 2014, but requires an extensive overhaul regarding its development as well as update that old template into the current one.
  • Image Credit: X
  • Canon: Yes.
  • Links:
    Endelaan's development prior to the Gulag Years on Star Wars: Descension (site inactive, serves as online archive).
  • The previous Endelaan sub.
  • The Dark Spring Kingdom

[*]Credit: All the thanks to [member="Caid Centurion"] 's writer for helping me with parts of this sub and for being my main partner in creating and expanding Endelaan through the years.
  • Planet Name: Endelaan
  • Demonym: Endelaanian, Endelaanese
  • Region: Unknown Territories
  • System Name: Endelaan System
  • System Features:
  • Moon - The Kar'ah
  • Endelaan

[*]Coordinates: Exact coordinates currently unknown. The planet does not appear on the map at present.
[*]Major Imports: The planet does not import.
  • In the past, Endelaan imported military, communication, and medical tech.

[*]Major Exports: The planet does not export.
  • In the past, Endelaan exported agriculture and slaves.
  • Present potential export: agriculture, marble, ore, slaves, lightsaber crystals.

  • Gravity: Standard
  • Climate: Temperate
  • Primary Terrain:
    Most common: Forests, lakes, grassland, farmland, cities.
  • Additional non-rare terrain: Mountains, oceans, jungles, swamps.

[*]Atmosphere: Type I
[*]Major Locations:
  • Oloth
    Oloth is the main continent on Endelaan, and where the entire human population can be found.
    The Forbidden Temple
    The Forbidden Temple is the jewel of the Endelaan culture. Once upon a time, it lay in the center of all of its civilization, though with the development of the population and the clan lands around it, one could say it was mostly in the center now. The Forbidden Temple was constructed during the reign of Warrior King Maximus and Sorceress Queen Boadicea during the time of the Empire of Infinite Darkness, and it said that blood holds many of the stones together.

    The Forbidden Temple was constructed not merely by builders, but by the Force as well. It is said that some of the halls twist and change when no one is looking, that parts of the floors decide to switch places during the night, that doors can one moment be locked, the next open to an unknown place, and the next moment open to the room hidden behind it. It is said that no one has ever been able to properly map the entire massive structure. However, some parts of the temple remain stable; the Main Hall, the King and Queen’s quarters, the library, the kitchens, and the mess hall, never seem to move or change.

    Until seven hundred years ago, entrance to most of the Temple parts were strictly forbidden to those who did not possess a sufficient amount of control over the Force and some slaves who were needed to clean. The only exception to this rule was the Main Hall, a large entrance foyer that could hold several hundreds of people, and was where the King and Queen held their public court, and their thrones were located.

    It was during the early days of Sorceress Queen Nessarose and Warrior King Diomedes that this was change. Many parts of the Forbidden Temple are now accessible to various people regardless of their control over the Force, though many parts of it are barred due to the danger of the place. Although guards had not been necessary in so long, the people of Endelaan maintain the order; the main entrance to the Hall is guarded by two Warriors and two Sorceresses at any time, and any other exits are guarded by a single Warrior and a single Sorceress at any time. In ancient days, this was for protection of both in and outside of the temple. At present, this is simply tradition.

    The Forbidden Temple is where the Councils who reign Endelaan in the absence of the King and Queen works from.

    Beneath the Forbidden Temple is a maze of underground caverns that have never been completely mapped out. These caverns hold danger, lurking creatures, a section where local lightsaber crystals can be found, and on occasion, one can find ancient relics of the planet stored safely away. The caverns are extremely dangerous and aside for two specific sections (the area directly beneath the throne room and where the lightsabers are), the people of Endelaan are generally forbidden to explore the caverns.

  • New Vashti
    New Vashti is the capital city of Endelaan. The heart of the city was once where the lands of Clan Vashti dwelled. The old huts have been replaced with beautiful buildings made of the planet's local ore and marble, and it is clear that the city was built for those with better financial means than the average. The cobble streets are kept clean, beautiful water fountains can be found at most intersections, as well as statues of past and present rulers, carved out of white marble.

    New Vashti's construction began during the early years of the reign of Nessarose deWinter and Diomedes Antares. At first, their intent was to modernize the areas surrounding the Forbidden Temple, which happened to be the lands of Clan Vashti at the time (around 150ABY). Though the local population had some doubts at first, they followed the wishes of their rules, until the wish to grow and develop the city became a widespread will. The houses, as well as the streets, the foundations, and everything that has to do with it, continued to develop, and is still developing to this day.

