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Codex Denied Enochian

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Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member


  • Provide the writers of Chaos with a unique Avian-Mammalian species for Player Characters, NPCs, and all manner of stories as well as flesh out the matching Enoch planet submission

Image Credit:
  • Image - [HERE]

Canon: N/a
Permissions: N/a


Name: Enochian
Designation: Sentient
Origins: Enoch

Average Lifespan:
  • 70 Standard Years
Estimated Population:
  • Planetary

Description: [ Provide a short paragraph that describes this species at a glance. More in-depth descriptions can be added in distinctions below. ]


Breathes: Type I Atmosphere
Average Height of Adults: 1.82m
Average Length of Adults: N/a

Skin color:
  • Enochian skin color varies depending on the location on Enoch in which the individual was born. Those closer to the equatorial band of the planet tend to have darker skin tones, while those closer to the Nothern and Southern Poles tend to have lighter skin tones. Those born between the two often have a range of skin colors from dark to tanned tones.

Hair color:
  • Enochian hair color varies; though it is limited between shades of Blonde, Red, and Black, with older members of the species often sporting silver-gray coloration in both their hair and feathers.

  • Beaked Mouths:
    • Placeholder

  • Taloned Fingers:
    • Placeholder

  • Feathers:
    • A high noticeable feature of the Enochians is their brilliantly colored plumage; which often ranges between contrasting colors that often differ due to the sex of the individual. Most males retain a Flame-Orange and Black color scheme, while most females of the species have a yellow and black color scheme. While the feathers are more prominent in certain areas and match lengths, thickness, and similar features of larger avians, in other areas - specifically closer to their genitalia - the feathers are often softer and fine such as down feathers. The feathers themselves also cover the mammalian genitalia, though it is not unheard of to see Enochians foregoing clothing as the fabric tends to ruffle and chaff their feathers leading to discomfort.

  • Mammalian Features:
    • Enochians are born with a mixture of avian and mammalian features; with the more prominent mammalian features being their bipedal stance, limbs that terminate in five-digit appendages, and humanoid forms. Likewise, the species genitalia is mammalian, rather than avian, however, they still produce eggs when giving birth.

  • Solid Eye Color:
    • While the species skin and hair color tends to vary, all Enochians share a strikingly solid, white eye color with no discernible iris or pupil - however, they are still more than capable of seeing in the normal visual spectrum as many other species are capable.

  • Igrians:
    • Named after the moon on which they dwell - Igri - they are the only known extraterrestrial colonial gathering of the Enochians outside of their dwellings on the planet Enoch. The Igrians' culture is more nomadic and warlike than the Enochians. They focus on martial prowess, both through the use of fighting forms that favor their lightweight frames, as well as through the use of the Force to further enhance their capabilities. The Igrians originated on Enoch among the Archons; with a strong belief in Self-Defense over strict Pacifism - eventually deciding to leave Enoch and settle on Igri to develop their own culture and beliefs.

Force Sensitivity:
  • Low


  • Taloned Fingers:
    • Placeholder

  • Gliders:
    • Placeholder

  • Low Gestation Period
    • Placeholder

  • Melodic Voice
    • Placeholder


  • Hollow Bones:
    • Placeholder

  • High Gravity Worlds:
    • The species' physiological structure - specifically their hollow bones - means that they have difficulty being active on high gravity worlds without special compensations or suits. Were an Enochian forced to journey onto a planet with higher than standard gravity, they would be in immense discomfort, with the possibility of their bones being broken beneath the strain of the higher gravity pulling down on their bodies. If kept on a world without special means to ensure their safety and survival, the potential of death via being crushed by gravity, is a high likelihood.

  • Low Birth Rate:
    • Placeholder

  • Incapable of Speech:
    • The unique physiological makeup of the species' oral cavity and esophagus has left them incapable of producing vocal structures capable of speech as we know it - much like how Wookiees are incapable of speaking Galactic Basic. Rather, the species 'speak' in a series of twitters, whistles, chirps, and clicks.


  • Omnivore
    • While the bulk of the Enochian diet is predominately fruits, nuts, berries, and some grains; they are often supplemented with farm-grown proteins, such as grubs, worms, and other smaller rodent species similar to mice, voles, and hamsters. This has caused some confusion and accidental misunderstandings when the Enochians have had dealings with species sharing similar features as their protein foodstuffs.

  • Written Enochian:
    • The written Enochian language resembles a series of rapid strokes that often begin with a broad section and terminate in a fine or often thin point. Unlike other languages, a symbol in the Enochian written script can represent a singular letter, as well as a simple or complex thought or idea. For example, the Enochian symbol for 'A' when utilized with multiple symbols, when written alone - without a symbol immediately preceding or following - often represents the simple thought idea for 'home', or the more complex thought idea for 'tribe' or 'dynastic dwelling'.

  • Verbal Enochian:
    • The vocalized Enochian language is a series of twitters, chirps, songs, whistles, and clicks. They are incapable of speaking other languages, as the structure of their oral cavity and esophagus prevents them from being capable of producing speech. The language is also bolstered through the use of pheromones, often used to assist in projecting feelings such as contentment, anger, joy, or sadness; as well as subtle movements of the body and feathers.

Technology level:
  • Information
    • [ Describe their societal technology level if it differs from Galactic Standard. ]
  • Force Sect - The Archons
    • Placeholder

  • Pacifism
    • Placeholder

General behavior:
  • Describe general behaviors such as: family life, values, how they raise their young, how they find mates, how they interact with the world and other species around them. Do they hunt? Do they build? Are they inventors? Are they explorers? Are they nocturnal or diurnal? Do they attend schools? Etc, etc. ]


[ Include a description of the species history here. If your species is genetically engineered or Sithspawn please describe the process through which they were created, by who, and why. Explain the various challenges encountered during their creation. Most galactic species will be quite old - include major events relevant to the species in how they evolved and developed into what they are today where appropriate. Including Chaos canon events, where they impacted the history of this species, is a plus. ]
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Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
Srina Talon Srina Talon

I am

Between going back to work, the Invasion, and other factors, its been hard to get more progress going. I'll be working on this over the next few days and should hopefully have it ready by the end of the week.

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
Srina Talon Srina Talon

We can archive this for the moment.

Between everything happening at work, the Invasions, and just general lack of proper headspace, I'm having difficulty cobbling together the muse to get this done and don't want to clog the Pre-Codex with it just sitting here.

Thank you
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