Smiling after hearing her words, Veles did not even look at the woman, hiding the expression away from her. It definitely appeared the Jedi Knight believed in her words and did her best to follow the Jedi beliefs, which was actually a good thing, as it indicated there would be no need for the two to duel. Veles certainly appreciated this, believing intelligent and modern beings could solve their issues with words, not with weapons. And when the diplomacy failed, he was there to prevent the problem from spreading and causing more damage. A Sith Assassin, working as a precise tool of the Sith, a scalpel damaging the body to cut out the tumor and allow the body to heal. Rebels cells, terrorists, pirates, Jedi, Republic military and civilian personnel, corrupt Sith,... He had killed thousands in his life and had little doubt thousands more would join them in the Void. It did not bother him; when fighting in an actual battle, he had to prevent the enemy forces from slaying his comrades and friends, but when on his own, Veles had always eliminated his targets only, offering others who stood in his way a chance to surrender. Not a single innocent died by his hand, which he was quite proud of. It meant he was not a ruthless killing machine like so many others, Jedi and Sith alike. Never feeling bloodlust and taking no pleasure from taking lives, quite the opposite, he slept peacefully at night and could look at himself in the mirror.
The Mon Cal pondered about this [member="Corvus Raaf"]'s words for a bit before speaking up. He had studied the Jedi ways to know more of his enemies, only to find not many Jedi actually followed those. He had actually met only one such being; a certain Zeltron Jedi Healer. Would this Jedi, stranded in the desert with him, be one following the beliefs and not just repeating empty phrases?
"You know, Jedi," the Sith Lord started slowly, "I do not believe you understand what I stand for. Your ilk usually thinks the Sith stand for evil and have nothing better to do than to terrorize innocent citizens. Now, I understand where this perspective comes from. Events such as the one on Zeltross give the Sith a bad name, but please, try not to judge the whole Order based on the actions of few individuals who have clearly succumbed to insanity. Imagine that we actually want peace," Veles suggested, "Do not cite the first line of our code yet, I will get to that later."
"True Sith like myself kill people not because they want to, but because they have to. As I have already stated, we want nothing more than a peaceful galaxy. But there is a problem. A certain group full of zealots who believe they are the ultimate force of good, which gives them right to impose their will upon the galaxy and eliminate anyone they see as a threat, or for religious reasons. A group that wishes to exterminate the Sith and their followers." The Sith paused and let his words sink in. "Now, what choice do we have? What choice do I have? I cannot stand and watch as my people get killed and oppressed. You might argue the Sith were the ones to attack first, but you need to go deeper to see who truly started this pointless war. Your hate bred more hate. Your fear of the Dark Side was the thing that started this endless conflict thousands of years ago."
"The Dark Side. Just as you said, only the weak fall to it. A true Sith like myself who has never tasted the Light Side before starting his training cannot fall, which makes redemption impossible. A true Sith does not succumb to the Dark Side; he controls it, using it as a tool. Much like fire though, you have to be careful or you will get burned. That is what happens to the Jedi who embrace the Dark Side. Without knowing how to control it, it the sudden increase in power corrupts them and they give into the feelings and passions they have been repressing their entire lives. After a drastic decrease in intelligence and disappearance of any compassion, they become nothing more than insane, wild animals that need to be put down. They give into their basic instincts, those that lie in all of us. While you, Jedi, try to ignore them, we, Sith, face them and shackle them." Darth Veles sighed softly, the thing he was about to mention brought back very unpleasant memories and for amoment, he was overcome with sadness.
"Sith who rush through their training are vulnerable as well. A good friend of mine... she wanted more and more, until it was too late to save her. She became a monster...," the Sith said no more, stopping and turning to the Jedi.
"I hope that answers some of your questions. I apologize if my ramblings bored you."