    Noteworthy Locations in New Vashti:
    The Residence of Nessarose deWinter and Diomedes Antares
    When Nessarose and Diomedes assumed the position of Queen and King of Endelaan, they undertook two large projects to push Edelaan forward; the Spaceport, and the capital city. One of the first houses to be designed and built as more than a hut was their house. The house is a mansion and includes 12 bedrooms, each of them with a private refresher, a living room, dining room, meditation room, kitchen, storage rooms, several training rooms, an alchemy lab, a huge garden, and more. During their absence, a small family of servants took place in one of the outer units, and have been taking care of the mansion and the grounds as part of their calling. Many of the feral Rose Goblins choose to make the garden of this mansion their regular grounds.
  • The Vashti Battle Academy & The Vashti Sorcery Academy
    The Vashti Battle Academy was erected about 300 years ago. As the population of Endelaan began to grow, careful training in small groups among the clans were no longer enough. Clan Vashti was the first to propose that big training facilities should be built to support the growing numbers of both Warriors and Sorceresses on the planet. The academies provide much of the required education for both of these types of Force Users.
  • Vashti Greens
    As the city of New-Vashti continued to grow and expand, a much needed cry for retaining some nature was called from the people of the city. A few centuries ago, entire slum areas were removed from the city, their residents sent to live out in other places, and instead of the old huts and broken down buildings, a great park was erected. Many locals find this a place of solace, and children can often be seen playing here during their free time.

Tel Mennaseh is the second largest city on Endelaan. Located where once the proud warriors of Clan Mennaseh lived. It developed more or less parallel to New Vashti, though because it started out with a much smaller population, its size in development had been smaller as well.

Noteworthy Locations in Tel Mennaseh:

  • The Museum of Endelaan History
    No one is certain exactly why here of all places it is that the Museum stands. Encompassing much of the planet’s rich cultural and warfare history, the Museum serves to remind the people of Endelaan where they came from, and why they are being kept in shrouded secrecy. Scrolls upon scrolls exist, describing the deeds of Maximus and Boadicea, as well as all that is known about their descendants. Battles against other planets and locations that existed thousands of years ago can be found here as well.

  • The Temple of Silver and Green
    The Temple of Silver and Green was built in memory of Cameron Centurion, the father of the King.

Al-Moab is considered a holy city for those who follow the Path of the Sorceress. The city is built on the grounds that once belonged to Clan Moab, a clan that produce the most Sith Sorceresses for centuries on Endelaan. Temples to Boadicea can be found at every corner as a few of the other females of the Royal Family, and excessive noise is enough to get one banned from the city. Every entrance/exit to the city has a special Guard House in which visitors may leave their weapons, as these are not permitted inside the holy city.

Noteworthy Locations in Al-Moab:

  • The Temple of Roses
    The Temple of Roses was raised in the loving memory and longing for Nessarose deWinter. Statues of her clad in Endelaan garb can be found here and there on Endelaan, but they are all made here, and this is where most of them can be found as well. The people who come to this temple to worship often pray for strong families, children, and a deeper knowledge of the Force.

  • The Temple of Ice
    The Temple of Ice was raised in memory of Asteria deWinter, who was the Queen’s sister. Statues of Asteria wearing outsider garb can be found in this temple. The temple’s dominant color is an icy blue, and many of the Sorceresses who chose to become Elementalists worship here.

  • The Temple of Blood
    The Temple of Blood is maintained by a small number of worshipers and almost never receives visitors. It was erected in the memory of Shery deWinter, the Queen’s mother. The temple was built by those who thought her memory was to be kept, though she is not a loved member of the royal family due to her war with the Queen.

Al-Zeresh stands on the grounds where once Clan Zeresh resided. Once upon a time, they were the greatest clan on Endelaan, but then they began to shrink and became secluded from most of the planet. During their seclusion they developed a fear of Force Users and began to execute all children that were found to bear control over the Force. Seven hundred years ago, Nessarose deWinter discovered that and raised the bones of all the dead children. The clan’s punishment was to be guarded by these skeletons, and any committing any crime against Force Users was to be immediately executed.

