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Enemy Information (Sumiko & Sinya)

[member="Sumiko Tanaka"] [member="Sinya'olan"]

It was shortly after the profitable yet puzzling raid on a Clone Wars era stronghold. Valiens Nantaris and his Padawan Sinya’olan had returned with their prizes to the Liberator in orbit.

During the raid Nantaris had found some strange Dark Side objects of Sith design. However, they were much more recent than the rest of the ancient tech contained within – it had been placed there as little as ten years before.

Nantaris knew little of Sith Alchemy other than it was bad news, and he could hardly ask a Sith for leads. So, he went for the next best thing; a Dark Jedi.
He had informal contacts with Firemane and [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], and through her he had learned of an Atrisian Exile named Sumiko Tanaka who was well versed in such items but was not a Sith herself.

And so, as Nantaris established the connection to the specified number he cast a look at Sinya.
“I’ve heard this one’s slippery. Remember, she’s not a friend, just a contact. Don’t give away too much.”
He smiled, trying to be reassuring.
In the Darkness there is Truth
[member="Valiens Nantaris"], [member="Sinya'olan"]

"Loyalty, such a nice quality to see in this day and age. Championed by the bovine, dignified by the weak to justify their weakness. It is unworthy of you."

Sumiko looked up from a text she'd been reading. The topic at hand was Aperion. As a matter of fact, it had belonged to Shadow before his spirit was forced to vacate his body. Sadly, the really good stuff from his archives had vanished with him, but she ought to put the pieces together soon. "Is this a roundabout way of you telling me that you're not loyal? I've already figured that out based on the ghastly fate of your past wielders. I suppose by this logic I should dispose of you as well."

The sword seemed to find this amusing. "Their own folly and arrogance got them killed. You're too attached to Ms. Valdier. I find this amusing considering she was your owner, beat and abused you. Perhaps it's Stockholm Syndrome. That Inquisition indoctrination must be really good."

Sumiko felt slightly annoyed. "Perhaps I simply find her useful and fun to have around. She has knowledge I don't and it pays to have a few people to rely on. I don't expect a Sith construct to understand our twisted, perversely loving family. What with you constantly stabbing each other in the back."

"And what do you think would she do if dear Kerrigan told her to dispose of you? Or if she learned you worked with Halicanyos?"

"Maybe I did it at her behest. And if we clash one day, I'll take her life without hesitation. It would be insulting otherwise. But I suspect your main reason for wanting her gone is that you want to be the only voice whispering in my head. I like it a bit more crowded. Now be silent."

"You cannot..." at that the sword made an effort to push into her mind. Visions of doom and power flooded her mind. Sumiko looked strained before she managed to violently push the influence out in a burst of dark power. "You have grown stronger. Clearly the effect of my guidance."

"You give yourself too much credit. Now stay out of my mind, sword," she spoke coolly. Souldrinker retreated, for now. The Atrisian made a note to read up on Serapis. Word was he had been searching for a way to fully subjugate the sword before dying rather unpleasantly.

It was at this moment that her comm device beeped. Putting the book aside, she walked to an adjacent room, where all sorts of technical stuff lay around. Pressing a button on the holographic projector, she established a connection. It was the number special clients used when they wanted to contact her. "Sumiko Tanaka, how can I help you?" Tone was clipped, polite, with a slight Atrisian accent.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"][member="Sumiko Tanaka"]

"If you say she knows things I'll take your word master," she said, giving a nod at his smile.

Sinya knew little of the Artisians and less about Dark Jedi. She hadn't pressed the connection to this woman much with Nantaris, trusting in his judgment was something she felt right doing. Plus this artifact had a moment with her back at the droid factory so she wasn't looking to make a wrong move.

She took a few deep breaths, calming any nerves before the call went through. She wasn't nervous about meeting new people, that was old hat, but this person seemed to give her master a little pause, which concerned her.

The comm activated, a holo appearing before them. A voice came through greeting them.

