As a preface to this character bio sheet, I would like to clear up a few things. This is the first character I ever created and roleplayed with when I first began a decade ago. This character has been my favorite thing in the world, and on the now non-existent forum I used to roleplay on before coming here, I must have spent thousands of hours developing him. Now that I have transferred over here, everything is being shaken up as I adapt to my new home amongst all you lovely people. I understand that me entering this story as a mere drop compared to the vast ocean that is Chaos as a character that may be seen as overpowered will not be taken well.
As I change and adjust my character to better fit into this environment, I can only hope you guys can bear with me as a drop in this ocean that will develop into a large and diverse ocean myself, rather than another oil spill.

| Revan Reborn |
"Savior, conqueror, hero, villain. You are all things, Revan... and yet you are nothing. In the end, you belong to neither the light nor the darkness. You will forever stand alone." - Darth Malak to the Revan
{ \ Information / }
{ \ Social Information / }
{ \ Name / }
Enix (Unknown)
Enix Shan (True Name) (Unknown)
{ \ Alias / }
Revan Reborn (Primary)
Darth Revan (Sith Moniker) (Formerly) (Adopted)
Revan the Butcher (Adopted)
Dread Master Revan (Adopted)
The Master
{ \ Current Titles / }
the Revanchist (God of the Revanites)
{ \ Former Titles / }
Dark Lord of the Sith (One Sith)
Sith Emperor (Revan's Empire) (Adopted)
Jedi Master (Jedi Order)
{ \ Faction / }
the Revanites (Leader)
Order of Revan (Leader)
{ \ Rank / }
The Revan (the Revanites) (Leader)
The Master (Order of Revan) (Leader)
{ \ Homeworld / }
Tatooine (Original)
{ \ Sexual Orientation / } Bisexual
{ \ Marital Status / } Unmarried
{ \ Voice Sample / }
{ \ Physical Information / }
{ \ Species / } Human
{ \ Age / }
{ \ Biological / } 30
{ \ Gender / } Male
{ \ Height / }
200cm / 2m / 6'7" (Normal)
205cm / 2.05m / 6'9" (In Armour)
{ \ Weight / }
118.8 kg (Normal)
{ \ Eye Colour / } Glowing Bright Purple
{ \ Hair / } Dark Brown
{ \ Skin / } Human
{ \ Marks and Scars / }
Revanite Back Tattoo
Sith Left Hand Tattoo
Mandalorian Upper Right Arm Tattoo
Left Cheek Facial Burn Scar
Various Other Facial Cuts, Scars, and Scratches
Dozens of wound scars all over his body, from lightsabers, vibroblades, and blasters
{ \ Force Information / }
{ \ Force Sensitivity / } Extreme
{ \ Force Rank / } Master
{ \ Force Alignment / } Revanite
Enix, known as Revan or Revan Reborn, is an interesting person to look at, to say the least. Within his armor, modeled after that of Revan, he is a mystic and terrifying beast, adorned with all kinds of religious markings, Sith, Jedi, and Revanite in origin. Lightsabers of fallen foes dangle from his belt as he walks, as his cloak bellows behind him. His voice synthesizer gives nothing to his voice but terror and intimidation, striking fear into the hardest of men. At his height, he looms over most of his species, giving more to his commanding and authoritative presence and appearance.
Underneath the mask is a different story, however. His hair is a natural dark brown, cut short. He trims his facial hair often, although he still maintains a good amount of it. His powerful jawline and articulated cheekbones add to his powerful but feminine beauty. His eyes glow a Bright Purple, from his mastery of the Dark Side of the Force and the Light, although he can easily hide them. His face is marked by many scars and burns from a thousand battles, each telling another tale of a victory or defeat.
Beneath his neck, Enix makes an effort to ensure he is not bear-like in hair from his chest and below, although he does still have a good amount of it. Enix carries broad shoulders, sitting atop his extremely toned and muscular body, but still being lean and sleek.
{ \ Personality / }
The personality of Enix is based in his charisma and intelligence and shaped by the spirits of his ancestors who he has maintained a powerful force connection to. As a young Jedi and padawan to his master, Enix was recognized as perhaps the smartest child that they'd had among their ranks for a while. Not to mention his charisma, easily understanding and picking up jokes he overheard the elder Jedi speaking amongst themselves, translating it to words his fellow young Jedi would understand, and retelling it to them, earning a reputation among the young Jedi as the funniest among them.
As the young Jedi grew older and fought in many battles against the Empires that had sprung up to threaten the galaxy, he would quickly develop into one of the brightest Jedi commanders among them, winning many battles that, while having little impact, were against nigh-insurmountable odds. Quickly earning his place as a Knight and then Master, Enix could be marked, much like his ancestor Revan, as the Prodigal Knight of his own time, earning a large following of Knights, Padawans, and even Masters who he lead into battle.
As a Sith, Enix would experience a radical change, as the culture shock of his sudden changing of sides hit him. Being brainwashed and tortured into his life as a Sith, Enix would have his first experience with truly traumatic events, something that would remain with him for the rest of his life. The freedom that he experienced as a Sith was far different from what he envisioned it to be. Finding himself participating in many debaucherous and rabid parties, fueled by the emotions of the partygoers, Enix would fully be seduced by the 'freedom' that the Dark Side of the Force provided to him.
After a short glimpse of the future provided to him by the Force, Enix would slay his Sith master and wander the galaxy as Revan. It was during this time that Enix came to his current state, almost like a calm eye amongst a storm of hate, finally feeling true freedom. As a Sith, the 'freedom' he experienced was merely an illusion, the trappings of the Dark Side forcing you to embrace false parties and sham plays, illusions of grandeur, all while grounding you to forever serve as a puppet and pawn of the Dark Side, merely false strings of freedom. Now, Revan finds freedom through one thing: knowledge.