The clan required several generations to overcome what they had done and grow strong in numbers once again. But where once this clan produced most of the Force Users, they now produced very little, choosing instead to encourage education that went beyond the Force. The city that developed became an educational hub, and most of the academies and schooling systems around the planet are taught and managed by people who were brought up in Al-Zeresh.

This is also where most of the non-Force relate research is being conducted and where technological advancements are made and discovered.

Noteworthy Locations in Al-Zeresh:
  • The Great Library
    The Great Library of Al-Zeresh was constructed three hundred years ago. It contains much of the scientific knowledge that Endelaan contains, be it by having it imported centuries ago, or researched on the planet. A large section is also devoted to detailing the history of the planet and its people, as well as lineages of the various families. There is a small section for the works of local folklore, poetry, and fiction.

Al-Aram is one of the smallest places on Endelaan. Composing of a mere few square kilometers, the families who became rich after currency was introduced to the planet set their mansions and homes here. The buildings in this area offer a wide variety of rich colors and building material, lavish gardens, entire staff teams that work on keeping the grounds and homes clean, and more.

[*]Edom Town
While most of the people of Endelaan prefer meat and various crops, fish are considered a rare and expensive delicacy on the planet, as most fish are not edible. The fishermen’s village of Endelaan, called Edom Town, began to develop around Lake Agam, several centuries ago. It is an upper class village, where the people prefer to invest in sturdy houses rather than visually lavish ones. Children of fishermen families are considered ought after for unions and marriages as they are socially viewed of having one of the best combinations of wealth as well as work ethics.

[*]The Spaceport
Endelaan has known two spaceports in its history. The first was built during the Empire of Infinite Darkness and has been lost to time. Rumors claim that it can still be found in the caverns beneath the Forbidden Temple, but other than a few ancient pieces of spacecraft ships, no one has actually been able to find it.

The second spaceport in Endelaan was constructed seven hundred years ago. There are a handful of old ships that can be found there, but they are not in use. There were exactly three times the spaceport was put to use: once when Nessarose deWinter visited three years ago, once when Asteria deWinter left Endelaan after waking up from her stasis, and once when Caid Centurion visited the planet. The handful of personal ships that can still be found there are kept in maintenance mode, but the people of Endelaan firmly believe they will not be using it until their rulers return.

Phindara is a small continent that can be reached after six days of travel by ship from Oloth. Phindara is mostly uncharted territories, and is filled with beasts of legends such as dragons, mammoths, and other forms of monsters.

  • Native Species: Human (present), Ancient Sith (past)
  • Immigrated Species: n/a
  • Population: Moderately Populated - 10 million people (estimated)
  • Demographics:
    100% human / mostly-human
    Approximately 35% of the population is Force Sensitive

[*]Primary Languages:
  • Galactic Basic: used for most forms of communications
  • Ancient Sith: a large percentage of the population can read and understand Ancient Sith, but it is used to study ancient texts and not in day to day life (equivalent to Ancient Hebrew of our times).

  • The Clans
    For as long as Endelaan’s history reaches back, the societal construction of the planet existed out of clans. Clans were raised and clans were destroyed, and seven hundred years ago, there were four clan: Vashti, Moab, Zeresh, and Mennaseh. In the centuries that have passed since, the clan structure has been made more relaxed. Every person on Endelaan knows which Clan they hail from, but the importance of one remaining with their clan and to its cultural laws have been relaxed as cities began to grow and the population felt more and more freedom to migrate between the cities. If one were to compare nowadays treatment of the clans to our real world, it would be something slightly similar to how ethnicities are viewed in Eastern Europe.

    Those of Endelaan who reach greatness still cite their Clan as their source of power, and attribute their birth to it as one of the reasons for their success. The clans and their fortes are as follows:

    Clan Vashti: Many of the population that has bright eyes originate from this clan. These people tend to be relatively fast in movement, and the Ancient One is most often from this clan as well.

  • Clan Moab: Once the powerhouse of producing Sith Sorceresses on Endelaan, this clan still has the biggest percentage of Sith Sorcerers among its ranks. Much of their history is depicted in tattoos that its members wield proudly on their bodies.

  • Clan Zeresh: Clan Zeresh’s proud history has been lost to the pages of history. Once regarded as the ugly and unwanted people of the planet, they have since developed and advanced a lot. Warriors and Sorceresses that hail from this clan are rare, and they prefer to invest their time in scientific research.

  • Clan Manasseh: Clan Manasseh has been providing Endelaan with most of its warriors for thousands of years. Its people are bulky, great melee fighters, and still remember their rich history with the Blood Council.