Glancing over at her master the lethan decided to start off the conversation, "I'm Sinya'olan here with Valiens Nantaris, we wondered if we could have a moment of your time." Her tone was a little stiff but calm and even.
[member="Sinya'olan"] [member="Sumiko Tanaka"]

“Ms Tanaka, Lady Kerrigan suggested that you might be able to assist with identifying and classifying items of a…hmm...Dark nature. My Apprentice and I found some Sith artefacts in an ancient Clone Wars era outpost, but I do not have skill or resources to identify them, so I was hoping you might be able to assist? We would of course compensate you for your time, either in person or by remote investigation. Finding someone to identify such items is hard unless one wishes to have a chat with a Darth and I assure you I do not.”

He nodded at Sinya in an encouraging way.
In the Darkness there is Truth
[member="Valiens Nantaris"], [member="Sinya'olan"]

Kerrigan, of course. Unlike some other characters this writer has, Sumiko did not hate the Countess. She was more like...indifferent to her. But Mirien seemed very fond of the woman, and that sort of made her like a distant cousin.

"Yes, the average Darth isn't particularly insightful these days and questioning them is rather messy," Sumiko commented dryly. "Your offer's acceptable. I will, of course, have to examine the items in person. I suggest Tygara as a meeting place." The planet had not been chosen out of any special fondness for the elves, but for tactical reasons. Sumiko knew that Kerrigan would not let her be attacked, but Tygara was still nominally Coalition territory.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"] [member="Sumiko Tanaka"]

(OOC: Sorry about the delay, school started up again)

The conversation seemed to be coming to a close, again Sinya glanced over at her master than spoke, "We will arrive there shortly," she said.

After the meeting had been arranged and communications ended she grinned at Nantaris, "She seems very...cold, and might I say you keep the company of more females than most club owners in Hutt space."

She followed him out, awaiting their arrival.
[member="Sinya'olan"] [member="Sumiko Tanaka"]
(Apologies for the delay)

“Tygara sounds perfect,” Nantaris commented and cut the link.

He looked at Sinya and tried to strike a hurt posture. “And what is that supposed to mean? Are you intimating that I am surrounded by pliant young women; because I’m not. I wish I was, but I’m not. Still, Eldorai with their ears…almost as good as lekku….”

He coughed. “Yeah, she’s an icy one. Still, she won’t try anything on Tygara. Let’s get going. We’ll take the Liberator. I need to get some add-ons anyway.”

And so off they went to Tygara, heading for the designated meeting spot on the Tirathana Skyport….
In the Darkness there is Truth
[member="Valiens Nantaris"], [member="Sinya'olan"]

The meeting spot turned out to be a suite on the Skyport. As the two Rogues presumably approached it, the door suddenly opened and a very beautiful female elf, who was rather scantily clad, left the room, though not before giving Sinya'olan a wink!

Sumiko followed in her wake, scrutinising the two newcomers. She wore a pendant around her neck, which in actuality was a hold-out bolter. Her eyes very briefly followed the delicate sways of the elf's lovely butt. "Master Nantaris, I presume. Come in." Tone was polite, but lacked warmth. Her Dark Side aura could be clearly felt. The suite was not particularly luxurious, but quite spacious and meant for someone who was well-off.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"][member="Sumiko Tanaka"]

The lethan grinned at the elf when she saw the wink, it wasn't long ago she was dancing and doing other sultry things to make a living and it wasn't so bad, minus the slavery and slimy Hutts.

She was walking slightly behind her master, holding the box that contained the object. She couldn't really sense the rod while it is in container so carrying it didn't cause her the same problems as it did in the droid factory.

She eyed their host as they closed in on her. She was quite attractive, or as some of the linguistically challenged had called Sinya while dancing "hot". A funny irony when compared to her icy tone.

Her master exchanged a greeting and they entered the suite. It was nice, plenty of space for a family.

"You have a nice place here," Sinya said, glancing around both resting her eyes on Sumiko. She was clearly giving off a Dark aura, making Sinya shake her head slightly to clear her thoughts.
[member="Sinya'olan"] [member="Sumiko Tanaka"]

“Indeed, and you are Sumiko,” he stated. “It’s good to see the Skyport is as nice as ever,” he said for forced conversation.

