As the shuttle touched down on the imperial capital Colton and other recruits were quickly and efficiently moved off the shuttle into a rough formation at the landing pad and just quickly and efficiently loaded onto ground transports after several hours of passing through the city and the county side they arrived at the imperial military academy, were they we again offloaded into a rough formation and the academy comandante addressed them.
“Citizens of the Empire, today you begin a glorious journey you have made the choice to serve the Empire in its armed forces, you come to form different backgrounds, and will take different paths in your service, you made this choice for your own reason whatever they may have been. Starting today you will begin a series of tests, trials, and training to find out what role you are best suited for, it may not be the role you hoped for but it is the one the Empire needs you in. I salute you now for you are the shield that protects, and the fist that delivers horrible and swift retribution. When you graduate from here you be soldiers, pilots, officers, or Marines may you bring honor and glory to yourself, your family, and the empire!” the man spoke with such fervor and invigoration that it gave Colton chills.
As he finished speaking the drill instructors took over quickly marching them into a large auditorium where they began their aptitude test.

As the shuttle touched down on the imperial capital Colton and other recruits were quickly and efficiently moved off the shuttle into a rough formation at the landing pad and just quickly and efficiently loaded onto ground transports after several hours of passing through the city and the county side they arrived at the imperial military academy, were they we again offloaded into a rough formation and the academy comandante addressed them.
“Citizens of the Empire, today you begin a glorious journey you have made the choice to serve the Empire in its armed forces, you come to form different backgrounds, and will take different paths in your service, you made this choice for your own reason whatever they may have been. Starting today you will begin a series of tests, trials, and training to find out what role you are best suited for, it may not be the role you hoped for but it is the one the Empire needs you in. I salute you now for you are the shield that protects, and the fist that delivers horrible and swift retribution. When you graduate from here you be soldiers, pilots, officers, or Marines may you bring honor and glory to yourself, your family, and the empire!” the man spoke with such fervor and invigoration that it gave Colton chills.
As he finished speaking the drill instructors took over quickly marching them into a large auditorium where they began their aptitude test.