[*]Holy Days
Two important holy days are celebrated on Endelaan by all the clans. More holidays and days of celebration exists locally within clans or per city. The two days of holy are:

  • Night of Kodesh
    The first night of the year is the Endelaan version of Samhain. Great fires are lit during this night, which is called the Night of Kodesh, where the veil between the living and the dead are at their weakest. The ghosts of those who'd been buried behind the Forbidden Temple rise from the graves on that night, and roam Endelaan. Typically, these ghosts are entirely harmless and vanish by sunrise, though there are whispers and myths of the occasional ghost demanding to reclaim a body for its own.

  • Feast of Blossoming
    Marking the beginning of Spring, the Feast of Blossoming is a day of power and duty, where every fire is extinguished and all the clans fast for a day to bring luck to the coming season. After the day of fasting is concluded, the people of Endelaan leave their work or other business and all go into the forests and fields, roving among the new blossoms and making love to their mates (or those they just like) to celebrate the Power of Life.

[*]Bonding & Marriage
Generally, the people of Endelaan see no importance in marriages as much of the rest of the galaxy holds. However, two types of bondage ceremonies exist, both of which akin to marriages in the core:
  • Bonding of Mates
    This is a private ceremony between two who choose to bond themselves, often via the Force. The two are bonded together, claiming each other as mates. Shallow cuts are made on the heart, on the wrist, and on the forehead, and the two then press these spots against each other, giving each other their heart, flesh, and soul. The ritual is often proceeded by a Sith Warrior and a Sith Sorceress, but this is not mandatory. For an outside to try to break a Bond of Mates is considered taboo and is punishable by banishment and sometimes death. There are rumors of mates trying to break bonds on their own though death, but no written records of such exist. Bonding of mates are, in general, extremely rare on Endelaan as most couples (or other forms of romantic relationships) choose to do so in their own privacy.
  • Bond of Ruling
    A bond of ruling happens when two people, usually a representative of the Warriors and a representative of the Sorceresses, wish to rule a council, a household, or a business together. A bond of ruling refers only to what the two set out to officially rule, and all matters of the heart and soul are not included. Bonds of ruling are made by trading a drop of blood from the finger and exist due to the planet's firm believe that perfection can only be achieved through the combination of a Warrior and a Sorceress.

[*]Naming of Children
As per Endelaan superstition, it is considered ill luck to name a child before it's weaned and has proven it is strong enough to survive without milk. The only exception is when a Force User speaks through the Force to announce the child's name.

The people of Endelaan don't use last names unless they are of the ruling family, or outsiders. When people are asked to give full names, they respond with "Name, son/daughter of Same Gender Parent's name, son/daughter of Same Gender Grandparent's name, of Clan name".

The Warriors of Endelaan have their horses. It's another step to prove you're worthy to ever becoming a Warrior; a bond with a wild horse, who will remain in the wild most of the time, but will come at your call, and let you ride him without a saddle. We have tame horses too, but anyone who wishes to be taken seriously on the battlefield won't use them for more than just entertainment or as a beast of burden.

The Sorceresses have them too, though they will sometimes choose to take another animal instead. Snakes, birds, whatever they deem as their familiars.

[*]Protected Fauna
Two animals of Endelaan are considered protected, and to kill them is to risk execution:
  • Wild Horses: Wild horses are forbidden to be hunted, killed, eaten, or tamed, due to their near holy standing with the Warriors of Endelaan.
  • Black Owls: While Sorceresses may choose nearly any animal as their familiar, the black owls received the special protected status after Nessarose deWinter chose one to be hers over seven hundred years ago.

[*]Circles of Advancement
Until about four centuries ago, the circles of advancement included the need for one to kill their opponent in order to advance. However, with the expanding population of Endelaan and the realization that if the old ways were kept, the planet's Force User numbers could only dwindle down, the circles changed. To pass a circle, one only needs to make their opponent yield.
  • For Sith Warriors
    The Circle of Catechism: The Circle of Catechism is the name of the trial a Fighter must go through in order to become a Gladiator. The Circle of Catechism may only happen on Endelaan. Once the Force User in question is deemed as ready for the Circle of Catechism, a Sorceress of Endelaan calls the people to meet together behind the Forbidden Temple. There, the crowd forms a circle with a diameter of about fifteen meters, and the Fighter is called to stand in the middle, wearing nothing but the most basic of clothes.

