Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Enos

FACTION: None atm

RANK:Street rat

SPECIES: Cyborg/ human

AGE: 17

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 5feet 10 inches


EYES: Bright blue

HAIR: Dirty blond

SKIN: Pale

FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes (although never seen a jedi or had any training. )


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

-To trusting: He has met many cute twi'leks and dancers that his philosophy has become "how can someone that pretty be a bad thing?"

- No training: Although he is force sensitive he does not know how to use it or what it even is! Sometimes it comes out with a strange feeling (followed by something bad) Or a burst his anger that causes the ground to shake.

-Malfunction: Enos is poor. His family did all they could to give him his leg back but all they could afford was a cheap robotic enhancement. Or RE brand. His RE will constantly go stiff and seize up making it hard to maneuver when caught in a chase.

+Flirty: Even though he will trust you right off the bat he does his best to make sure attraction goes both ways. This has caused some dancers to second guess themselves before stealing his credits.

+Parkour: Although he is by no means a jango jumper, he can jump across and on top of most of the buildings on Nar Shadda. He can see where to move when being chased and he can "sense" when there is trouble around him while doing this.

if you ever saw Enos you would have guessed his skin had never seen the sun. Living on Nar Shadda tends to do that to you. He however has a large build that makes him look much older then he really is. His long dirty blond hair is slicked to the right side over the shaved sides of his head. But it is his special colored eyes that makes people think he is handsome.

His clothes are usually very clean and well kept. (He takes pride in his laundry skills) However he rarely finds time to shower living off of scraps and whatever con job he can get his hands on. He prides himself too much to shower with gutter water. The most notable thing he wears is an expensive blue scarf with a white symbol on the end (his family crest)

His family came to Nar Shadda after the unrest in political views and beliefs on Naboo. During their voyage the shuttled was a attacked by pirates. Out of fear and overwhelming emotions a burst of energy flowed out of young Enos sending most of the pirates to the walls with a crack of broken bones. The one that survived shot at Enos. Although he couldn't remember it this was the day he lost his leg. The blaster bolt hit his leg sending a shock of pain through his body. Then suddenly he stumbled over. He looked down. And there was nothing where he leg once was. He doesn't remember it. But he is contently reminded every time he looks down

Because of his wealthy parents he got the best medical operation possible on Nar Shadda. Yet this drove their wealth into the ground. By the time he could leave the med center his parents couldn't afford a good cybernetic leg. They however loved their young son and bought him the best one they could. It was RE brand which was notorious for having the worst malfunctions and glitches in the galaxy. However Enos loved his parents and so long as he was with them then he was happy.

Their came a point however where Enos would be without his family. His father was a stoic man who was great with a blaster. He stood up to thugs and gangsters no matter the amount of men he shot dead or brawled with until they gave up or passed out. He began to be know as "the people's ruler" which caused the government of Nar Shadda to despise him and his family. One day when Enos was 9 men came to his house and grabbed his father and took him out on the street. They were shouting about something. Enos followed and watched in horror the events that unfolded. "If anyone comes forwards and tells me this man is their ruler then he is spared." Said a large man brandishing his large blaster. But no one did. He asked again. But no one came. Then the man shot his father dead. As Enos stood their in unbelief at the cowardliness of himself and his people.

Because of this Enos began to hate the people of this planet. So when he would steal from them he felt no guilt. This became his life. Stealing for his life. His mother had no job and eventually became a dancer at a cantina where she would drink to forget. She eventually married a patron and decided it was best for her to forget her past. And her son.

On his own now he steals and flirts with any cute dancer girls he can. Know that he doesn't have anything holding him back he has once goal in mind. To find out what his gift is and if he can use it to avenge his father.

DH-17 (bad condition)
Vibroblade (sharp)

(Hopefully some soon.)

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