The woman’s Dark Side aura did not go unnoticed by Nantaris. It set his teeth on edge, but he remained calm and in control. If not a friend she was at least not their enemy.

Turning, he took the box from Sinya and laid it on the table before them.

“This is the item we recovered. Sith in origin, from what I can determine it’s Middle Empire, Dromund Kaas era. However, who made it and what it does I’ve not been able to determine. You will understand I have not been too willing to fiddle with it in case there is a trap of some kind.”

Not only was Sumiko more knowledgeable, if she triggered a trap…well…better her than him!
In the Darkness there is Truth
[member="Valiens Nantaris"], [member="Sinya'olan"]

Ironically, these days the Force-using contingent of Firemane, a company Nantaris sometimes worked alongside with, was dominated by darksiders. This included the corporation's director, Siobhan Kerrigan. It was like Dark Jedi Central and had power on both Arkas and Tygara. However, Sumiko was more malevolent than they were. So the Scotchman being wary was very understandable.

In any case the Atrisian walked over to examine the box after Nantaris set it down. The energies of the Dark Side radiated strongly from the crystal when she picked it up. She ran her fingers across the artefact almost reverently while she studied the symbols. The object was like a massive cup, filled with the power of the darkside rather than water. The energies were so strong that they were almost palpable.

"Yes, Middle Sith Empire. I estimate it was created prior to the Great Galactic War. Exquisite craftsmanship," Abruptly her hazel eyes turned obsidian, becoming wells of nothingness. She seemed to be communicating with the artefact through some arcane way. The researcher muttered a few words in Sithese while she ran her fingers over the crystal. Various images flashed through her mind and briefly the symbols on the artefact glowed a bright crimson. It seemed like she in a bit of a trance-like state.

Briefly she took her black eyes from the artefact and looked down on a heavy looking grimoire that lay on the table. Muttering a bit, she flipped some pages as if comparing notes before looking up again. A tingle could be felt in the Force as she focused upon the object. The dark presence inside the artefact called to her like a siren. She put it back down on the table and looked upon the two Rogue Jedi.

"As I suspected, it's a force battery. Meant to store Dark Side energies and discharge their power in battle. Such devices are not unusual, but its storage capacity is unusually potent. Hence why it must've been created by a powerful alchemist. Old blood magicks. You find so few people with actual talent in that field these days. This one is filled to the brim. The 'darkness' you feel must be an imprint of its creator's presence...and probably a few unlucky souls who were Force Drained to fill it up." That sounded like an unpleasant fate.
[member="Sumiko Tanaka"] [member="Sinya'olan"]

Nantaris winced slightly at her final words. The Sith were always so…vindictive with their items. If the Jedi were ineffective at times they at least weren’t so cruel.

“I see we came to the right person then,” Nantaris said with a nod. He proffered the box for her to return it to.

“Is there any indication of who made it? Are you able to tell when it was last used?”

He glanced at his Padawan, hoping she was not getting stressed by the dark influence in the room, or Sumiko’s black eyes. He gave her a reassuring smile.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"][member="Sumiko Tanaka"]

"A cup...of souls...wonderful," Sinya said, putting her hand on her head briefly, staving off the objects powerful influence. Her eyes flowed it, almost like she thought it would could to life and suck her in. She shook her head and bush one of her lekku a few times, a nervous habit she thought she had kicked, before settling back into the conversation.

She had to agree with her master, Sumiko indeed seemed the right person to bring this too and she nodded her agreement also.