    The Fighter must then choose his opponent; the opponent may be another Fighter, a Gladiator, or a Warrior (ranks that equal the three tier system on Chaos). The two battle until one of them yields, and any use of the Force during the battle is strictly forbidden. Once the battle is done, a ceremony takes place that reminds the people present at the Circle how it once was done - to death, and with burials.

    If the Fighter has become a Gladiator, yet is not one among any of the Endelaan clans, the person who had trained him the most will announce him now as part of his or her clan.
  • Gladiator to Warrior: The ceremony takes place within the caverns beneath the Forbidden Temple. Secrecy as to what the ceremony will contain is kept by all those who have gone through it, and none of the Gladiators led to the final test knows a thing about it. Beneath the Forbidden Temple, all the Warriors gather together as the Ancient One or a Necromancer of her choosing explains the process. The spoken words are:

    Gladiator, this is your final test. You must fight each and every Warrior within this chamber, and while you may draw blood, you may not slay nor maim any of the others, or you shall forfeit your right to be part of Your Clan. You shall forfeit your right to be the father to present or future children. You shall forfeit your right to place foot on Endelaan. You shall forfeit your right to be so connected to the Force. Fight, fight for your victory.
    If the Gladiator obeys the rules he is killed. Once dead, the Ancient One or the Necromancer restores the Gladiator to life, and titles him as a Warrior

[*]For Sith Sorceresses
  • The Circle of Power: The Circle of Power is the name of the trial a Acolyte must go through in order to become a Magician. Once the Force User in question is deemed as ready for the Circle of Power, a Warrior of Endelaan calls the people to meet together behind the Forbidden Temple. There, the crowd forms a circle with a diameter of about fifteen meters, and two chairs are placed in the center.

    The Acolyte must then choose her opponent; the opponent may be another Acolyte, a Magician, or a Sorceress (ranks that equal the three tier system on Chaos). The two must battle via the Force; yet any use of physical manifestation of powers is strictly forbidden; only the mind may be attacked. When the mind of one of them yields, the other one is declared victor. Once the battle is done, a ceremony takes place that reminds the people present at the Circle how it once was done - to death, and with burials.

    If the Acolyte has become a Magician, yet is not one among any of the Endelaan clans, the person who had trained her the most will announce her now as part of his or her clan.

  • Magician to Sorceress
    The ceremony takes place within the caverns beneath the Forbidden Temple. Secrecy as to what the ceremony will contain is kept by all those who have gone through it, and none of the Gladiators led to the final test knows a thing about it. Beneath the Forbidden Temple, all the Sorceresses gather together as the Ancient One or a Necromancer of her choosing explains the process. The spoken words are:

    Magician, this is your final test. You must fight each and every Sorceress within this chamber, and while you may draw blood, you may not slay nor maim any of the others, or you shall forfeit your right to be part of Your Clan. You shall forfeit your right to be the mother to present or future children. You shall forfeit your right to place foot on Endelaan. You shall forfeit your right to be so connected to the Force. Fight, fight for your victory.

    If the Magician obeys the rules she is killed. Once dead, the Ancient One or the Necromancer restores the Magician to life, and titles her as a Sorceress.

Endelaan fashion exists out of a combination of what IRL would be considered Indian fashion, Biblical times fashion, and some African culture's fashion.

[*]The Ancient One
The Ancient One is a title bestowed to the oldest living female Force User on Endelaan. Typically, she will be a Sorceress, though that is not mandatory. The Ancient One is a respected figure in Endelaan society. She speaks for all the clans, and it is she who judges those who claim to any titles.

The Dichotomy between Warriors and Sorceresses
Much of the planet’s views rely on the dichotomy between Warriors and Sorceresses, in which a person was either one or the other, but never both. Those who did not adhere to the dichotomy were titled as “Pathless”, which was a derogatory term. However, after the rule of Diomedes and Nessarose, both of which possessed a little of the other’s abilities, things began to shift. People are still held to the dichotomy, but it’s more relaxed now. Pathless no longer exist as before, as they are made to choose the title of the side within them that is more dominant.

