Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Enemies - Duels, Missions etc

Hey guys, archaeologist extraordinaire here. I play Ricardt, an Umbaran who is a Jedi for the Republic, but has affiliated himself with the Silver Jedi and Levantine. This is due to his extensive work throughout the galaxy as an archaeologist and the want for keeping good standard with all Jedi. Though, my missions and delving into history has caused me to get into trouble on more than one occasion. Though I was hoping I could get some 'enemies' per say. People I would regularly come across on my missions, or those who hunt me, or I hunt. If interested, I'll link my character sheet so you can see if you would be compatible to role-play together :)
Looking at your bio has reminded me I need to go through and over-haul mine. But I'd love to be the subject of your stalking, I've not got any quite yet (I think).

[member="Ricardt Darkmourne"]

I've also never had anyone ask for permission to stalk someone before, that's a first.
[member="Ricardt Darkmourne"]
Hmm. Perhaps, as the order I just left was big on knowledge, we could be trying to reach the same items? Get into fights, all that fun stuff.
I've been looking for someone to be the Batman to The Cyborg's Joker, if you want an arch nemesis. :p (Warning: Last time he stalked smone, on another rp, it was a Jedi knight. Byu the end of The Cyborg's games, he was a sith knight. :) )

Or you could hang out with Pibit, also an archealogist of sorts.

[member="Ricardt Darkmourne"]
[member="Ricardt Darkmourne"]

If you play the game of archaeology, you win or you die....

But seriously, tag or PM me if there's something you want me to join.
I actually need some things collected for something that I am working for. Since you are looking for knowledge, what we could do is go and mine crytanium (I forget how to spell it properly) and you are trying to find out why these crystals have a high duabilty. We work together to get what we want. (I work for the Mandos so I don't see anything wrong with us working, or I could use an alias on you to make you believe I am a former Jedi gone rouge.)

Kez! LOVE THE PLAYBY! glad you chose someone that was really awesome. All you need is his hammer! Lol

Ikon..... I see what you did there...... And I like it..... Alot.

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