Nantaris asked a few questions and the lethan added in, "We don't know how recent, but when we found the object it was...heavily...guarded and seemed to be the only thing that had been moved in the room it was located."
In the Darkness there is Truth
[member="Valiens Nantaris"], [member="Sinya'olan"]

"Since it's terribly valuable, it being heavily guarded is no surprise," Sumiko remarked flatly and put the cup of souls back into the box. "Judging from my readings, it may've been used as recently as four years ago. The imprint of essences is quite fresh. I will have to decipher some symbols and consult my sources to find out who created it." Sources such as a homicidal, sentient Sith sword. Perfect for an amoral ex-Inquisitor with a fascination for morbid artefacts.
[member="Sumiko Tanaka"] [member="Sinya'olan"]

Nantaris nodded. “I will contact [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] and let her know what we are doing. I’m sure she will make sure this room is available for you for as long as you need. I trust you won’t be needing to leave here with that to do your research?”

Last thing he wanted was for the Sith artefact to ‘vanish’. A talk with Siobhan would be productive in any case as he had not seen her for a while, and he was interested in getting some facilities at the Skyport for his group.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"][member="Sumiko Tanaka"]

Fresh imprints, which she took to meaning souls, made Sinya shake her head slightly. Such was the way of the Sith, but at least they were getting some information.

She had heard the name Siobhan Kerrigan in conversation on the ship and was also interested to meet new people, old habits from the dance floor she supposed.

"Sounds like a plan," she said.
In the Darkness there is Truth
[member="Sinya'olan"], [member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Sumiko cocked her head to the side slightly. "I'll be able to conduct my research from here. I'll just need to be undisturbed," she stated, tone as cool as ever. Truth be told, she could use an amulet similar to this one.

Just a litle bit less reliant on draining people. Not because she was morally squeamish. Force Drain was simply difficult to control and potentially addictive. In any case she'd have time to study it. Come to think of it, maybe she could put that crystal full of imprisoned spirits to good use. It had been gathering dust on a shelf. "Pass on my regards to Lady Kerrigan." She was indifferent to the Dark Master, but since Mirien was close to her her she counted as a distant cousin.
[member="Sinya'olan"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

After they left the room, Nantaris took Sinya aside and sat with her in a private spot.

“Padawan, I realise that experience might have been a little unsettling, and I apologise for that. Do you have any questions, or anything you want to say before we go and see Lady Kerrigan? Don’t be afraid, ask whatever you need to.”

He was genuinely concerned, and did want to make the girl feel like she was a part of things. It also would allow him to eventually broach the subject of the person they were meeting next…and her potential attempts to flirt with the young Twi’lek too!
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Her masters concern was welcoming, her rather quickly tossed into the fray sort of life had her reeling slightly but it wasn't something she couldn't deal with.

"Less my type then unsettling, but thank you for the ability to speak freely, I'm sure you won't regret that," she chided with a wink. "But honestly, who is this next person? Dare I hope that she is a bit more friendly?"

And...well..." she said a little unevenly, "that item worries me, it gets in my head. The power, I know it is the pull of the Dark...most likely mixed with my upbringing, but being around it is frightening to me."

Having masked fear or hate in the fighting pits or on the dance floor was simple, she had confidence in those arenas, she knew what to do and that she was better than anyone. Despite her growth with the Force, however, this was one opponent she was having trouble with.
In the Darkness there is Truth
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

While Jedi Master and Padawan had their sweet talk, Sumiko had other things to do. Heading over into her bedroom she fetched her sword, which had been coated in copious amounts of reshin to make it more difficult to sense its malevolent nature. As usual Souldrinker was a big ball of sunshine."Oh, so your Jedi friends have left, have they? Pity, it would've been a delight to carve up their flesh. In my time, Jedi and darksiders fought instead of being hippies."

"You were from an age when the Jedi didn't schism every week for petty reasons. The lines are so blurry these days," Sumiko said dryly. "Anyhow, as titillating as flaying them alive might have been, I need your assistance on some translations."

"You cannot do it yourself, so instead of putting in an actual effort you come to me! As if you could not find a better use for me." What a grumpy sword. Sumiko sighed a bit. "Yes, you're right. You probably couldn't be of any help anyway."

The sword seemed indignant. Reverse psychology for the win. "Mind your tongue, foolish girl. I suppose I will have to translate because if let alone, you will never get it done and I will be stuck on this dusty shelf."

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