The people of Endelaan firmly believe that to have one of each is to achieve the required balance in life in order to keep the upper hand, something that slightly resembles a Ying and Yang. In times gone by, any bonds between a pair that were not representatives of the Warrior+Sorceress bond were considered anathema, be the bond of love, of ruler-ship, or any form of an unofficial joining. However, with times, these social demands have weaned away. The people of Endelaan still firmly believe that one of each is required, but nowadays, the demand can be seen only in official positions (such as the various councils) or in specific families that keep the old ways.

  • Government:
    Monarchy - the planet has been ruled by Warrior Kings and Sorceress Queens. The current rulers, [member="Nessarose deWinter"] and @Diomedes Antares, have been missing since before the Gulag years. Nessarose has made a single appearance, about three years ago IC, but vanished a month later.
  • Theocracy - in the absence of Endelaan's rules, the planet is governed by its religious spearheads: 4 Sith Warriors, 4 Sith Sorceresses, and the Ancient One.


  • Medium-High. Endelaan, while secluded, has no needs it cannot fulfill on its own, as their agriculture and medical knowledge is more than sufficient for self-sustainment. In the event that Endelaan would return to the public conscience, it can export more than enough agriculture, marble, ore, slaves, and lightsaber crystals, in order to continue enjoying the current level of wealth its citizens believe it has.
  • Endelaan has implemented its own currency. Credits are useless in domestic trade.

  • At present, stability is high. There is no general unrest.
  • While small pockets of criminals can be found here or there, these are rare and far in-between, and are often swiftly and effectively handled.
  • It is dangerous for travelers to come to Endelaan. Endelaan has a high hatred for outsiders, and unless those are introduced by one of the Royal Family, outsiders are likely to find themselves murdered.
  • General feel - Most of the people of Endelaan enjoy a fairy simple and fulfilling life. As long as the safety of Endelaan is not jeopardized, its people are free to do almost as they please.

[*]Freedom & Oppression:
  • Generally, the people of Endelaan enjoy their freedom. Life is relatively simple when compared to bustling city-planets, and most people know their place within the web that builds this society. A splinter group occasionally pops up, wishing to break the protectiveness of the planet's secrecy, but these are often handled swiftly with force.

  • Military: Endelaan specializes in ground forces. The Warriors and Sorceresses of Endelaan are a formidable Force that that few have managed to outdo without advanced technology. However, in terms of planetary defenses, the planet is woe-fully under-prepared for outside attacks, having only the GenCore Level II shields that Nessarose placed some seven hundred years ago.

    As the years progressed, the Warriors and Sorceresses of Endelaan recognized that even though there had not been an immediate threat to Endelaan since the start of Nessarose and Diomedes' rein, they needed to remain ready. With their heavily militant culture, battle was simply a way of life. Yes, rituals and practices changed such that citizens of Endelaan were not dying in droves, but the intensity of their training remained high. Based upon a desire to be prepared for any possible attack, a centralized Endelaan military was created after the disappearance of Nessarose and Diomedes. Composed of roughly 400,000 non-force users with a sprinkling of trained Warriors and Sorceresses, the Endelaan Military is organized into five armies garrisoned in multiple bases near the following locations:
    3rd Endelaan Army

    New Vashti
  • 5th Endelaan Army

    Edom Town
  • 7th Endelaan Army

  • 9th Endelaan Army


The Endelaan Military's primary responsibility is the maintenance of order, protecting the lives of citizens, and aiding in the protection of the traditions of Endelaan. Outside of the Endelaan Military, force users and non-force users alike may serve in a variety of supporting roles. Not all trained Warriors and Sorceresses of Endelaan are in the central military, and by law all are subject to being called up to serve when so ordered by the King or Queen.

Outside of the general military structure, the King and Queen of Endelaan retain direct command over the King's Own and the Circle of Seers. The King's Own is a company of Warriors hand-picked by the King to serve the crown. The Ravens are selected by the Queen. In the event a Warrior Queen and Sorcerer King rule, the King's Own is referred to as the Queen's Own, and the King selects the Ravens.
  • Technology:
    Communications: Presently, Endelaan has a very sophisticated communication net, but it is only able to connect the people of Endelaan with each other. A central hub is located in New Vashti, but relay stations exist in Tel-Mennaseh and Al-Zeresh.
  • Medical: Through the years and due to the travels of Nessarose and Diomedes, Endelaan has a workable if somewhat outdated medical treatment system. There are clinics located in each city with the exception of Al-Moab. Bacta stockpiles often run low and reserved for only the most serious of conditions as a result. Given the extremely low frequency of off-world visitors, most inhabitants of Endelaan are able to be treated with local remedies. Stockpiles are only replenished if and when a member of the royal family returns with an influx of materials from off-world.
  • Agriculture: A large part of Endelaan society as all food is either born or grown on the island.
  • Spacecraft: The only spacecraft the people of Endelaan are aware of belong to members of the royal family during their comings and goings. Centuries ago, Endelaan did command a moderate-sized fleet of starships. These have all been mothballed in the times since and the skill of deep space navigation mostly lost to the ages. That being said, educational institutions on Endelaan still teach a lot of the basic and advanced concepts required for deep space navigation training.
  • Weapons: Weapons on Endelaan have come a long way from the simple spears and arrows of the distant past. Many Warriors still prefer the use of alchemized swords for combat, and the beginning of a Warrior's training always starts with conventional swords, bows, and arrows. However, over time and with information gleaned from writings by members of the Family of Darkness, many Warriors and Sorceresses alike have taken to creating synthetic crystals for use in lightsabers. The Endelaan Military makes use of conventional weaponry that was prominent at the height of Nessarose and Diomedes' rein. However, current members of the royal family are engaged in gradually bringing new technology for Endelaan scientists to reverse engineer.

  • [member="Nessarose deWinter"] - Queen of Endelaan
  • [member="Scherezade deWinter"] - Princess of Endelaan
  • [member="Asteria deWinter"] - Princess of Endelaan
  • [member="Angelo Cavataio"] - Consort to Asteria deWinter, Princess of Endelaan
  • [member="Celestine deWinter"] - Princess of Endelaan
  • [member="Caid Centurion"] - Prince of Endelaan


In the furthest reaches of memory, Endelaan was little more than a savage planet, populated by multitude warring clans that fought over power and control. It was not until Maximus emerged, a warrior who set and succeeded in killing all the war leaders and united the clans under one banner, that Endelaan began to progress as a society. Maximus converted several of the best warriors from every clan to his cause, and with his personal army at his disposal, swept across the grasslands of Endelaan, taking own all those who opposed him. Few are certain when exactly this happened; some claim this was a mere thousand years ago, but any number between that and tens of thousands of years has been cited as well.

Once all his opponents had been neutralized, the Warrior first claimed the title of Warlord and then later to a Sith Marauder. He spent several decades shaping his new society, bathed in the rich history of the Ancient Sith. Eventually, Endelaan advanced sufficiently and began to develop warships, most of which were aimed primarily at carrying warriors to other worlds.

For decades, the Endelaan armies through the unknown regions, growing their territory and their numbers. The Kingdom of Warriors seemed unstoppable... until they came upon the planet of Malagarr. A world of Magicians and Sorcerers, Maximus had heard of their strength - a worthy addition to his forces. However, after several years of intense conflict on the planet and devastating losses, Maximus finally came to the planet to deal with the matter himself. Sneaking into the Sorceress Boadicea's castle, the Sith Marauder fought intensely to claim his prize.

In a heated battle, he confronted the Sorceress. Their intense command of their own abilities resulted in an agonizing stalemate. During a lull in the battle, the Marauder lowered his blade and offered a proposal to the Sorceress. Beautiful and powerful in her own right, the Warlord was all too happy to extend the olive branch. Their alliance quickly blossomed into something much, much more profound.

The two moved on to take the Unknown Territories by storm, as King and Queen of the Empire of Infinite Darkness, making Endelaan their capital.

But the Empire of Infinite Darkness was not to last. Nearly a thousand years before or two thousand, or a mere thousand after the joining of Maximus and Boadicea, the pair vanished, their bodies never discovered. Lacking their leaders, the people of Endelaan, led by their sense of cultural elitism and incredible snobbism, slowly began to recede from the galaxy. They abandoned and neglected the use of space travel, and Endelaan became closed off to anything from the outside. Ancient ships and their remains can still be found beneath Endelaan’s surface, hidden and stored safely away. Maximus and Boadicea became revered as gods, and the people of Endelaan remembered their own history while Endelaan itself became entirely forgotten everywhere else.

Seven hundred years ago, Maximus and Boadicea returned. However, their interest in ruling their former capital was nonexistent. Instead, they found two scions of their bloodline, Diomedes Antares and Nessarose deWinter, and primed them through a long series of manipulations to take the crown over. The two became the Sorceress Queen and the Warrior King, and Endelaan had leaders once more. However, their rule, as well as their attempt to modernize Endelaan into current times, was a hard uphill battle. Space travel as well as communications and medical technologies were reintroduced. Endelaan became allied with the Witches of Dathomir, and the two set up to stand against the Sith Empire of the time.

When whispers of the Gulag virus began to reach the planet, it was decided that the safest option for Endelaan was to retreat back into the unknown. When the Sith Empire fell, forces were sent to dispatch any mention of the planet and its rulers’ connection to it. Through the Force, the Sorceress Queen sought to protect herself, her mate, and her twin children. All four were placed in various form of stasis, and the rules of Endelaan were no more. The lack of travel to and from the planet kept Endelaan secure. The Gulag never reached it, and so society continued to develop and thrive.

With the new medical and building technologies introduced by Nessarose and Diomedes, the people of Endelaan were able to grow their population, growing from 15,000 people seven hundred years ago to an estimated ten million now. The cities and the clans of Endelaan developed in their rulers’ absence, while old lessons were maintained.

As Endelaan has managed to avoid being remembered time and time again through out its history, so it is forgotten nowadays as well. Those who do not of its existence cannot find the coordinates on any map, and due to its location, arriving by accident is something that is not very much likely. The people of Endelaan continue their traditions, remembering their past and their present, and always keep an eye out to the sky, waiting for their King and Queen to return.
[member="Allyson Locke"] | [member="Taeli Raaf"] | [member="Jairus Starvald"] | [member="Vaylin"] | [member="Jyoti Nooran"] | [member="Arekk"] | [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] | [member="Zark"] | [member="Cradossk"]​

This submission is complete and is ready for your judgement ♥
[member="Scherezade deWinter"]

Apologies for the delay, long two days at work. So this is beautifully detailed, and i can tell a lot of work has gone into fleshing out this submission. I only have one issue, and it is the very last line of the submission. No one can stop someone from roleplaying on a planet, and while I can respect that it is an IC secret, I'm gonna have to ask for that line to be removed.
Taeli Raaf said:
Scherezade deWinter Apologies for the delay, long two days at work. So this is beautifully detailed, and i can tell a lot of work has gone into fleshing out this submission. I only have one issue, and it is the very last line of the submission. No one can stop someone from roleplaying on a planet, and while I can respect that it is an IC secret, I'm gonna have to ask for that line to be removed.
Thank you :)

I understand. Would it be all right though if I repeated it it to the history of the planet IC-wise? This way it would still be part of the story, but it wouldn't be a big yellow warning or official barring of any kind.
[member="Taeli Raaf"]

The yellow sentence would be replaced with the following:

As Endelaan has managed to avoid being remembered time and time again through out its history, so it is forgotten nowadays as well. Those who do not of its existence cannot find the coordinates on any map, and due to its location, arriving by accident is something that is not very much likely. The people of Endelaan continue their traditions, remembering their past and their present, and always keep an eye out to the sky, waiting for their King and Queen to return.
This paragraph is intended as the closing paragraph to the history section, and while it gives off the right flavor, it doesn't actually forbid any writer from finding the planet or landing on it, whether intentional or not.

(Haven't edited it into the sub yet, waiting for approval)
Update to Submission Per OP

Submission Name: Endelaan
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Some minor edits
Reason for Modification: We made a minor faction for characters from this planet, and I spotted an error that I had initially written in that should not be there.

Under "Links:

Under "Affiliation"
Under "Military"
  • Please change this:
    "The Circle of Seers are selected by the Queen. In the event a Warrior Queen and Sorcerer King rule, the King's Own is referred to as the Queen's Own, and the King selects the Circle of Seers."
    Into this:
    "The Ravens are selected by the Queen. In the event a Warrior Queen and Sorcerer King rule, the King's Own is referred to as the Queen's Own, and the King selects the Ravens."

Thank you ♥
Submission Modification Per OP
Submission Name: Endelaan
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Changing the planet's precise location.
Reason for Modification: With the changes brought to us with the new Map changes and with it the ability to move the location of planets we've submitted a long time ago, I would like to use this opportunity to strike the planet off the hex on the submission-level, and keep it off the map until further notice. The planet is already not a part of the new map, and I would like its submission to reflect that.

Please change:
  • Coordinates: AB-3

  • Coordinates: Exact coordinates currently unknown. The planet does not appear on the map at present.
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